On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'kāreti'

kāreti - carrot

hikareti - cigarettes

Kua haere ia ki te toa ki te hoko hikareti.
She's gone to the store to buy cigarattes.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kia haurua kapu kongakonga tiakareti.
(Let there be) half of cup of chocolate chips
Let there be... - kia...

Me mahi tiakareti wera, me te ruirui anō i ngā maihimero ki runga.
Make a hot chocolate and sprinkle marshmallows on top.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō

Haurua kapu o te tiakareti.
Half a cup of chocolate.


Kua kai hikareti ia?
Have she ever smoked?

Ka mate koe i te kai hikareti.
You will become dead/sick by smoking.

Kāore ahau e pai ana ki te kai hikareti.
I do not like smoking cigarettes.

Kore tonu ia e kai hikareti i ngā pō.
He never smoked in the evenings.

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