Results for 'Tōna'
Ko Hera tōna ingoa.
Her name's Hera.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ko wai tōna ingoa?
What's her name?
Asking who - Ko wai...?
Ko wai te koroua nui tōna aroha ki tōna whānau?
Who is the old man who has a lot of love for his whānau?
Asking who - Ko wai...?
Ko wai tōna iwi?
What is his tribe?
Asking who - Ko wai...?
Ka tuhituhi a Pita i te reta mō tōna hoa.
Pita will write the letter for his friend.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Kei te moe ia i tōna moenga.
He's sleeping on his bed.
Sentences with i - i
I a ia e kai ana, ka kite ia i tōna hoa.
While he was eating, he saw his friend.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana
Kei Tokoroa tōnā matua e noho ana.
His father is living in Tokoroa.
Kei runga i tōna moengamoe ia e moe ana.
She's sleeping on her bed.
He rite ia ki tōna tuahine.
He is like his sister.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite a Rāwiri ki tōna māmā.
Rāwiri is like his mother.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite tonu ia ki tōna pāpā.
He is just like his father.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite tonu ia ki tōna whaea kēkē.
She is just like her aunty.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite tonu tērā tamaiti ki tōna matua.
That child is just like his father.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite tonu a Rongomai ki tōna pāpā.
Rongomai is just like her dad.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite ia ki tōna tuakana.
She is just like her elder sister.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite tāku irāmutu ki tōna pāpā.
My nephew is just like his like father.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite a Rāwiri ki tōna māmā, he tangata kaha ki te mahi.
Rāwiri is like his mother, a man who is strong in work.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite tonu ia ki tōna pāpā mō te mahi whenua.
He is just like his father when it comes to farming.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite ia ki tōna whaea.
She is just like her mother.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite a Hone ki tōna pāpā.
Hone is just like his father.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite te makawe o Ani ki ō tōna whaea.
Ani's hair is just like her mother's.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite tonu tēnei kuri ki tōna pāpa.
This dog is just like its father.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite tonu te āhua o Tawa ki tōna pāpā.
Tawa looks just like his father.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
Rite tinu a Mia ki tōna kuia.
Mia is just like her mother.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
Kia ahatia. Ka hoki mai tēnā pōtae ā tōna wā anō e tika ana.
No worries/it's all good. That hat will return when the times is right.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Nō mua tata atu i tōna matenga, ka puta tana ōhākī ki tana whānau.
Shortly before his passing, he made his dying speech to his whānau.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō Waikato tōna whaea.
His/Her mother is from Waikato.
Belonging to a place - nō
Mā Rina e hoko kai ki Peke te Pēke, koinā tōna tino.
Rina will buy food at Pak n Save, that's her favourite.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Kāore i roa ka mauru tōna riri, ka hoki ia ki rō whare ki te whakapāha ki ōna hoa.
Before long his anger subsided and he went back inside to apologise to his mates.
It won't be long before... - kāore e roa...; kāori i roa...
Homai tōna tīhāte.
Give me his t-shirt.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
Homai tōna pātara.
Pass me his bottle.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
Kei roto tonu ia i tōna rūma moe.
He is still in his bedroom.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...
Kei roto ia i tōna rūma moe.
He is in his bedroom.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...
Kei te awhitia te pēpi e tōna māmā.
The girl is being hugged by her mother.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I horoia tōna waka e Pita.
His car was washed by Peter.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kei te arohaina te tamaiti e tōna whaea.
The child is loved by his mother.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I tuhia tētahi reta e ia ki tōna hoa.
The letter was written by her to her sweetheart.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kei te kitea te kōtiro e tōna māmā.
The girl is being seen by her mother.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kua tangohia nā hū e tōnā matua.
His shoes have been removed by his father.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kei te wetekia a Manu e tona hoa.
Manu is being untied by his friend.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kua kōrerotia te tamaiti e tōna kaiako.
The child has been spoken to by his/her teacher.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ki tā te tākuta, kāore ia e hemo i tōna mate.
According to the doctor, her illness isn't terminal.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā
Kei tāwāhi tōna whānau.
His/Her family is overseas.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu
I tāwāhi tōna whānau.
His/Her family was overseas.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu
He waka tōna, engari kua pakaru tōna waka.
He has a car, but his car is broken.
Conjunctions - but - engari
He rawe te kaitono tuatahi. He pai tōna āhua. Heoi anō, he pai ake te reo Māori o te kaitono tuarua.
