On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'utu'

utu - cost, price; to pay for

hei - at, in, with, for, to, as a; hay; necklace (Various meanings, eg future preposition)

mutu - be ended, finished (but not necessarily completed)

whakautu - to reply, to respond, answer

mutunga - end (mutu + noun ending -nga)

tūturu - fixed, permanent, definite; to be true, real, original

ngutu - lip, lips

whakamutunga - ending, conclusion (whakamutu + nominal suffix -nga)

whutupōro - football, rugby

tukutuku - spider web

putu - to heap up; a heap, pile

rutu - bump, throw down, tackle

hutupōro - rugby ball

hautu - mischievous

irāmutu - niece, nephew

kāri utu-ā-hiko - eftpos card

mutunga wiki - weekend

Ngahuru - Autumn

Poutu-te-rangi - March

tutū - rowdy behaviour

hūtu - suit (clothing)

āhea? - when? (future time)

āmua - future, time to come

e - by; of course; a term of address follows; [in the future]; particle used in a negation

kaihautū - leader; bus driver, pilot, truck driver

kōngutu - mouth of river

kutu - nits

kutukutu ahi - nonsense

mākutu - bewitch; magic; spell

mutunga rawa - maximum

nui te utu - expensive

ngutu hore - wasteful

ngutu huia - talkative person

ngutu momoho - abusive; talkative

ngutu pārera - pistol

ngutu tere - untrustworthy

ngutuawa - river-mouth

pani ngutu - lipstick

pōrutu - splash

Poutū-te-rangi - March

pūtu - boot

rautupu - thunderstorm

rutua - (pass) be jolted; be tackled; be tossed about

tāmutumutu - intermittent

taututetute - jostle one another

tiro mākutu - stare

tokerau - autumn; northern

tumutumu - stump

tunutunu - afraid

turuturu - to make firm; leak; pole

tūtūā - person of low birth

tūtuki - to crash; to strike against; collide; bump

tūtukitanga - a crash; a collision

tūturi - kneel

utua - be revenged; be paid (pass of utu)

utu ā tau - salary

utu ā wiki - weekly pay; pocket money

wā e heke mai nei - future

wāhi utu - checkout

whakaputu - savings

whakatau utu - estimate of cost, quote

whakatutuki - carry to completion

whakatuturi - to be obstinate; refuse to listen

whakautua - (pass) be replied to; be responded to

whutupaoro - rugby

kore e - not (future)

kamupūtu - gumboot

kotutu - boil up (meat and veges)

ka mutu - and also, and so, furthermore

tutuki - to be finished, completed, achieved

ngahuru - autumn

hautū - to lead, guide

āwhea? - when? (future time)

whakatūtū - erect

whakatūtūranga - demonstration

pūtūmua - joiner; particle/preposition

pūtūmua wā (i) - time preposition [at, in, during]

pūtūmua wāhi (ki) - locative preposition (to, at)

pūtūmua tūmahi (i/ki) - verb-object preposition

pūtūmua pūtake (i) - cause preposition (by, because of)

pūtūmua taputapu (ki) - object/tool preposition (with)

pūtūmua mahi (ki te, kia) - verb/action preposition (to do)

wāheke - future tense [eg 'ka']

poutuarongo - back wall post of a meeting house

ka mutu pea - how marvellous!

kuputuhi - text message

whakamutua - stop!

Ka mutu pea! - Well done! How great!

Te mutunga kē mai o te pai! - Never better/awesome!

Katahi te tangata haututū! - What a mischief person!

Kei raro au e putu ana - I’m under in a heap (really worn out!)

Kaua e mutu takiwā noa iho. - Don't limit yourself! Go beyond the comfort zone.

Te kutukutu-ahi hoki! - What a load of rubbish!

hautū - guide, lead

Ngutu huia! - Know-it-all!

Whakamutua atu! - That's enough! Stop it! Cut it out!

