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Results for 'Tāua'

taua - that, previously mentioned (singular)

tāua - we, us, you and I, inclusive, dual

Ko te tino tangata o taua marae, ko Hapi.
The leading person of that marae is Hapi.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko wai tāua manuhiri?
Who is our visitor?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ō tāua manuhiri?
Who are our visitors?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

He aha rātou i peka ai ki taua marae?
Why did they visit that marae?
Why did? - He aha... i... ai?

Kei te haere tāua ki taua hui.
The two of us are going to that hui.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te titiro taua ngeru ki tāna kai.
That cat is looking at his meal.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

E kāia ana hoki he tino toa koe ki taua mahi.
It is also said that you were a real champion at that job.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E whakatā ana tāua i te ngahere.
We (you and I) are resting in the forest.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

I pakipaki te katoa me rātou kore e tino mārama ki tāua i ai.
Everyone applauded though they did not entirely understand what he had said.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I haere ā tāua tamariki ki rātou wharekura.
Our children went to their school.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

Kua waiho taua wāhi hei urupā ngā tūpāpaku.
That place was left as a burial ground for the dead.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Me whakamau tāua i tātua.
Let's put your seatbelt on.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me haere tonu tāua ki te tāone.
We should still go to town.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me kaute tāua ki te tekau.
Let's count to ten.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me haere tāua ki te hokomoaha.
Let's go to the supermarket.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me haere tāua ki te taone.
We should got to town.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me haere tāua ki tātahi.
Lets got to the beach.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me tango tāua i ō kākahu moe.
Let's take off your pyjamas.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me haere tāua ki te inu kawhe.
We should go for a coffee.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Ko te hapu e noho ana i Maungawhau e mea ana rātou taua moana.
The sub-tribe living at Maungawhau said that that sea was theirs.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana

He rite tāua waka ki māmā.
Our car is like mum's.
This is just like that - he rite tonu

E taku tau, he aha nei ngā mahi tāua kia haere atu ki tātahi?
My love, what tasks do we have to do so we can go to the beach to holiday?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?

tāua taenga, ka tūpono ia e mau kaka rerehua ana rāua.
When they arrived, he realised that they were wearing fancy dress.
Belonging to the past - nō

te rangatira taua īmēra i pānui.
It was the boss who read that (aforementioned) email.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

taua rōpū ngā waiata tino reka.
That group did the sweetest singing.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Kei roto taua kāinga i a Ngāti Porou.
That place is Ngāti Porou territory.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kua pānuitia taua pukapuka e au.
I have read that (aforementioned) book.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua pānuitia taua pukapuka e au.
That aforementioned book has been read by me.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua pāngia taua wahine e te mate.
That woman has been touched by sickness.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Tapaia tonutia atu taua maunga nei ko Tirirau.
That mountain is still called Tihirua.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ki te kuia , he mea hanga taua whare ki te mauku.
According to that kuia, that house was built out of mauku (a type of fern).
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā

Ki Kahu , rātou taua taonga.
According to Kahu and them, that taonga belongs to them.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā

Tēnā koe e hoa, e pīrangi ana koe ki te haere ki te tāone hei whakanui i ā tāua mahi?
Thanks mate, do you want to go to town to celebrate our work?
For the purpose of - hei

I ēnei , kua waiho taua wāhi hei urupā ngā tūpāpaku.
Now that place remains as a burial place for the dead.
For the purpose of - hei

Kei te pēhea? Heoi anō, ko taua āhua anō.
How are you? Oh well, just the same.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō

Kia hoki mai ahau, kua mutu tēnei mahi.
When I return, you are to have finished this job.
When - Kia

I taua wāhi te marae.
The marae was at that place.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

E kore e oti i a rātou taua whare i te ahiahi nei.
They will not finish that house this afternoon.
Negating statives - kāore i... i ahau...

Ka rongo tētahi tangata i ngā kōrero a taua tangata nei.
A man heard what this man here said.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka puta taua tini ki waho o te .
That group went out of the pā.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka roherohea taua moana e rātou.
That sea was divided up by them.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka whakatika aua wāhine nei, ka whai atu i taua tokotoru.
Those women stood up and followed those three.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka kite o reira taitamariki rangatira i taua kōtiro nei, i a Puhihuia,.
The young chiefs from there was this girl, Puhihuia.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka herea e ia tāua kurī.
He tied up our dog.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka mau ki tana mere pounamu, ke hoatu ki te tamaiti ariki o taua ope nei.
[He] took his greenstone mere and gave it to the young leader of this group.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka patua taua kai e ia ki te manga o te kawakawa.
He struck that food with the branch of the kawakawa.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka haere tāua ki te pura kaukau.
Shall we go to the pool.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

Kāore tāua e whakatā ana i te ngahere.
We are not resting in the forest.
Negations of e... ana... sentences - kāore... e... ana...

