On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'kōwhai'

kōwhai - yellow; a native tree

kōwhaiwhai - patterns

E pīrangi ana koe ki tēnei tī hāte kōwhai?
Are you wanting this yellow t-shirt?
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

I pou māua i ētahi rākau māori: he tōtara, he tarata, he kōwhai hoki.
We planted some native trees: tōtara, tarata and kōwhai.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

He kōwhai tērā rākou.
That tree is a kōwhai.
That (over there) - tērā

He kōwhai te rā.
The sun is yellow.

Kei te mau ia i tētahi pōtae kākāriki, i tētahi poraka kōwhai, i tētahi tarau poto me ētahi hū kikorangi hoki.
She is wearing a green hat, yellow jersey, red shorts and blue shoes.

He pāpura, he kōwhai hoki tōna tarau.
Her trousers and brown and yellow.

He kōwhai te rā.
The sun is yellow.

He kōwhai tērā rakau.
That tree is a kōwhai.

He ātaahua ngā putiputi kōwhai.
The yellow flowers are pretty.

He kōwhai tana pōtae.
Her hat is yellow.

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