Pakara ana ngā ngutu! - Delicious! (The smacking of the lips.)

anamata - time to come, hereafter, the future

mātūtū - to recover

mātāpuputu - the elderly

āpōpō atu - at some point in the future

Ko te kāinga tūturu o Mia kei Pōneke.
As for Mia's permanent home, it's in Wellington.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko tāku irāmutu ia.
She is my niece/He is my nephew.
Identity sentences - ko...

He aha koe i haere ai ki te pāpara kāutu?
Why did you go to the pub?
Why did? - He aha... i... ai?

Ehara! Mōhio au ki te pātai, kāore au i te mōhio ki te whakautu!
On the contrary! I know the question, I don't know the answer!
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara ia i te kaitākaro whutupōro.
She is not a rugby player.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Kei te tika tāu whakautu.
Your answer is correct.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

E whakamutu ana ia i tana horonga.
She is finishing the washing.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

I haere au ki te awa ki to hīkoi i te mutunga wiki.
I went to the river to go walking in the weekend.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I mutu tōmua tātou i tēnei rā.
We finished early today.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I tono ahau kia mutu te tetū.
I ordered that the rowdy behaviour should stop.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I aha koe i te mutunga wiki?
What did you do in the weekend?
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I te mutunga wiki i haere au ki te awa,te kura, te toa hoki.
On the weekend I went to the river, to the school and also to the shop.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

I te mutunga o te hui, ka tū he arotakenga.
At the end of the hui, an evaluation was done.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

I te mutunga o te pōwhiri, ka tū te hākari.
At the end of the welcome, a feast was held.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

Kua mutu?
Have you finished?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mutu tana mahi whakareri i ngā kai.
He has finished preparing the food.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mutu i a koe tō mahi?
Have you finished your work?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mutu koe?
Have you finished?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mutu te mahi.
Work has finished.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mutu tō mahi?
Have (you) finished your work.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua whakamutu koe i tāu mahi?
Have you finished your work?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mutu tāku mahi i a au.
My work has been finished by me. (I've stopped working)
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mārama au ki tōu whakautu.
I've understood your response.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mutu ngā kōrerorero.
The discussions were over.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mutu te hui.
The meeting has finished.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mutu i a koe?
Have you finished?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua tākaro rāua i te whutupaoro.
They have played rugby.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mutu tāu mahi, ka haere tātou.
When your job's finished we shall go.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Me mutu tō kai paipa, kei mate koe.
You should stop smoking in case you get sick or die.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me mutu ngā mahi i konei.
We should finish our work here.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me utu te nama.
The debt should be paid.
Simple sentences: you should - me

I aha koe i te mutunga wiki.
What did you do in the weekend?
Sentences with i - i

Kei raro ia i te rākau e putu ana.
He is under the tree in a heap (tired).

Kei raro te toa o Te Kaha e putu ana.
The Te Kaha champion is spread out on the ground.

Kei te wharenui te iwi e kōrero ana mō te hui ā te mutunga wiki.
The people are in the wharenui talking about the meeting on the weekend.

Āe. Āta huakina ngā kūaha, kei tūtuki ki te waka kei tō taha.
Yes, and open the door carefully, in case it bangs into the car alongside.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Tū ai ngā whakamātautau i te mutunga o te tau.
The exams always take place at the end of the year.
Habitual action - ai

Ki a Māmā te kōrero whakamutunga.
Mum will have the final say.
Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?

He rite tāku irāmutu ki tōna pāpā.
My nephew is just like his like father.
This is just like that - he rite tonu

Hei aha te pata kē, tīkina te pata tūturu.
Never mind the margarine, get the real butter.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@

Ka pai tā kōrua whakahoki mai i taku tama ina mutu te whakawai?
Would you mind dropping my son off here after practice?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Taihoa e mātakitaki pouaka whakaata kia mutu te horoi rīhi.
Hold off watching television until the dishes are done.
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e

When? (in the future)
When? (in the future) - Āwhea? Āhea?

