Results for 'ahau'
ahau - I, me
whakangahau - to entertain, to amuse
tāhau - your, ā category possession, singular (variant of tāu)
whakahau - to encourage; to command
māhau - for you
(variant of māu)
ngahau - party, concert
mahau - porch; verandah, deck
pāhau - beard
pō whakangahau - night-time party
wāhi whakangahau - amusement arcade
whakahaua - commanded (pass. of whakahau)
manahau - to be cheerful, triumphant, stoked
rangahau - research (n), to seek, pursue, research (v)
ngāhau - to be enjoyable, entertaining, interesting.
rangahaua - to seek, search out, pursue, research, investigate.
E aha tāhau? - What's up with you?
Kei konā katoa ahau. - Complete and utter support.
Kāore i wareware i ahau tō ingoa. - I have not forgotten your name. (Your name has not been forgotten by me.)
I warewqare i ahau tō ingoa. - I have forgotten your name. (Your name has been forgotten by me.)
I ahau i te hokomaha, ka kite ahau i ōku hoa kura. - While I was at the supermarket, I saw my school friends.
Ko ahau te kōtiro tuarua.
I am the second girl.
Identity sentences - ko...
Kei te kai ahau i te āporo.
I am eating an apple.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
Kei te kōrero ahau ki a koe.
I am talking to you.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
Kei te kai ahau.
I'm eating.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
Kei te mahi ahau.
I'm working.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
E pīrangi ana ahau ki te hoki ti Taupō.
I want to return to Taupō.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E hiahia ana ahau ki te ako i te reo Māori.
I want to learn Māori.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E maumahara ana ahau ki tō rāua arunga e te kurī rā.
I remember them being chased by that dog.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E maumahara ana ahau ki taku tino matukutanga.
I am remembering being very frightened.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E titiro ana te tauhou ki ahau.
The stranger was looking at me.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E aroha ana ahau ki a Ari.
I love Ari.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E hiahia pukapuka ana ahau.
I want a book.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana ahau ki te āporo rā.
I am wanting that apple.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E mōhio ana ahau ki te kaukau.
I am knowing how to swim.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I ora ahau.
I was well.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I tupu hoki ahau i reira.
I also grew up there.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I waiho ahau i te koti ki tō whare.
I left the coat at your house.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I tono ahau kia mutu te tetū.
I ordered that the rowdy behaviour should stop.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I tino hiamoe ahau.
I was very sleepy.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I te kaha o te rā ki to whiti, ka pōngia iho ahau.
The sun was so bright I had to close my eyes.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
I te Mane ka haere ahau ki Taupō.
I went to Taupo on Monday.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Ka āhua ora ahau.
I will be somewhat well.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka āhua pukumahi ahau.
I will be somewhat busy.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka āhua whakatā ahau.
I will be somewhat relaxed.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka pai ahau.
I will be good.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka āhua makariri ahau.
I will be somewhat cold.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka māuiui ahau.
I will be sick.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka māharahara ahau.
I will be anxious.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka whakatā ahau.
I will be relaxed.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka māngere ahau.
I will be lazy.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka wera ahau.
I will be hot.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tino pai ahau.
I will be very good.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tino ora ahau.
I will be very well.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tino matekai ahau.
I will be very starving.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tino hiainu ahau.
I will be very thirsty.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka matekai ahau.
I will be starving.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tino pukumahi ahau.
I will be very busy.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka ngenge ahau.
I will be tired.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka pukumahi ahau.
I will be busy.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tino wera ahau.
I will be very hot.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka makariri ahau.
I will be cold.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tunu ahau i te kai.
I will cook food.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Kua kite noa atu ahau ka ngaro te reo Māori.
I saw long ago that the Māori language will disappear.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua kite ahau i a koe.
I have seen you.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Me hoki ahau.
I'd better go.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me haere ahau
I had better go.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me aha ahau ki ngā toenga kai?
What should I do with the leftovers?
Simple sentences: you should - me
Ka hoatu ahau i te pukapuka ki a koe.
I will give you the book.
Sentences with i - i
Mai i tōku tamarikitanga pīrangi ai ahau ki te mahi nēhi.
Since childhood I have always wanted to be a nurse.
