Results for 'Tae'
tae - to reach, arrive (v); colour (n)
He aha koe i tae tōmuri ai i tēnei rā?
Why did you arrive late today?
Why did? - He aha... i... ai?
E tae katoa mai ana ngā manuhiri.
All the visitors are arriving.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I tae atu rātou ki reira me ā rātou pū.
They arrived there with their guns.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I tērā pō, ka tae mai ētahi manuhiri.
Last night, some visitors arrived.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I tae mai ia mā raro.
He arrived on foot.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I tae tōmuri mai ia i te pō rā.
He arrived late last night.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
Ka tae mai rātou, ka noho tahi mātou ki te kōrero.
When they arrive, we will all sit and chat.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Kua tae mai rātou i Rotorua.
They have arrived here from Rototua.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua tae mai ngā tītī.
The muttonbirds have arrived.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua tae katoa mai rātou.
They have all arrived.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua tae mai tā tātou manuhiri.
Our visitors have arrived.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua tae mai rātou?
Have they arrived?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua tae mai a Hemi.
Hemi has arrived.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua tae atu koe ki tāwāhi?
Have you been overseas?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua tae te rīpoata ki te kaiako.
The report has been given to the teacher.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Nō tērā Rāhoroi rātou i tae atu ai.
It was last Saturday that they arrived there.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō tēnei wā, ka tae mai mai ngā kōtiro a Toto.
At this moment, Toto's daughters arrived.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nōnahea koe i tae mai ai?
When did you arrive?
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō tētahi Rāmere, kāore ia i tae mai ki te mahi.
One Friday, she didn't turn up for work.
Belonging to the past - nō
Kāore e roa ka tae mai te pahi.
It won't be long before the bus arrives.
It won't be long before... - kāore e roa...; kāori i roa...
Me i tae wawe mai koutou, kua whaiwāhi mai koutou ki te kōrero.
If you had arrived in time, you could have participated in the discussion.
If... (using me) - me
I tae mai ia mā runga hoiho.
He arrived on horse back.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Ka tae mai a Mere mā runga aha?
What did Mere travel on (transport)?
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Ka tae mai a Nikau mā runga motukā.
Nikau travelled by car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
I tae mai ia mā runga hoiho.
He arrived on horse back.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kei te tae mai ia mā runga i te pahi.
She is arriving by bus.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Mā te whai i ēnei tohutohu ka pai taku tae atu ki te konohete.
By following the directions I will get to the concert.
Through (one thing/action), (a second thing) will be achieved. - Mā te... ka...; mā... e... ai
Kua tata tae mai te ope.
The visiting party has almost arrived.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...
Kia tae atu tātou ki Te Tairāwhitio, ka pōhiritia tātou.
When we get to the East Coast we will be welcomed.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Tokohia ngā tāngata i tae atu ki reira?
How many people arrived there?
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kia tae katoa mai ngā tāngata, kātahi ka tīmata ai.
When everyone arrives, then we'll begin.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...
Kua roa te pahi nei e tāria ana. Āwhea ka tae mai?
This bus has been waited for for a long time. When will it arrive?
Be waited for - tāria
Inahea koe i tae mai ai?
When did you arrive?
Direction -
I napō au i tae mai ai.
I arrived last night.
Direction -
Nō whea hoki ia e tae mai ai?
There's no way he will get here?
Direction -
Hei tērā Mane rātou tae mai ai, arā, hei te 2 o Pēpuere.
They arrive next Monday, that is, on the 2nd of February.
Direction -
Koirā i tae tūreiti mai ai.
That's why he arrived late.
Direction -
I nahea a Tawa i tae mai ai?
When did Tawa arrive?
Direction -
I nahea koe i tae mai ai?
When did you arrive?
Direction -
Nō te Rātapu te karere i tae mai ai.
It was on Sunday that the news arrived.
Direction -
I nanahi a Tame i tae mai ai.
Tame arrived yesterday.
Direction -
Kāore anō rāua kia tae mai.
They haven't yet arrived.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāo, kāore anō au kia tae atu ki reira.
No, I haven't yet been there.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō ngā manuhiri kia tae mai.
The visitors have not arrived yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō a Hemi kia tae mai.
Hemi has not arrived yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te rīpoata kia tae ki te kaiako.
The report has not been given to the teacher yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kia tae atu tātou ki te Whanganui a Tara, ke hīkoi ki te taha o te moana.
When we get to Wellington, we will work on the side of the ocean.
When - Kia
Kia tae mai rātou ka haere tātou ki te marae.
When they arrive we will go the marae.
When - Kia
Kia tae mai rātou, ka pōwhiritia.
When they arrive they will be welcomed.
When - Kia
I te Wenerei, ka tae mai taku whanaunga.
On Wednesday my relation arrived.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te
Ka tae tētahi tauhou ki te kāinga.
A certain stranger came to the village.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka tae te ope rā ki ā rātou mea i mahia mai rā i Āwhitu.
The group took their things which had been made in Āwhitu.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka tae ki te teihana, ā, ka hīkoi mātou i te taha moana ki Te Papa.
We arrived at the station and we walked by the sea to Te Papa Tongarewa National Museum.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka tae mai te taraka o Hera me ngā tēpu, me ngā tūru.
Hera's truck arrived with the tables and the chairs.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
He aha te tae o tēnei?
What colour is this?
What? - He aha?