Nō te tau 1950 taku kitenga mutunga i a ia.
The last time I saw her was in 1950.
Belonging to the past - nō

Pāwhiritia te tohu tīwhiri ka whakautu ai i te pātai.
Click the clue symbol in each box to reveal the question.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Hoatu kōrua, ka whai atu au ina mutu taku mahi.
You two go, I'll follow once I've finished my job.
You go on ahead - hoatu koe

I pēwhea te tākaro whutupaoro a Hēmi?
How was Hēmi's rugby game?
How is...? - E pēwhea ana, he pēwhea?

I pēwhea te whutupōro?
How did the rugby go?
How is...? - E pēwhea ana, he pēwhea?

Kāore e roa.
It won't be long [in the future].
It won't be long before... - kāore e roa...; kāori i roa...

Waiho ō kamuputu paru ki waho.
Leave your dirty gumboots outside.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Kei roto taku kāri utu-ā-hiko i taku pūkoro.
My eftpos card is in my pocket.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Me mā runga tereina ki Te Awamutu.
They are going by train to Te Awamutu.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kaua e homai ngā whakautu.
Don't give me the answers.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e utua te nama.
The debt shouldn't be paid.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...

Mā te pukumahi e tutuki ai.
Through hard work [it] will be achieved.
Through (one thing/action), (a second thing) will be achieved. - Mā te... ka...; mā... e... ai

Kua tata mutu te hui.
The hui is almost over.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...

Kua tata mutu te konohete.
The concert is nearly finished.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...

I te mutunga iho, ka whakaaetia e te katoa.
In the end, it was agreed to unanimously.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka mutu ngā karakia a Te Aotaki ka werohia e ia a Rangipopo.
Te Aotaki finished his incantations and then he invoked Rangipopo.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I te ngahuru i hauhaketia e rātou ngā riwai.
In the autumn, they harvested potatoes.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E ai ki tā rātou, ko Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū tētahi anō ingoa mō Horomaka.
According to them, Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū is another name for Banks Peninsula.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā

Kei te piki haere anō te utu o ngā whare, e ai ki tā te niupepa.
House prices are on the rise again, according to the newspaper.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā

I turuturu mai te wai nō runga ake.
The water dripped down from above.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kia mutu te ua, ka haere ai tāua.
When the rain stops, then we'll (us two) go.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...

Ka taea e Ataahua te pātai te whakautu.
Ataahua is able to answer the question.
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Ka taea e koe te whakautu i taku pātai?
Can you answer my question?
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Kāo, kāore e taea e au te whakautu i tō pātai.
No, I can't answer your question.
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Nō whea e mutu te whawhai a ngāi tāua, te tangata.
Humankind will never stop fighting.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea

E tāria ana tō whakautu.
Your reply is being waited for.
Be waited for - tāria

Kāore aku tamariki, engari he tokomaha āku irāmutu, tekau mā rima rātou.
I don't have any kids, but I have many nieces and nephews, there are fifteen of them.
Conjunctions - but - engari

Me muku koe i ngā pātū, i te peihana, ka mutu me āta mukumuku anō i te heketua.
You need to wipe the walls and the basin, plus you need to carefully wipe the toilet. And moreover, don't forget there's a separate cloth for the loo.
...and also, moreover - ...ka mutu

He wahine pai a Ataahua. He kakama, he pukumahi, ka mutu he ngākau māhaki.
Ataahua is a good woman. She's clever, hardworking, and also/moreover she is gentle-hearted.
...and also, moreover - ...ka mutu

I te āhua whakamā au. Kāore au i hari kai atu, i te mea kāore au i tino mōhio ka roa te hui. Ka mutu, ko āku tamariki ngā mea tino kaha ki te kai.
I was a bit embarrassed. I didn't take a plate, because I didn't know it was going to be a long hui. And worse still, it was my kids who polished off most of the food.
...and also, moreover - ...ka mutu

Kāore anō au kia mutu.
I haven't finished yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore anō te hui kia mutu.
The meeting has not finished yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore anō rāua kia tākaro i te whutupaoro.
They have not played rugby yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore au i kite i te wai i te papa. Haere atu ana au, mea ake kei raro e putu ana.
I didn't see the water on the floor. I was walking along, all of a sudden I'm in a heap on the floor.
All of a sudden - Mea ake

Ka pakopako, ka mutu, ka pakopako, ka mutu. Pēnei tonu mō tētehi wā roa.
It would knock, and then stop, knock and stop. It carried on like this for quite a while.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...

