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Results for 'kino'

kino - bad

pukukino - grumpy

kino ake - worse

takakino - act hurriedly; to abuse; to debase; to spoil

kino - abuse; wicked

tarukino - illegal drugs, cannabis

Tino kino te hēhē! - It was a big disappointment.

Tino kino te pai! - Too much!

Kua kino kē ngā piropiro. - In a foul mood.

Ehara tēnei i te ara kino.
This is not a bad road.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara ēnei i te ara kikino.
These are not bad roads.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Whakaorangia mātou i te kino.
Deliver us from evil.
Sentences with i - i

Nō te tau 1918 te rewharewha kino.
The deadly influenza struck in 1918.
Belonging to the past - nō

Kaua e kino ki a ia.
Don't be bad to him.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

He mate kino i pā ohorere ki ōna roro, nō hea e taea te whakaora.
A serious condition struck her brain without warning, and there was no hope of saving her.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea

Ka kite mai a Rangi-uru-hinga, he taniwha tēnei kei Moana-ariki e noho ana, i te kino o te mahi a Kupe ki a Hotu.
Rangi-uru-hinga, who was a taniwha living in Moana-ariki, saw the wickedness of Kupu's treatment of Hotu.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

He kino ēnā kurī.
Those dogs are bad.
Categorizing sentences - he

He kino tāna kōrero.
What he says is bad.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

He ara kino tērā?
Is that a bad road?
That (over there) - tērā

Te kino hoki!
How terrible!
How... - Te... hoki...

He kino ēnei.
These are bad.

He kino ēnei inu.
These drinks are bad.

He tino kino ngā whakangungutanga.
The training sucks.

Kino pēhea nei?
Bad in what way?

I tūkino he tangata i tēnei tamaiti.
A man abused this child.

Ka kōrero mai a Hotunui ki te kino o tōna iwi e noho nei ia.
Hotunui spoke about how bad the people were that he was living among.

Kino pēwhea nei?
Bad in what way?

He kino tō maremare.
That's a bad cough.

Kua pakaru te kapu i te tangata kino.
The cup has been broken by the bad man.

Ka kino tērā.
That is bad.

Ka kino kē tērā.
That is worse.

Ka kino rawa tērā.
That is awful.

He kino kē koe!
You are too much!

Ka kino kē!
How wicked!

Ka kino kē.
Wicked, that's bad as.

He kino tēnei kurī.
This dog is bad.

He tangata i pai, he tangata i kino ki te mahi a Ponga.
Some said Ponga's action was good, and some said it was bad.

Nāwai rā i pai te tiki, kua kino.
For some time, all went well with the fetching, then it got bad.

Ka kino tō mahi.
Your are doing wrong.

Tino kino te pai!
Awesome! (It's so bad it's great!).

Tino kino ngā pōkākā i te ata.
The morning squalls were awful.

E mea ana ētahi he mahi kino te whawhe ira kararehe, hua rānei, ko ētahi e mea ana he pai.
Some say that genetic engineering of animals and food plants is a bad thing, others that it is good.

He ara kino tēnei.
This is a bad road.

He ara kikino ēnei.
These are bad roads.

Pū! Te kino hoki!
Poo! How bad!

He tino kino tēnei pahi!
This bus is really terrible.

He kino te āhua o tēnei tarau.
These pants look bad.

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