Nō Waikato tōna whaea.His/Her mother is from Waikato.Belonging to a place - nō
Nō Waikato ahau.I'm from Waikato.Belonging to a place - nō
He toa ngā kuia o Waikato ki te kanikani.The old ladies of Waikato are great dancers.Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ka tū mai Aorangi, te tipuna maunga o Waitaha.There stands Aorangi, the ancestral mountain of the Waikato people.Towards - mai
Kātahi ka haere ngā tāngata o Waikato ki ia iwi, ki ia iwi o tātou, o te Māori.Then the Waikato people went to each tribe of us Māori people.
Ehara te waka o Waikato i a Aotea.Aotea is not Waikato's canoe.