Ko wai ka āhei ki te utu i tērā moni nui mō te whare?
Who is able to afford to pay that much for a house?
Allowed to do something - āhei

Ākuanei kōrua i a au! Whakamutua tēnā mahi.
You had better stop that right now or you'll be in big trouble.
You’d better watch it! - Ākuanei!

Kia hoki mai ahau, kua mutu tēnei mahi.
When I return, you are to have finished this job.
When - Kia

Kei te māra tō whutupōro.
Your football's by the garden.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

I te mutunga o te hui, ka tū he konohete.
At the end of the hui, a concert was held.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

I te mutunga o te wānanga ka ngana a Tame ki te whakawehe i ōna mātua.
At the conclusion of the wānanga Tame attempted to separate his parents.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

I te poutūtanga i kite au i taku hoa.
At lunchtime I saw my friend.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

Ki te mutu te ua, ka haere ahau.
If it stops raining I will go.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Kua mutu te kai.
The food has finished.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Kua mutu taku kai.
My meal is finished.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Kua mutu ngā mahi.
The work is over.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Ka mutu tā tātou mahi āpōpō.
Our work will be finished tomorrow.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Āe, kua mutu au.
Yes, I've finished.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Kua tutuki te mahi.
The job has been done.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Kua mutu te horoi rīhi.
Washing dishes has finished
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Kua mutu te tangi a te pēpi.
The baby's crying has finished.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Ka mutu te kura.
School has finished.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Ka mutu te mahi inanahi, ka haere mātou ki te tāone.
When yesterday's work was finished, we went to town.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka mutu tonu te kōrero ki konei.
The story finishes right here.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka mutu te kōrero.
The discussion finished.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka mutu te kai, ka kī ia...
When the meal was over, he said...
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka mutu ōna tohu, ka noho ki raro.
When his instructions were ended, he sat down.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka kīa e te taitamariki he mea mahi ki te mākutu.
The young people said it was done with black magic.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka kīa e te tatamariki he mea mahi ki te mākutu.
The young people said it was done with black magic.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

He kotutu te tina.
It's boil up for dinner.
Categorizing sentences - he

Rua rau taara tāna utu.
His pay is two hundred dollars.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

No Te Whanganui-a-Tara ā koutou irāmutu.
Your nieces are from Wellington.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ko Ingarangi pea te kīnga tūturu o te nuinga o te iwi Pākehā.
The original home of most Pākehā people is probably England.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kei hea ō koutou kamapūtu, tamariki mā?
Where are your gumboots, children?
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kāore āku irāmutu.
I don't have nieces and nephews.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

He ngutu nui ōku.
I have big lips.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He irāmutu tāu?
Do you have a niece/nephew?
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He aha te utu o tēnei āporo?
What's the price of this apple?
What? - He aha?

He aha te utu o tēnei kurī i roto i te matapihi o te toa?
What's the price of this dog in the shop window?
What? - He aha?

He aha te whakautu?
What's the answer.
What? - He aha?

He kēmu netipōro i tēnei mutunga wiki?
A netball game this weekend?
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...

Ākuanei ka mutu te kura mō tēnei tau, mā wai ngā tamariki e tiki ki te kura?
Shortly school will be finished for the year, who will pick the kids up from school?
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...

Te hui a te Whiringa-ā-nuku ko te mea mutunga mō tēnei tau.
The meeting in October will be the last for the year.
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...

