On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'hea?'

hea? - where?

kei hea? - where is?

pēwhea? - how? in what way?

ēhea? - which (plural)?

no hea? - from where?

āhea? - when? (future time)

ēwhea? - which? (plural)

inahea? - when? (of the past)

inawhea? - when? (of the past)

kei whea? - where?

nō whea? - from where?

nōnahea? - when? (used of the past)

nōnawhea? - when? (used of the past)

hea? - how? in what way?

hea? - which? (singular)

tēwhea? - which? (singular)

āwhea? - when? (future time)

E haere ana koe ki hea?
Where are you going now?
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

When? (in the future)
When? (in the future) - Āwhea? Āhea?

Kei te pēhea? Heoi anō, ko taua āhua anō.
How are you? Oh well, just the same.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō

I hea?
Where was?
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kua hoki mai koe i hea?
From where have you returned?
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i

I pakeke tō whaea i hea?
Where did your mum grow up?
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea

Ko tēhea?
Which - Ko tēhea?

Kei hea?
Where is? Where will be?
Future locatives - kei te

When? (in the past)
Asking 'when was?' When did something happen? - Nōnahea, inahea

Kei hea?

I whānau mai koe i hea?
Where were you born?

I pakeke ake koe i hea?
Where did you grow up?

Āe rā, kia haere tāua ki hea?
Yes! Where shall we go?

Kei te haere koe ki hea?
Where are you going?

kei hea?


I pakeke koe i hea?
Where did you grow up?

I pakeke tō hoa i hea?
Where did your friend grow up?

I pakeke tō pāpā i hea?
Where did your dad grow up?

I pakeke ō kaumātua i hea?
Where did your grandparents grow up?

Ki hea?

Ka haere ia ki hea?
To where is he going?

I pakeke ake tō tāne i hea?
Where did your hubby grow up?

I whakatā au. Me koe? I haere koe ki hea?
I relaxed. And you? Where did you go?

I whānau mai tō māmā i hea?
Where was your mum born?

Kei te haere koe ki whea?
Where are you going?

Kei te haere tāua ki hea?
Where are we going?

Kei te haere ngā tamariki ki hea?
Where are the children going?

Kei te haere ngā kurī ki hea?
Where are we two going?

Tēnā koe; kei te pēhea?
Hello, how is it?

Kia ora; pēhea?
Hi, how's it?

Kei te haere tāua ki hea?
Where are you and I going?

Kei te haere rāua ki hea?
Towards where are those two going?

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