Habitual action - ai
Mau pāhau ai ia? Kāo!
Does he always have a beard? No!
Habitual action - ai
Ki a wai te tahitahi i te mahau?
Who is going to sweep the verandah
Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?
Ki a koe te tahitahi i te mahau.
You sweep the verandah.
Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?
Tēnā tahia te mahau mua me te mahau muri?
Could you please sweep the front and back porch.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Ka pai taku hari i aku tamariki ki te pō whakangahau?
Can I take my kids along to the entertainment night?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?
Nō Kāpiti ahau.
I am from Kapiti.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō Amerika ahau.
I'm from America.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō Waikato ahau.
I'm from Waikato.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō Te Tai Rāwhiti hoki ahau.
I'm also from the East Coast.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nā te kairangahau i uiui ia tamariki, o ngā whānau katoa.
The researcher interviewed each group of children from all the families.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Nā Ponga ahau i āwhina.
I was protected by Ponga.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Māu ahau e āwhina?
Can you help me?
Future agent emphatic - māku
Māna e āwhina ahau,
She will look after me.
Future agent emphatic - māku
I te kōrero mai ia ānō nei he tamaiti ahau.
He was talking to me as if I was a child.
It was as if - ānō nei
Hoatu koe, kāore ahau e kuhu atu.
You go, I'm not going in.
You go on ahead - hoatu koe
Hoatu koutou, mā Pāpā ahau e tiki.
You lot go, Dad will pick me up.
You go on ahead - hoatu koe
Homai ki ahau.
Give it to me.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
Me he manu ahau...
If I were a bird...
If... (using me) - me
Me he manu rere ahau...
If I were a flying bird...
If... (using me) - me
Mā runga pahi ahau haere ai.
I travelled by bus.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Mā runga motokā ahau haere ai.
I travelled by car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Mā runga pahikara ahau haere ai.
I travelled by bike.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Mā runga kutarere ahau haere ai.
I travelled by scooter.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Mā runga poti ahau haere ai.
I travelled by boat.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Mā runga waka tere ahau haere ai.
I travelled by ferry.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Mā runga waka rererangi ahau haere ai.
I travelled by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kaua e waiatahia he waiata ngahau.
You should not sing a joyful song.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...
Kei te torohia e te kairangahau ngā pukapuka.
The books are being looked at by the researcher.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I aukatingia ahau e te pirihimana.
I was stopped by the police officer.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I whakatūngia ahau e te pirihimana.
I was stopped by the police officer.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I mihia ahau.
I was acknowledged.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I mihia e ahau.
They were acknowledged by me.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I whakanohoia ahau i te kāinga.
I was grounded.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kua patua ahau.
I have been hit.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kia kauwhautia atu iana, e ahau, ki a koe.
Let me know recite this to you.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kei te tuhituhi reta kē ahau.
I'm writing a letter.
Gerund phrases (fence building, bread baking, dishes washing...) - tunu parāoa...
E tuhituhi reta kā ana ahau.
I'm writing a letter.
Gerund phrases (fence building, bread baking, dishes washing...) - tunu parāoa...
E mōhio ana ahau, e taea e ia te whakamārama i te whakatauki nei.
I know that she will be able to explain this saying.
I am able... - Ka taea e...
Ka taea ahau te tākaro i te kita.
I am able to play the guitar.
I am able... - Ka taea e...
Ka taea ahau te tuhituhi i tēnei reta.
I am able to write this letter.
I am able... - Ka taea e...
Ka haere ahau, engari kāhore a Rangi i haere mai.
I went, but Rangi didn't.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kei te haere ahau ki te kura mā runga pahi, engari kei te haere koe ki te toa mā raro.
I'm going to school by bus but you're walking to the shop.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kei te ako ahau, engari he pōturi.
I'm learning but I'm slow.
Conjunctions - but - engari
He pai ki ahau te mahita, nā te mea, he humarie ia.
I like the teacher, because he's handsome.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kāore e pai ki ahau te mahita, na te mea, he haunga ia.
I don't like the teacher because he smells.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kei te hōhā ahau i te mea he uaua tēnei mahi.
I am bored because this work is too hard.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kei te oherere ahau i te mea he māmā rawa tēnei mahi.
I am surprised because this work is too easy.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Ka āhei ahau te kōrero ki a ia.