The first applicant was great. He had a really nice way about him. On the other hand, the second applicant had better Māori language skills.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō
Ka tōmuri a Ria, ki tō mōhio? Tērā tonu pea. E rongonui ana tōna tōmuri.
Do you think Ria might get here late? Quite possibly. Her tardiness is well-known.
Perhaps - Tērā pea
Kei te kāinga tōna tuahine.
Her sister is at home.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te
Ka tino kaha rawa tōna tangi ki tōna mamae.
She mourned deeply for her pains.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka kiriweti ia ki ngā mahi whakapātaritari a tōna tungāne.
She gets annoyed with the teasing antics of her brother.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Kāore a Pita e tuhituhi i te reta mō tōna hoa.
Pita will not write the letter for his friend.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...
He kōtiro aroha nui ki tōna kuikui.
She is a girl who loves her grandmother very much.
Ko Nikau tōna matuakēkē.
Nikau is his uncle.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ko Aroha tōna matuakēkē.
Aroha is his aunty.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Kua whakawātea tō mātou rangatira i tōna tūranga.
Our boss has returned from his position.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ko Hēmi tōna hoa tane.
Hēmi is her husband.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
I tupu tōna pukurir i roto i a ia.
His anger grew within him.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
He whāiti, he kōtiti ngā ara ki tōna takiwā.
The roads to her district are narrow and winding.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Kāore tōna motokā e haere.
His car doesn't go.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Kāore te kōtiro i te kitea e tōna māmā.
The girl is not being seen by her mother.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
Kei te arohaina te tamaiti e tōna whaea.
The child is loved by his mother.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
Kīhai i pīrangi tōna whaea ki a ia.
His mother did not want him.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
Āe, he tuakana tōku, ko Pāora tōna ingoa.
Yes, I do have an older sibling, his name is Pāora.
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana
Āe, he tēina tōku, ko Taika tōna ingoa.
Yes, I do have a younger sibling, his name is Taika.
Family relationships - younger sibling of the same sex - teina
He kurī tāku. Ko Auau tōna ingoa.
I have a dog, his name is Auau.
Do you have any...? - He... ?
Ko te kihi o tōna waka tēnā.
That's the key of his car.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Ko ia te mea hangareka o rāua ko Riripeti, tōna tuahine.
She is the funny one between her and Riripeti, her sister.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Kauri rāua ko tōna hoa.
Kauri and her friend.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Amaru rātou ko tōna whanau.
Amaru and his family.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Tokomaha i haere atu ki tōna tangihanga.
Many went to her funeral.
Away - atu
Tae rawa atu te whānau ki te hōhipera, kua hoki kē te koroua ki tōna kāinga.
By the time the family arrived at the hospital, the old man had already gone home.
Away - atu
Ehara tōna whaea nō Waikato.
His/Her mother is not from Waikato.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...
Kāore tōna tuahine i te kāinga.
Her sister is not at home.
Negation of locatives - kāore...
Kāore tōna whānau i tāwāhi.
His/Her family isn’t overseas.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...
Kāore tōna whānau i tāwāhi.
His/Her family was not overseas.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...
Te reka hoki o tōna reo!
How sweet her language is!
How... - Te... hoki...
Kua ngaro i a Hēmi tōna pōtae.
Hēmi has lost his hat. (His hat has been lost by Hēmi.)
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua oti kē i a Pou te Tārai tōna waka.
Pou had already finished adzing out his canoe.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kātahi ka mahara te koroheke rā ki te nuinga o tōna pai.
Then then old man began to thing about his abundant good fortune.
And then... - kātahi ka...
Kātahi ka whakaohoia e te tangata nei tōna mōkai ki roto ki tētahi puna.
Then this man placed his pet in a spring of water.
And then... - kātahi ka...
Kāore te tamaiti i whakapono ki tā tōna hoa i kī ai.
The child didn't believe what his friend said.
I kite au i a Mea inapō. Pai tōna āhua.
I saw Thingy last night. S/he was looking good.
ko Hana tōna ingoa
her name is Hana
I horoi a Aroha i tōna waka.
Aroha washed his car.
Ka kōrero mai a Hotunui ki te kino o tōna iwi e noho nei ia.
Hotunui spoke about how bad the people were that he was living among.
Wē! Te tere hoki o tōna motukā.
Wou! How fast his car is!
He pai tōna ngākau.
He has a good heart.
I mua o tōna taenga mai, me whakapaipai tātou i te whare.
Before their arrival, we should tidy up the house.
E 86 tōna pakaka.
His age is 86.
E toru tekau tau tōna pakeke.
She is thirty years old.
Whitu tekau mā waru tōna pakeke.
She is seventy-eight years old.
