On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'ahatia'

ahatia - what happened to (pass of aha)

Kua ahatia tērā tāne?
What happened to that man?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kei te ahatia koe?
What is happening to you?
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka ahatia koe?
What will happen to you?
Passive sentences - tikina...

I ahatia koe?
What happened to you?
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua ahatia koe?
What has happened to you?
Passive sentences - tikina...

I ahatia a Tame?
What happened to Tame?
What happened to...? - ahatia?

Ai! Kua ahatia taku kopa moni?
Oh heck! What's happened to my wallet?
What happened to...? - ahatia?

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