I am allowed to talk to him/her.
Allowed to do something - āhei
Kia hoki mai ahau, kua mutu tēnei mahi.
When I return, you are to have finished this job.
When - Kia
Kia oti i a koe tēnei mahi a te wā e hoki mai ana ahau.
This job should be finished by you at the time when I return.
When - Kia
Kei te māngere ahau.
I am lazy.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te pōuri ahau.
I am sad.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te makariri ahau.
I am cold.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āmaimai ahau i te hui.
I'm nervous about the meeting.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua pai ahau.
I am somewhat good.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua ora ahau.
I am somewhat well.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua hiakai ahau.
I am somewhat hungry.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua māharahara ahau.
I am somewhat anxious.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua māngere ahau.
I am somewhat lazy.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua pōuri ahau.
I am somewhat sad.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua wera ahau.
I am somewhat hot.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te tino hiakai ahau.
I am very hungry.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te tino ngenge ahau.
I am very tired.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te tino hiamoe ahau.
I am very sleepy.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te tino pukumahi ahau.
I am very busy.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te tino āwangawanga ahau.
I am very worried.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te tino whakatā ahau.
I am very relaxed.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te harikoa ahau i te mea kei konei koutou.
I am happy because you are all here.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te whakahīhi ahau i te mea kua oti taku mahi.
I am proud because my work is finished.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te mokemoke ahau i te mea kei rohe kē taku whānau.
I am lonely because my family is in another region.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te pai ahau.
I am good.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te matekai ahau.
I am starving.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āwangawanga ahau.
I am worried.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
I te kāinga ahau ināpō.
I was at home last night.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
I te tau 1996, ka tuhi ahau i tētahi pukapuka.
In 1996, I wrote a book.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te
Kāore ahau i haere me Aroha.
I did not go with Aroha.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i...
Ki te mutu te ua, ka haere ahau.
If it stops raining I will go.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...
Kāore he tangata i kō atu i tōku koroua ki ahau.
There's no one better than my grandad in my opinion.
There's no one better than... - Kāore i...
Ka rongo ahau i tētahi waiata pai i tēnei rā.
I heard a nice song today.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka maremare rawa atu ahau.
I had to cough.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Kāore ahau e āhei te hīkoi mā raro.
I can't walk.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...
He kaiako ahau.
I am a teacher.
Categorizing sentences - he
He ākonga ahau.
I am a student.
Categorizing sentences - he
Ngā mihi manahau ki a kōrua.
Delighted greetings to you both.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
Kawea atu ahau ki tō tumuaki!
Take me to your leader!
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i
Kei te āwangawanga ahau ki te kōrero.
I'm worried about speaking.
He uaua tēnei mahi nō reira kei te pōuri ahau.
This work is hard, therefore I am sad.
Conjugations - therefore - nā reira, nō reira
He māmā tēnei mahi nō reira kei te harikoa ahau.
This work is easy, therefore I am happy.
Conjugations - therefore - nā reira, nō reira
Kei konei koutou nō reira kei te pukuriri ahau.
You are here, therefore I am angry.
Conjugations - therefore - nā reira, nō reira
Kei rohe kē taku whānau nō reira kei te mokemoke ahau.
My family is in another region, therefore I am lonely.
Conjugations - therefore - nā reira, nō reira
Kua oti taku mahi nō reira kei te koa ahau.
My work is finished, therefore I'm happy.
Conjugations - therefore - nā reira, nō reira
I kite ahau i te tangata paru ngā ringa.
I saw a man with dirty hands.
Verbs that take 'i' (kite, etc) - i
Nāhau tēnei?
Does this belong to you?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...
Ka mihi ahau ki tōku kara, arā te kara hui o te Kuini.
I greet my flag, the great flag of the Queen.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
He aha ngā mea ngahau ki a koe?
What things do you find entertaining?
What? - He aha?
He mea nui tēnā ki ahau.
That is important to me.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
E tangi he pū i ngā pō katoa, ko ahau tēnā, hoe mai.
A flute sounds every night: it's me! Paddle to me!
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kāore ahau i te kai i te āporo.
I am not eating an apple.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i te...
Kei te whai mai koe i ahau.
Do you follow me?
