On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'Miro'

miro - thread, a type of pine tree

Kei Manawatū a Miro e noho ana.
Miro is living in Manawatū.

Ke kohi i te hua o te miro, hei hinu whakakakara.
They gathered miro berries to make scented oil.
For the purpose of - hei

I Manawatū a Miro e noho ana.
Miro was living in Manawatū.

Kātahi aua tini tamariki , te tāne, te wahine, ka kohi i te hua o te miro, hei hinu whakakakara.
Then those many young people, men and women, would gather miro berries for scented oil.

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