Mate noa ake rātou katoa i te aroha ki taua kōtiro.
They were all overcome with love for that girl.

reira taua wāhi i karangatia ai ko Puketapu.
Because of that, that place was called Puketapu.
Conjugations - therefore - nā reira, nō reira

Na Nikau taua waka whero.
That red car belongs to Nikau.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

I moe tāua pēpi i te moenga o rāua pēpi.
Our baby slept in their baby's bed.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Kāore tāua matua i haere ki tāna hui.
Our father did not go to his meeting.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

I te taha o te awa te ana o taua ngārara.
The cave of the monster was beside the river.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ka hōhā tāua māmā i a rātou.
Our mum's fed up with them.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea

Ko Aroha rāua ko Pāora ō tāua hoa.
Aroha and Pāora are our friends.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

E oma atu ā tāua tamariki hōhā.
Our exasperating children are running away.
Away - atu

I tētahi taha ake o taua tētahi ngāherehere.
On the far side of the fort there was a patch of bush.
Up - ake

He pai rawa atu taua pōwhiri ki a au.
I really enjoyed that pōwhiri.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

He roa noa atu te kōrero a te iwi nei i taua .
The tribe's discussion that night lasted for a long time.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

He pai rawa atu kia a au taua pōwhiri.
I really enjoyed that pōwhiri.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Ngā kanohi o taua kōtiro .
The eyes of that girl there.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

E kore taua puna e mimiti i te raki of te raumati.
That spring would never dry up in the drought of summer.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Kei te mahara au ki taua hui?
Do you remember that hui?
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Tau ! Kei hea taua wharekai?
Awesome! Where is that restaurant?
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Ka kite mātou i a Koa. Kua mate taua koroua.
We saw Koa. That old man is ill.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Ko Ngāti-Kahukoka e mea ana rātou taua wāhi moana.
Ngāti-Kahukoka said that part of the sea belonged to them.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

te rangatira taua īmēra i pānui.
It was the boss who read that (aforementioned) email.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Kei te mōhio koe ko wai te kaiwhakahaere o taua hui?
Do you know who the organiser of the hui is?
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Ko te wai o taua he puna kei te taha ki te hauraro.
The pā's water source was a spring on the north side.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Ko Puhihuia te noho mai i roto o taua iwi te titiro mai ki a Ponga.
Puhihuia was sitting amongst those people watching Ponga.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Tokoiwa ngā tāngata i taua hui.
There were nine people at that (aforementioned) meeting.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

He koretake taua pikitia.
That movie was useless.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Kāore te marae i taua wāhi.
The marae wasn’t at that place.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore taua rākau i korā.
That tree is not over there.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Ki te ngaro te reo, ka ngaro tāua pērā i te moa.
If the language is lost, we are lost like that of the large extinct moa bird.
Like this, like that - pēnei, pēna, pēra

Ki te ua āpōpō, ka noho tāua ki te kāinga, kei mākū.
If it rains tomorrow, we will stay home in case we get wet.
If using ki - ki

Ka mutu ana te hui, ka hoki atu tāua ki te kāinga.
When the hui finishes, then we will come home. (Or when the hui finished, then we went home.)
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...

Ākuanei ka kite anō tāua i a tāua.
Soon we'll see each other again.

te tāua tūtaki anō ai.
In time we'll meet again.

Hei āpōpō tāua kite anō ai i a tāua.
Tommorow we'll see each other again.

Hei te tāua tūtaki anō ai.
In time we'll meet again.

Haere tāua ki tātahi?
Shall we go to the beach?

Ko te wai o taua he puna kei te taha ki te hauaro.
The water source for that pā was a spring on the north side.

Āe , kia haere tāua ki hea?
Yes! Where shall we go?

Kia haere tāua ki Kai Reka, kei reira taku hoa, a Rangi, e mahi ana.
Let's go to Kai Reka, my friend, Rangi, works there.

Kei te patu ia i tana kurī.
She is beating her dog.

Āwhea tāua haere ai?
When shall we go?

Nōna te waka. He koretake taua mea.
The car is his. It's a useless one.

taua wai i kawe i kitea ai te whakaaro a Ponga ki a au.
Because of that water that was fetched, Ponga's feelings towards me were discovered.

tētahi tangata nui noa atu taua hāte.
That shirt belonged to a bigger man.

Pēhea au? Taua āhua anō.
How am I? Same old, same old.

He whare mātoro i tētahi pito, ki te pito ki te marangai o taua marae.
There was an entertainment house in one corner, the corner to the east of that marae.

I taua , ka te kanikani.
That night, there was a dance.

Ko Tawa tāua hoa.
Tawa is our friend.

Kei te haere tāua ki hea?
Where are we going?

Ka herea e ia ā tāua kurī.
He tied up our dogs.

tāua waka.
Our (2 incl) car.

Kei te ako tāua i te reo Māori.
We're learning Māori.

Kei te haere tāua ki hea?
Where are you and I going?

Ko tāua tūtakitanga a te rua haora ka tautohetohe.
Our meeting in two hours will be quarrelsome.

E kore tāua e mahi tahi i te taumahi ākuanei.
We won't be working on the project together anymore.

Ehara tāua te marae nei.
This marae is not ours.

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