Towards - mai
Ka heare tonu atu nei ahau.
I'll go right now.
Away - atu
I ngā huihuinga ka noho mai ia tika tonu mai i ahau.
He sits opposite me in meetings.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...
Hei konei ahau ā te ata.
I will be here in the morning.
Future locative - hei
Hei korā ahau.
I will be there.
Future locative - hei
Ki te hoki wawa mai a Pāora, ka koa ahau.
If Pāora comes back on time, I will be happy.
If using ki - ki
He pai ki ahau tēnei kēmu.
I like this game.
I like... - He pai ki a au...
He pai ki ahau te mea nei.
I like this thing.
I like... - He pai ki a au...
Engari, he pai ki ahau te tae.
But I like the colour.
I like... - He pai ki a au...
Ehara i ahau te kai i tunu.
It was not me who cooked the food.
Negating the past agent emphatic - ehara i...
Ehara i ahau ngā hōiho i whāngai i tēnei ata.
I didn't feed the horses this morning.
Negating the past agent emphatic - ehara i...
E tino mutu ana i ahau tēnā pukapuka.
I am really going to finish that book.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua mahue a Hēmi i ahau.
I left Hēmi behind.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
I ahau e haere ana i te rori, ka pahū a Ruapehu.
While I went down the road, Ruapehu erupted.
While... - i... e... ana, ka...
I ōku tuāhine e horoi ana i ngā rīhi, ka moe ahau.
While my sisters were washing the dishes, I was sleeping.
While... - i... e... ana, ka...
I ahau i Pipiripi, ka tūtaki au ki tōku whanaunga.
While I was in Melbourne, I met with my cousins.
While - i... ka...
Kātahi anō ahau ka hoki mai i te toa.
I finally comeback from the shop.
Has just... - kātahi anō...
Mā wai ahau e āwhina?
Who will help me?
Who will? - mā wai?
He ātaahua ake ahau i a koe.
I am more beautiful than you.
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...
He ātaahua atu ahau i a koe.
I am more beautiful than you.
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...
Ki te kore koe e whakaae, ka pōuri ahau.
If you don't agree, I will be sad.
If not... - ki te kore...
I kōrero ahau kia whakapono ai te rōpū ki ahau.
I kōrero ahau kia kore ai te rōpū e whakapono ki ahau.
In order to... - kia... ai...
HJomai te hama kia whakatika a ahau i tēnei.
Pass the hammer so that I can fix this.
In order to... - kia... ai...
Ko Ōhope te wāhi e kaukau ai ahau.
Ōhope is the place (specifically) where I swim.
Specifically - ai
Ka ānini ana te mahunga, ka moe ahau.
Whenever I get a headache, I have a sleep.
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...
Ehara tēnei kēmu i te pai ki ahau.
I do not like this game.
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...
Kei te wātea ahau ā te pō o te Paraire.
I'm free on Friday night.
Kei te pukuriri ahau.
I am grumpy.
Kei te wera ahau.
I am hot.
Kāore mārama ahau.
I don't understand.
Tē mārama ahau.
I don't understand.
He tākuta ahau.
I am a Doctor.
Tē kai ahau.
I didn't eat/I am not eating.
I āhua pai ahau.
I was somewhat good.
Kei te tirohia ngā pukapuka e te kairangahau.
The books are being looked at by the researcher.
Ka āhua pai ahau.
I will be somewhat good.
I āhua ora ahau.
I was somewhat well.
Ehara i ahau tēnei.
This does not belong to me.
I āhua hiakai ahau.
I was somewhat hungry.
Ka āhua hiakai ahau.
I will be somewhat hungry.
I āhua matekai ahau.
I was somewhat starving.
Ka āhua matekai ahau.
I will be somewhat starving.
I āhua hiainu ahau.
I was somewhat thirsty.
Ka āhua hiainu ahau.
I will be somewhat thirsty.
Kua pānui ahau i tēnei pānui.
I have read this notice.
He kaiāwhina ahau nō te kaiwhakahaere.
I am an assistant to the Director.
I āhua ngenge ahau.
I was somewhat tired.
Ka āhua ngenge ahau.
I will be somewhat tired.
I āhua hiamoe ahau.
I was somewhat sleepy.
Ka āhua hiamoe ahau.