He paki te rā, he pai te kai, he pai te kōrero. He rawe tērā mutunga wiki i tērā tau.
It was a sunny day, good food, good conversation. That was an excellent weekend last year.
Last week, last month, last year - tērā

Ko Tīwana rāua ko Riripeti aku irāmutu.
Tīwana and Riripeti are my nieces/nephews.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Riripeti rāua ko Tīwana āku irāmutu.
Riripeti and Tīwana are my nieces/nephews.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Pātai atu ki te kaihoko mō te utu.
Ask the salesperson for the price.
Away - atu

Ka mutu te hui, ka haere atu ngā manuhiri ki te whare kai.
When the meeting ended, the visitors went to the eating house.
Away - atu

Pātai atu ki te kaihoko mō te utu.
Ask the salesperson for the price.
Away - atu

Kei piki ake te utu.
The price has gone up.
Up - ake

Kua here iho te utu.
The price has come down.
Down - iho

A te wiki tuatahi o Tīhema mutu ai te kura.
School will finish in the first week of December.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...

A te wiki tuatahi o Tīhema, mutu ai te kura.
School will finish in the first week of December.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...

Kāore e taea e Pita te pātai te whakautu.
Pita is unable to answer the question.
To be unable - Kāore... taea...

Ka mutu te mahi i te kāwanatanga.
The work was stopped by the government.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua kī te pākete i raro i te turuturu i te tuanui.
The bucket under the hole in the roof is full.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua tutuki i a Pāora te kaupapa.
The plan was accomplished by Pāora.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua tutuki te kaupapa i a Rangi.
The plan was accomplished by Rangi.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua tutuki i a koe taku wawata.
My dream has been fulfilled by you.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua tutuki taku wawata i a koe.
My dream has been fulfilled by you.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

E tino mutu ana i ahau tēnā pukapuka.
I am really going to finish that book.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

I tō rātou pēne e waiata ana, ka inu mātou i ngā inu kore utu!
While the band sang, we drank free drinks!
While... - i... e... ana, ka...

Kātahi anō ka mutu te hui.
The meeting has just finished.
Has just... - kātahi anō...

Inahea koe i whakamutu ai i tō mahi?
When did you finish your work?
Asking 'when was?' When did something happen? - Nōnahea, inahea

He nui ake te utu mō ngā whare i Tāmaki i a Rotorua.
The prices of houses are more expensive in Auckland than in Rotorua.
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...

He iti iho te utu mō ngā whare i Rotorua i a Tāmaki.
The prices of houses are cheaper in Rotorua than Auckland.
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...

Ka mutu te hui, ka haere māua ki te tāone.
When the meeting is over, we will go to town.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka

Ka mutu tō mahi, ka mohi mau au.
When your work is finished, I will return.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka

Ka mutu tāt tāau mahi, ka whakatā tātou.
When our work is finished, we will relax.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka

Kia mutu taku hui, ka waea atu ia ki a koe.
When I finish my meeting, I will call you.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka

Ka mutu ana te hui, ka hoki atu tāua ki te kāinga.
When the hui finishes, then we will come home. (Or when the hui finished, then we went home.)
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...

Ka mutu ana te karanga, ka tīmata ngā whaikōrero.
When the karanga has finished, the whaikōrero will start.
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...

Ka tīmata ngā whaikōrero, ka mutu ana te karanga.
The whaikōrero will start when the karanga has finished.
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...

Ka haere tātou, ka mutu ana te hui.
We will go when the hui finishes.
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...

Ka puāwai ana te pōhutukawa, ka mōmona ngā kina.
When the pōhutukawa blooms, the kina are fat.
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...

I tūtuki tō mātou pahi.
Our bus crashed.

Ka taka mai ngā rau i te ngahuru.
The leaves fall in autumn.

Kua mutu i a ia te peita whare.
She has finished painting the house.

Me whakautu ēnei pātai ki te reo Māori.
These questions are to be answered in Māori.

Whakautua ngā pātai i roto i te reo Māori.
Answer the questions in Māori.

Kia mutu rawa te mahi whakapaipai whare, ka wātea kōrua ki te haere.
Once the house decorating work is completely finished, you both will be free to go.