He aha te tae o tēnā?
What colour is that?
What? - He aha?
He aha te tae o ōna karu?
What colour are her eyes?
What? - He aha?
He aha te tae o tōu whare?
What is the colour of your house?
What? - He aha?
He kikorangi te tae o tēnā.
That colour is blue.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kāore au e pai ki te tae o tērā motoka.
I don't like the colour of that car.
That (over there) - tērā
I tae mai ngā manuhuri.
The visitors arrived.
Towards - mai
Ki te tae mai a Haki mā, ka tere oti ngā mahi.
If Haki and the others arrive, then the work will be.
Towards - mai
Kua tae mai ngā manuhiri.
The guests have arrived.
Towards - mai
Ka tae mai rāua ki Ōtautahi.
They arrived here in Christchurch.
Towards - mai
Kua tae mai a Mia.
Mia has arrived.
Towards - mai
Tokohia kē mai nei ngā tāngata e tae mai ana mō te kai!
What a lot of people are arriving for the food!
Towards - mai
Kia tae mai pea ia.
I hope she comes.
Towards - mai
Kua tae atu rātou ki Rotorua.
They have arrived in Rotorua.
Away - atu
Kua tae atu te tokorua nei ki te wharekai.
The pair have arrived at the restaurant.
Away - atu
Ka tae atu rāua ki Ōtautahi.
They arrived there in Christchurch.
Away - atu
I te ono karaka, kua tae atu rātou ki Ōmihi.
By six o'clock they had got to Ōmihi.
Away - atu
Kua tae atu koe ki Te Rerenga Wairua?
Have you been to Cape Reinga.
Away - atu
Hei āpōpō au tae atu ai.
I will come tomorrow.
Away - atu
Kātahi anō au ka tae mai ki runga i tēnei marae.
This is my first time on this marae.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...
Kua whakaritea, me tae rātou ki te mira o Kawerau i te iwa karaka.
It was arranged that they should arrive at the Kawearau mill at nine o'clock.
Telling time - kara
Ki te wehe moāta tātau, ka tae wawe tātau ki Whakatū.
If we leave early, we will arrive in Nelson on time.
If using ki - ki
Ki te tae mai he ope, me pōhiri.
If a group arrives, they must be welcomed.
If using ki - ki
Kātahi anō ngā manuhiri ka tae mai.
The guests have just arrived.
Has just... - kātahi anō...
Kātahi anō a Honi ka tae mai.
Honi has just arrived.
Has just... - kātahi anō...
Kia tae mai a Kauri, ka peka atu tātau ki te kāinga o Ataahua.
When Kauri arrives, we will stop by Ataahua's house.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka
He aha a Rangi i kore ai e tae mai ki te hui?
Why didn't Rangi come to the hui?
Why didn't? - he aha i kore ai e?
Nā te aha ngā mātua i tae mai ai ki te kura?
For what reason did the parents come to the school?
For what reason? - nā te aha ai?
Nā te aha ngā mātua i kore ai e tae mai ki te kura?
Why didn’t the parents come to the school?
Why not? - nā te aha i kore ai?
Ka tae mai ana rātou, ka kai tātou.
When they arrive, we will eat.
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...
Ka kai tātou, ka tae mai ana rātou.
We will all eat when they arrive.
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...
Kua tae mai ki te wā...
We have arrived at the time...
Te tini o te tangata i tae ake, tāne mai, wāhine māi.
A huge crowd turned up, men and women.
I tae mai ia mā raro.
He arrived on foot.
Kei konei ia tae noa ki te Mane,.
She's here till Monday.
Ke whakatika te ope, ka haere, ka tae ki tētahi awa.
The party set off, travelled along, and came to a river.
Anā, kua tae mai tāua.
We've made it. We're here.
Haere tonu, ka tae ki Āniwaniwa.
[She] went on and reached Āniwaniwa.
Ki te kore a Mere e tae mai āpōpō, ka waea atu ki a Henare.
If Mere doesn't arrive tomorrow I will ring Henare.
Kia tae mai pea ia.
I hope she comes.
Kua tae atu rātou.
They have arrived.
Kātahi-tonu-nei rātou ka tae mai.
They have just arrived.
Kua tae mai a Moana te moeroa.
Moana the dreamer has arrived.
Katoa ngā ākonga o te whare wānanga i tae atu ki te hui.
All the students of the university attended the meeting.
Kua tae atu koe ki...
Have you been to...
Kua tae ā-tinana atu koe ki...
Have you been, in person, to...
Nā te aha a Niko i kore ai e tae mai ki te hui?
What is the reason why Niko did not come to the meeting?
Āhua rua tekau ngā tāngata i tae mai ki te hui.
About 20 people came to the meeting.
E tae ai tēnei take te whakatau, me mātua mōhio ngā āhuatanga katoa.
In order for this issue to be decided, one must first know everything that relates to it.
I tae pai katoa rātou ki uta.
They all reached the shore safely.
Āe, kua tae mai rātou.
Yes, they've arrived.
Āe, kua tae atu au ki reira, ki Te Rerenga Wairua.
Yes, I've been there, to Cape Reinga.
Kua tae tātou! E kaikaha ana au ki te puta.
We’ve arrived! I can’t wait to get out.
Kua tae mai te manuhiri.
The visitors have arrived.
Tokohia i tae mai ki te whakarongo ki te pirimia?
How many people are coming to hear the Prime Minister?