I will be somewhat sleepy.
I āhua mokemoke ahau.
I was somewhat lonely.
Ka āhua mokemoke ahau.
I will be somewhat lonely.
I āhua māuiui ahau.
I was somewhat sick.
Ka āhua māuiui ahau.
I will be somewhat sick.
I āhua māharahara ahau.
I was somewhat anxious.
Ka āhua māharahara ahau.
I will be somewhat anxious.
Kāaore koe i wareware i a au. I wareware ahau i a koe.
I didn't forget you. You forgot me.
I āhua pukumahi ahau.
I was somewhat busy.
Kāore ahau whakamā i a koe.
I wasn't embarassed by you.
Ngā mihi manahau ki a koe.
Delighted greetings to you.
I āhua āwangawanga ahau.
I was somewhat worried.
He tangata ngahau a Raimona.
Raimona is a fun/entertaining guy.
Kāore āku kī i ngaro i ahau. I ngaro ēnā i a koe.
I didn't lose my keys. You lost them.
Ka āhua āwangawanga ahau.
I will be somewhat worried.
Kāore i ngaro āku kī i ahau. I ngaro ēnā i a koe.
I didn't lose my keys. You lost them.
Ko Hinemoa, ko ahau.
I am just like Hinemoa, I'd risk all for love.
Ngā mihi manahau ki a koutou.
Delighted greetings to you people (3+).
I āhua whakatā ahau.
I was somewhat relaxed.
I āhua harikoa ahau.
I was somewhat happy.
Ka āhua harikoa ahau.
I will be somewhat happy.
I āhua riri ahau.
I was somewhat angry.
I pai ahau.
I was good.
Ka āhua riri ahau.
I will be somewhat angry.
I āhua māngere ahau.
I was somewhat lazy.
Kua kai ahau i te toroī? E kore rawa!
Have I eaten toroī! Never!
Ka āhua māngere ahau.
I will be somewhat lazy.
He kaha ia ki te whakangahau, he kaha hoki ia ki te whakatoi.
He's always entertaining others, and always being cheeky.
Ka ora ahau.
I will be well.
I āhua pukuriri ahau.
I was somewhat grumpy.
I hiakai ahau.
I was hungry.
Ka āhua pukuriri ahau.
I will be somewhat grumpy.
Ka hiakai ahau.
I will be hungry.
I āhua pōuri ahau.
I was somewhat sad.
I matekai ahau.
I was starving.
Ka āhua pōuri ahau.
I will be somewhat sad.
I āhua wera ahau.
I was somewhat hot.
I hiainu ahau.
I was thirsty.
Ka āhua wera ahau.
I will be somewhat hot.
Ka hiainu ahau.
I will be thirsty.
I āhua makariri ahau.
I was somewhat cold.
Kei te haere ahau ki to hokomaha hoko ai i te kai.
I am going to the supermarket to buy food.
I ngenge ahau.
I was tired.
Kei te haere ahau ki te hokomaha hoko ai i te kai mā ōku mātua.
I am going to the supermarket to buy food for my parents.
I hiamoe ahau.
I was sleepy.
Ka hiamoe ahau.
I will be sleepy.
I mokemoke ahau.
I was lonely.
Ka mokemoke ahau.
I will be lonely.
Kei te mānukanauka ahau i te huarere.
I'm worried about the weather.
I māuiui ahau.
I was sick.
He tino ngahau tēnei hui
This meeting is very entertaining
Kei te mānukanuka ahau i te whakamātautau.
I'm worried about the exam.
I māharahara ahau.
I was anxious.
I pukumahi ahau.
I was busy.
Mā tōna reo whakahau ka kori te whare ki te mahi.
Through her commanding voice, the house gets to work.
I āwangawanga ahau.
I was worried.
Ka āwangawanga ahau.
I will be worried.
Kei te pīrangi ahau ki te whakakaha i tōku reo Māori.
I want to strengthen my Māori language.
I whakatā ahau.
I was relaxed.
He tākuta ahau.
I am a doctor.
I pōhēhē ahau...
I thought mistakenly...
I harikoa ahau.
I was happy.
Kua haere ahau.
I'm off.
Ka harikoa ahau.
I will be happy.
Kei te āhua pai ahau.
I'm pretty good.