Kotahi rau tāra te utu mō te pukapuka.
The book cost one hundred dollars.

Kua mutu te kura.
School has finished.

Ki te kore e mutu te ua ākuanei, ka hōhā ngā tamariki.
If it doesn't stop raining soon, the children will get bored.

Tātou ka mahi i te tawa kia rua rau putu te roa.
Let us make a tower 200 feet high.

Whakautua ana e Kura ki tana matua.
Kura answered her father.

E hia te utu mō te hoko hū?
How much does it cost to buy shoes?

E hia te utu mō ngā kākahu katoa?
How much did all the clothes cost?

Kua mutu i a koe tāu mahi?
Have you finished your work?

Kua mutu tana horoi
His wash is finished

Kei te tākaro rātou i te pā whutupāoro.
They are playing touch rugby.

Kua mutu au.
I have finished.

Ko Nick taku irāmutu.
Nick is my nephew.

Ehara i a māua te kai i tunu. Nā tō rāua irāmutu i tunu.
It wasn't us two who cooked the food. It was their nephew.

Kua tutuki i ngā tamariki te mahi.
The job has been done by the children.

Ka mutu noa i konei.
That's the end.

Kia tūturu, ka whakamaua kia tīna! Tīna!
Permanently fixed, established and understood!

Ko tētahi āhuatanga whakaohorere ki te ākonga reo Māori, ko te akoranga nei, ehara noa te wātū i te "ka".
A common confusion for Māori language learners is that the verb "ka" is not only used for future tense.

He toki ki te tākaro poitūkohu me te pā whutupōro.
He is a champion at playing basketball and touch rugby.

Kia mutu tō rūahu.
Stop lying.

Ka aha koe ā te mutunga wiki nei?
What are you doing this weekend?

Ko ia tāu irāmutu.
He is your nephew.

He ringa rehe a Moana ki te mahi māra, ki te purei rakuraku hiko, ka mutu, he rōreka ki te waiata.
Moana is a dab hand at gardening, playing electric guitar, and she loves to sing.

Ehara tāu irāmutu i a ia.
He is not your nephew.

Ko āu irāmutu rātou.
They are your nephews.

Ehara rātou i āu irāmutu.
They are not your nephews.

I aha koe i te mutunga wiki? He pai tō āhua!
What did you do in the weekend? You look great!

I tono ahau kia mutu te tutū
I ordered that the rowdy behaviour should stop.

I oma, i kauhoe, i eke paihikara hoki au i te mutunga wiki.
I ran, I swam and I biked over the weekend.

Ka mutu te hui.
The meeting ended.

Ahakoa ka mutu te hui, ka noho ngā manuhiri i roto i te whare nui.
Although the meeting ended, the visitors remained in the meeting house.

Kua mutu te mahi a Rewi.
Rewi has finished working.

Te utu mo te tīketi.
The price for the ticket.

Kua tutuki tō rātou wawata.
Their dream has been fulfilled.

Kotahi rau tāra te utu mō ngā whakamātautau.
The price for the tests is one hundred dollars.

Kua tutuki i a tātou tā tātou whāinga.
We've achieved our goal.

I noho au i raro i te marumaru o te pōhutukawa.
I sat under the shade of the pōhutukawa.

Whakautua ngā pātai.
Answer the questions.

Te mutunga kē mai o te pai.
Couldn't be better.

I tākaro whutupōro au.
I played rugby.

Kei te piki haere ngā utu.
The prices are increasing.

Ka pā ngā ngutu o ngā manu ki ngā whatu o te ngeru.
The beaks of the birds strike at the cat's eyes.

E hoa, he tino pai taku mutunga wiki!
Mate, my weekend was great.

Tokotoru aku irāmutu.
I have 3 neices.

Ko ngā tāngata o Pōneke, ka whakatūtū i ō rātou whare ki ngā tahataha o ngā puke.
in Wellington, people build houses on the sides of hills.

Tika tāu e hoa. I aha koe i te mutunga wiki?
You are right! What did you do in the weekend?

