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Results for 'pata'

pata - butter

pātai - question; to ask a question

pata - cupboard

pātata - close (of distance)

pātara - bottle

pīnati pata - peanut butter

pata kākahu - wardrobe

papatahi - flat

papatākaro - playing field, playground

pātanga - rate, speed

papataunga - runway

pata kai - cereal

patahinu - margarine

patahua - muesli

pātaia - (pass) be asked; be questioned

pātaka - elevated storehouse; pantry

pātangatanga - starfish

patapata - drip; drop

patapatai - question frequently

pātari - amuse; entice; provoke

pata - leopard

tapatapahi - cut in pieces

huapata - cereal

pātara wai - waterbottle

Kia tapatahi! - Be fair, principled!

pātai - interrogative

patapata - be spotted, flecked

Ehara! Mōhio au ki te pātai, kāore au i te mōhio ki te whakautu!
On the contrary! I know the question, I don't know the answer!
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Kei te hui a Rama rāua ko Pita ki te pātaka kōrero.
Rama and Pita are meeting in the library.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

E hui ana a Rama rāua ko Pita ki te pātaka kōrero.
Rama and Pita are meeting in the library.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

Kei te pata au i te tōhi mā te parakuihi.
I'm buttering the toast for breakfast.
Sentences with i - i

Kei roto i te kāpata te pukapuka e rapu ana ia.
The book he was looking for was in the cupboard.

Hei aha te pata kē, tīkina te pata tūturu.
Never mind the margarine, get the real butter.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@

Hei aha te pata.
Never mind the butter.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@

Nāku te pukapuka hītori i pānui i te Pātaka Kōrero.
I read the history book in the library.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nāku te pātai i pātai.
It was me who asked the question.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Pāwhiritia te tohu tīwhiri ka whakautu ai i te pātai.
Click the clue symbol in each box to reveal the question.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Pataina tr parāoa.
Butter the bread.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Homai koa te pata.
Pass me the butter please.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Homai te pata.
Pass me the butter.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Homai tōna pātara.
Pass me his bottle.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Kaua koe e pātai mai.
You shouldn't ask me.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...

Kua tata kī te pātara.
The bottle is almost full.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...

I pātaitia au.
I was questioned.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E tapatapahia ana ngā aniana e ia.
The onions are being diced by him.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I topea te rākau e Rōpata.
The tree was cut by Bob.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E tapatapahia ana ngā aniana e ia.
The onions are being diced by him.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E ai ki tā rātou, ko Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū tētahi anō ingoa mō Horomaka.
According to them, Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū is another name for Banks Peninsula.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā

Kei toro i te kāpata.
In the cupboard.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Ka taea e Hēmi te pātai te whakautu.
Hēmi is able to answer the question.
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Ka taea e koe te whakautu i taku pātai?
Can you answer my question?
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Kāo, kāore e taea e au te whakautu i tō pātai.
No, I can't answer your question.
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Kei te kāpata te paraoa.
The bread is in the cupboard.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei te kāpata.
In the cupboard.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei te kāpata te huka.
The sugar's in the cupboard.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei te kāpata te puruma.
The broom's in the cupboard.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kāore au i te mōhio he aha he pātai māku.
I don't know what to ask.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore koe i te mōhio ki taku pātai?
You don't know my question?
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Ka kiriweti ia ki ngā mahi whakapātaritari a tōna tungāne.
She gets annoyed with the teasing antics of her brother.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

He pātai ā kōrua?
Do you two have any questions?
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

He pātai tā kōrua?
Do you two have a question?
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

He pātai tā koutou?
Do you have a question?
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Kāore ō pātai?
Don't you have any questions?
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore āku pātai.
I don't have any questions.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore āku pātara wai.
I don't have a water bottle.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

He pātai tāku.
I have a question.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He pātai tāu?
Do you have a question?
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He pātai ā koutou?
Do you have any questions?
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He aha kei roto i te kāpata?
What's in the cupboard?
What? - He aha?

He pātai pai tēnā.
That's a good question.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

He pātai pai tēnā.
That's a good question.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

Ka haere tātou ki te papatākaro ā tērā wiki.
We will go to the playground next week.
Last week, last month, last year - tērā

Kei te hui a Hera rāua ko Nikau ki te pātaka kōrero.
Hera and Nikau are meeting in the library.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Kei te oma a Mere rātou ko Hariata, ko Matiu, ko Ropata.
Mere, Hariata, Matiu and Ropata are running.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Pātai atu ki te kaihoko mō te utu.
Ask the salesperson for the price.
Away - atu

Pātai atu ki te pirihimana.
Ask the police officer.
Away - atu

Pātai atu ki a Matua Kūkara.
Ask Uncle Google.
Away - atu

Pātai atu ki te kaihoko mō te utu.
Ask the salesperson for the price.
Away - atu

He pai te tāwara o te pata heihei ki a au.
I like the flavour of butter chicken.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

Kāore e taea e Mia te pātai te whakautu.
Mia is unable to answer the question.
To be unable - Kāore... taea...

I a Spongebob rāua ko Patariki e tītoitoi ana i te Krusty Krab ka pararē a Squidward ki a rāua.
While Spongebob and Patrick were goofing off at the Krusty Krab, Squidward yelled at them.
While... - i... e... ana, ka...

Pataina te parāoa ki tre naihi kaua ki te pune iti.
Butter the bread with a knife, not a teaspoon.
Not to, not with, not against - ...kaua ki...

Kāore he pātai.
There aren't any questions.

Tōia te ingoa o te tangata ki te pouaka e hāngai ana ki te pātai.
Drag the name of the person to the box who fits the description.

Pātai ki a ia!
Ask him/her!

Me whakautu ēnei pātai ki te reo Māori.
These questions are to be answered in Māori.

Whakautua ngā pātai i roto i te reo Māori.
Answer the questions in Māori.

Pātai atu ki te pirihimana.
Ask the police officer.

Whakarewa i te pata.
Melt the butter.

I pātai au.
I asked.

I pātaitia e au.
It was asked by me.

Kotahi rau karamu o te pata.
100 grams of butter.

Ētahi pātai.
Some questions.

Pātai ki a ia!
Ask him/her!

He pātai anō?
Any other questions?

Kua mārama koe ki te pātai?
Have you understood the question?

He kaha a Tīwana ki tana whiu pātai nanakia me te whakapātaritari i tōna tuahine me tōna kuikui.
Tīwana is good at asking tricky questions and teasing her sister and grandmother.

Pātai atu ki ngā tāngata kei te aha rātou.
Ask the people what they are doing.

He taone papatahi a Papaioea.
Palmerston North is a flat city.

Whakautua ngā pātai.
Answer the questions.

Nāku te pātai i pātai.
It was me who asked the question.

He pātai tōu koutou?
Do you (3 or more) have a question?

Whakahokia ō kākahu ki te kāpata.
Can you put your clothes away?

parāoa me te pata.
bread and butter.

Ka nui ngā toenga mīti kei roto i te kāpata.
There is a lot of leftover meat in the cupboard.

Kei te pātai ia ki a Aria, 'He aha tēnei?'
He is asking Aria, 'What is this?'.

Tēnā koe i tō pātai mai.
Thanks for you asking me.

Ka karanga a Rāpata ki a au kia tū.
Rapata called to me to stand.

He tūpara tā Rōpata,.
pata has a shotgun.

E āwhina koe ahau i a Ari.
You are helping Ari.

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