I riri ahau.
I was angry.
Ka riri ahau.
I will be angry.
Kua oti kē i ahau ngā kākahu te horoi.
I have already washed the clothes.
He ākonga ahau.
I'm a student.
I māngere ahau.
I was lazy.
I pukuriri ahau.
I was grumpy.
Ka pukuriri ahau.
I will be grumpy.
I pōuri ahau.
I was sad.
Ka pōuri ahau.
I will be sad.
I wera ahau.
I was hot.
I moeroa ahau.
I slept in.
Ka ngana ahau.
I'll do my best.
I makariri ahau.
I was cold.
Kāore ahau e pai ana ki te kai hikareti.
I do not like smoking cigarettes.
He tangata whakatika waka i te rā, ā, he pene whakangahau tōna mō ngā huihuinga whakahirahira.
He is a person who fixes cars during the day, and he has an entertaining song for important gatherings.
I tono ahau kia mutu te tutū
I ordered that the rowdy behaviour should stop.
Kei te āwangawanga ahau...
I'm concerned...
E kore ahau e wareware ki a ia.
I will never forget her.
Kei te tākaro kēmu ahau.
I am playing games.
He māmā ahau
I am a mother.
He tauira ahau.
I am a student.
He tauira ahau ki Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa
I am a student at Massey
He kaimahi ahau ki Te Kōhanga Reo
I am a worker at Kōhanga Reo.
He hoahoa ahau nō Puhihuia.
I am an attendant of Puhihuia.
He kaimahi ahau ki Countdown.
I am a worker at Countdown.
He tauira ahau
I am a student
He tauira ahau ki Te Wānanga o Raukawa
I am a student at Te WÄnanga o Raukawa
He kaimahi ahau ki ANZ
I am a worker at ANZ
He karangarua ia ki ahau.
He's a cousin to me.
I mea atu rā hoki ahau ki a koe kua whakapuaretia e ia te kēti ki a tātou.
I told you he would open the gate for us.
He tauira ahau ki Te Wānanga o Raukawa ki Ōtaki.
I am a student at Te Wānanga o Raukawa in (or at) Ōtaki.
I mōhio ahau e haere mai ana koe i tēnei rā.
I knew you would come today.
He kaimahi ahau ki ANZ ki Pōneke.
I am a worker at ANZ, in (or at) Wellington.
Mau pāhau ai ia? Kāo!
Does he have a beard? No!
Kei te āwhina mai te kuia i ahau.
The grandmother is helping me.
Inā poroa e ahau te taura, māua e hopu mai te kete.
When I cut the rope, you catch the basket.
Kei te hiawai ahau.
I'm thirsty.
Kei te āhua matekai ahau.
I am somewhat starving.
Kei te āhua hiainu ahau.
I am somewhat thirsty.
Tēnā koe, ko Tāne ahau.
Hello, I am Tāne.
Kei te āhua ngenge ahau.
I am somewhat tired.
Kei te āhua hiamoe ahau.
I am somewhat sleepy.
Kei te āhua mokemoke ahau.
I am somewhat lonely.
Kei te āhua māuiui ahau.
I am somewhat sick.
E rua tekau ngā tau i mahi ai ahau i tēnei pukapuka.
I have been working on this book for twenty years.
Kei te āhua pukumahi ahau.
I am somewhat busy.
Kei te āhua āwangawanga ahau.
I am somewhat worried.
Kua mōhio ahau i hē ia.
I know he is wrong.
Kei te āhua whakatā ahau.
I am somewhat relaxed.
Kei te āhua harikoa ahau.
I am somewhat happy.
Mōhio rawa ake ahau kua hē a ia.
I just realised she was wrong.
Kei te āhua riri ahau.
I am somewhat angry.
He kaiāwhina ā te kaiwhakahaere ahau.
I am an assistant to the director.
I tino pai ahau.
I was very good.
Kei te āhua pukuriri ahau.
I am somewhat grumpy.
Kua hōhā ahau ki ngā paruparu e puta ana ki te moana.
I hate the pollution of the sea.
I tino ora ahau.
I was very well.
Kei te āhua makariri ahau.
I am somewhat cold.
No Rakiura ahau.
I'm from Stewart Island.
I tino hiakai ahau.
I was very hungry.