Kua mutu te hui.
The meeting is over.

E kore...
There is no... (future).

He rawe te mutunga wiki.
An excellent weekend.

E pīrangi ana a Amaru kia mutu te patu tohorā.
Amaru wants the killing of whales to stop.

He pai ake te tī amiami i te tī kamuputu.
Herbal tea is better than gumboot tea.

Pai mutunga!
Never been better!

I te mutunga o te akoranga, ka tū te arotakenga.
At the end of the lesson an evaluation was done.

Haere tonu kia mutu rawa te mahi.
Keep going till the work is completed.

Haere mai, tangohia ō kamupūtu, whakamaua ō tōkena.
Come here, take your gumboots off and put on your socks.

Ko te utu mō te tamariki kotahi tāra.
The price for children is one dollar.

Kua mutu mō tēnei wā.
We have finished at this time.

Kei te tū tāna irāmutu i runga i tōku kākahu mā.
His nephew is standing on my clean dress.

Āpōpō atu.
At some undefined point in the future.

Kua mutu a kōrua mahi?
Have you both finished your work?

He nui rawa te utu o ngā hākete kura.
The school jackets are too expensive.

Ā te haurua mai i te ono karaka ā te pō nei.
6:30pm this evening (future).

Ko te 30 o Poutū-te-rangi taku huritau.
My birthday is the 30th of March.

Tekau heneti te utu mō te tamariki.
The price for children is ten cents.

I noho au i raro i te marumaru o te pōhutukawa.
I sat under the shade of the pōhuwa.

He whero ngā pua o te pohutukawa.
The flowers of the pohutukawa are red.

Kei te mātakitaki ngā ākonga i te whutupōro i te taiwhanga hākinakina.
The students are watching the football in the stadium.

He tino tohunga tēnei ki te patu i te tangata mā te mākutu.
He was very expert at killing people with black magic.

Kei te tākaro whutupāoro rātou.
They are playing football.

Kia mutu tātou i te wā tika, nei?
Please let's try to finish on time, shall we?

He mea tino rahi te whakatūtūranga a te Rā o Waitangi.
The demonstration on Waitangi Day will be a big one.

Kei te ako au i ētehi karakia tūturu.
I am learning some traditional karakia.

Ā, Kāti kōrua! Me mutu te amuamu.
Look here, you two! You should stop complaining.

He nui rawa te utu.
It's too expensive.

He mahinga ngātahi ki waenga i Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori me Countown e āhei ai te kaihoko ki te rongo i te reo Māori i ngā paeutu kaihoko.
A collaboration between Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (The Māori Language Commission) and Countdown sees customers able to use self-checkouts in te reo Māori.

Kei hea ō kamupūtu?
Where are your gumboots?

He tuatahi i te ao tēnei āheinga a te kiritaki o Countdown ki te tīpako i te reo Māori i ngā paeutu kaihoko, he mihi, he poroāki hoki ka rangona.
It's a world-first for Countdown customers to be able to have te reo Māori as a language option at self-service checkouts, with an audio greeting and farewell already established.

I utu ahau i ngā nama.
I paid the bills.

Kei te kāinga ōku kamupūtu.
My gumboots are at home.

"Katoa tō mātou kapa e tino manawanui nei i te āheinga a te hunga reo Māori ki te whakamutu i ā rātou mahi hoko kai i roto i te reo, i te āheinga hoki mā te whānui me te whāroa o ā mātou toronga, ka āwhina kia whakarauora i te reo, ā, kia whakamahia e ngā whakatipuranga kei te pihi ake."
"Our entire team is incredibly proud that not only can te reo Māori speakers now complete their shopping in their own language, but that we can use our scale and reach to help ensure te reo Māori is revitalised and used for generations to come."

E tūmanako ana a Brosnan, ka mātāmua ake te reo i ngā whakatakotoranga mahere anamata o ngā rāngai maha, mai i te ao pāpāho ki te hauora.
Brosnan hoped the language could take precedence in future planning within different sectors from broadcasting to health.

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