On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'tarau'

tarau - trousers

tarau poto - shorts

atarau - moonlight

tarau tāngari - jeans

taraute - trout

Me kuhu anō tō tarau.
Let's put your pants back on.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me whakamau i tō tarau.
Let's put your trousers on.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Homai ngā tarau.
Pass me the trousers.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Mehemea ka hoko au i tēnei tarau, ka pau aku moni.
If I buy this shirt, I'll have no money.
If (using mehemea) - mehemea, mehe, mēnā

Kei te mau ia i tētahi pōtae kākāriki, i tētahi poraka kōwhai, i tētahi tarau poto me ētahi hū kikorangi hoki.
She is wearing a green hat, yellow jersey, red shorts and blue shoes.

He pāpura, he kōwhai hoki tōna tarau.
Her trousers and brown and yellow.


Tangohia ngā tarau.
Remove the pants.

Tangohia tō tarau.
Remove your pants.

Whakamaua ō tarau.
Put on your pants.

Kei hea taku tarau?
Where's my pants?

whakamaua ōna tarau
put on his pants

He nui rawa tēnei tarau.
These pants are too big.

Nōna tēnei tarau poto.
These shorts are his.

He kikorangi tana tarau.
His trousers are blue.

Kei hea ōku tarau?
Where are my trousers?

He kino te āhua o tēnei tarau.
These pants look bad.

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