I tuhi ia i tētahi reta ki tōna hoa.
She wrote a letter to her sweetheart.
Kua tino ora tōna tinana.
He is very fit.
Mā tōna reo whakahau ka kori te whare ki te mahi.
Through her commanding voice, the house gets to work.
E rima tekau mā whā tōna pakeke.
She is fifty-four years old.
Tērā tētehi kōhine, ko Moana tōna ingoa.
There once was a young girl, Moana was her name.
E whā tau tōna pakeke ake i a Rāhera, tōna hoa rangatira.
He is four years older than Rāhera, his significant other.
Ko Riripeti te kuku o tōna manawa.
Riripeti is the darling of his heart.
He wharau mō tōna kuia tāna e mahi ana.
She is working on a shed for her kuia.
Ko Tūmanako te toki hākinakina o tōna whānau.
Tūmanako is the sports champion of his family
He mārō tōna puku.
Her stomach is hard.
E rua tekau mā iwa tōna pakeke.
He is twenty-nine years old.
He kākariki, he pangi hoki tōna pōtai.
Her hat is green and black.
He tangata whakatika waka i te rā, ā, he pene whakangahau tōna mō ngā huihuinga whakahirahira.
He is a person who fixes cars during the day, and he has an entertaining song for important gatherings.
Ko Manawatū tōna ingoa.
Its name is Manawatū.
He whero, he mā hoki tōna tīhate.
Her t-shirt is red and white.
He pāpura, he kōwhai hoki tōna tarau.
Her trousers and brown and yellow.
He kaha a Tīwana ki tana whiu pātai nanakia me te whakapātaritari i tōna tuahine me tōna kuikui.
Tīwana is good at asking tricky questions and teasing her sister and grandmother.
E ōrite tōna āhua ki a Mick Jagger.
He looks like Mick Jagger.
Anei tōna whare.
Here's his house.
I tōna tikanga ko Pita tana ingoa.
It is her intention that his name will be Peter.
Ko Kōuraraka tōna ingoa.
Her name is Goldilocks.
He kikorangi tōna whare.
His house is sky blue.
He mā tōna panekoti.
Her dress is white.
Ke hongi te ihu ki te hauāuru; kua rongo i te haunga o tōna ariki.
He sniffed the winds of the west, and recognised the scent of his master.
He makariri tōna kāinga.
Her place is cold.
Ko Tangiwai tōna whanaunga.
Tangiwai is his relation.
I haere au i te taha o tōku pāpā ki tōna wāhi mahi.
I went with my father to his work.
Kei te moe tonu rāua ko tōna pera!
He's still sleeping with his pillow.
I tukia tōna motukā.
His car was crashed into.
Ā tōna raro...
After some time...
Kāore āku mahi nui, i whakatā, i whakapai whare, i āwhina i tōku whaea i tōna māra.
I didn't do much, I relaxed, cleaned the house, helped my mother in the garden.
E ono tekau tau tōna pakeke, ka ū ia ki ngā tikanga Māori i a ia i te māra.
She is 60 years old. She is resolute in Māori customs in the garden.
He tino nui te mahau o tōna whare.
The deck at her house is very big.
Anā tō kai e hoa, me tūtaki au ki tō whaea ā tōna wā.
That's what you get mate, I should meet your mum sometime.
E whitu marama tōna pakeke.
Seven months is her age.
Kua rima tau tōna pakeke.
She has reached five years.
Āe, he tuahine tōku, ko Kauri tōna ingoa.
I do have a sister, her name is Kauri.
Ko Koa tōna ingoa.
His name is Koa.
Āe, he tungāne tōku, ko Tame tōna ingoa.
I do have a brother, his name is Tame.
Āe, he tamāhine tāku, ko Ataahua tōna ingoa.
Yes, I do have a daughter, her name is Ataahua.
Āe, he tamatāne tāku, ko Rangi tōna ingoa.
Yes, I do have a son, his name is Rangi.
Engari ko te painga, he mōhio ia ki te tiaki i te pakeke, i tōna kuia.
But on the good side, he's very good at looking after his elders.
Te pene ā tōna whaēa kē.
His aunt's pen.
Kei te tangi te koroua i tōna tahu.
The old man is mourning his love.
E hia tōna pakeke?
How old is she?
Kei hea tōna tīhāte?
Where's her t-shirt?
He tino nui te mahau o tōna whare.
The deck at her house is very big.
Kei te moe ia i tōna moenga
He's sleeping on his bed.
He nui ake tōna whare i tōku.
Her house is bigger than mine.
Kotahi taku tama, ko Mia tōna ingoa.
I have one son. His name is Mia.