On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'pūtu'

putu - to heap up; a heap, pile

pūtu - boot

whakaputu - savings

kamupūtu - gumboot

pūtūmua - joiner; particle/preposition

pūtūmua wā (i) - time preposition [at, in, during]

pūtūmua wāhi (ki) - locative preposition (to, at)

pūtūmua tūmahi (i/ki) - verb-object preposition

pūtūmua pūtake (i) - cause preposition (by, because of)

pūtūmua taputapu (ki) - object/tool preposition (with)

pūtūmua mahi (ki te, kia) - verb/action preposition (to do)

kuputuhi - text message

Kei raro au e putu ana - I’m under in a heap (really worn out!)

mātāpuputu - the elderly

Kei raro ia i te rākau e putu ana.
He is under the tree in a heap (tired).

Kei raro te toa o Te Kaha e putu ana.
The Te Kaha champion is spread out on the ground.

Waiho ō kamuputu paru ki waho.
Leave your dirty gumboots outside.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Kāore au i kite i te wai i te papa. Haere atu ana au, mea ake kei raro e putu ana.
I didn't see the water on the floor. I was walking along, all of a sudden I'm in a heap on the floor.
All of a sudden - Mea ake

Kei hea ō koutou kamapūtu, tamariki mā?
Where are your gumboots, children?
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Tātou ka mahi i te tawa kia rua rau putu te roa.
Let us make a tower 200 feet high.

He pai ake te tī amiami i te tī kamuputu.
Herbal tea is better than gumboot tea.

Haere mai, tangohia ō kamupūtu, whakamaua ō tōkena.
Come here, take your gumboots off and put on your socks.

Kei hea ō kamupūtu?
Where are your gumboots?

Kei te kāinga ōku kamupūtu.
My gumboots are at home.

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