Ka tino hiakai ahau.
I will be very hungry.
I tino matekai ahau.
I was very starving.
I tino hiainu ahau.
I was very thirsty.
I tino ngenge ahau.
I was very tired.
Ka tino ngenge ahau.
I will be very tired.
He ākonga pai ahau.
I am a good student.
Ka tino hiamoe ahau.
I will be very sleepy.
He kāmura ahau.
I am a carpenter.
I tino mokemoke ahau.
I was very lonely.
Ka tino mokemoke ahau.
I will be very lonely.
Kei muri ahau i a koe.
I am behind you.
I tino māuiui ahau.
I was very sick.
Kei mua koe i ahau.
You are in front of me.
Ka tino māuiui ahau.
I will be very sick.
Ko Jeff ahau.
I am Jeff.
I tino māharahara ahau.
I was very anxious.
Ka tino māharahara ahau.
I will be very anxious.
I tino pukumahi ahau.
I was very busy.
I tino āwangawanga ahau.
I was very worried.
Ka tino āwangawanga ahau.
I will be very worried.
He tino nui te mahau o tōna whare.
The deck at her house is very big.
I tino whakatā ahau.
I was very relaxed.
Ka tino whakatā ahau.
I will be very relaxed.
I tino harikoa ahau.
I was very happy.
Ka tino harikoa ahau.
I will be very happy.
I tino riri ahau.
I was very angry.
I hoko mai ahau i tētahi pukapuka.
I bought a book.
Ka tino riri ahau.
I will be very angry.
I tino māngere ahau.
I was very lazy.
Ka tino māngere ahau.
I will be very lazy.
He whaea ahau, he kaiwhakahaere hoki.
I am a mother and also an administrative assistant.
I tino pukuriri ahau.
I was very grumpy.
Hōmai te rākau ki ahau.
Give the stick to me.
Ka tino pukuriri ahau.
I will be very grumpy.
I tino pōuri ahau.
I was very sad.
Ka tino pōuri ahau.
I will be very sad.
I tino wera ahau.
I was very hot.
I hoatu ahau i te māripi ki tana hoa mā Hone.
I gave the knife to John's friend for John.
I tino makariri ahau.
I was very cold.
Ka tino makariri ahau.
I will be very cold.
I mea atu ahau ki a mea.
I spoke to so-and-so.
Kei te āhua mānukanuka ahau.
I'm a little anxious.
Roa ake koe i ahau.
You are taller than me.
Kei te tino pai ahau.
I am very good.
Kei te tino ora ahau.
I am very well.
Kei te tino matekai ahau.
I am very starving.
Kei te tino hiainu ahau.
I am very thirsty.
Kei te tino mokemoke ahau.
I am very lonely.
Kei te tino māuiui ahau.
I am very sick.
Kei te tino māharahara ahau.
I am very anxious.
Kei te tino harikoa ahau.
I am very happy.
Kei te tino riri ahau.
I am very angry.
Kei te tino māngere ahau.
I am very lazy.
Kei te tino pukuriri ahau.
I am very grumpy.
Kei te tino pōuri ahau.
I am very sad.
Kei te tino wera ahau.
I am very hot.
Ko Kuikui ahau.
I am Kuikiui.
Kei te tino makariri ahau.
I am very cold.
Kei Whakatāne ahau.
I am in Whakatāne.
He tauira ahau ki tē kāinga
I am a student at home
Āe, kei te mārama ahau.
Yes, I understand.
Keo tōu kāinga pea te ngahau nā te tini o te uri ariki.
Perhaps at your home the young chiefs dance.
Kore rawa ahau e haere.
I won't go.
I taraiwa ahau.
I drove.
Kia ora, kei te pai ahau.
Thanks, I'm good.
Ka tū te pō whakangahau ki tōku whare, kaua ki tōna.
The party is at my place, not his.
Kei te purei kāri ahau.
I am playing cards.
Ka haere ahau ki te marae.
I will be going to the marae.
He tino nui te mahau o tōna whare.
The deck at her house is very big.
Ko te tihewa ahau!
I've got to sneeze!
I utu ahau i ngā nama.
I paid the bills.
Kei te ora ahau.
I am well.
Kei te hiakai ahau.
I am hungry.
Kei te hiainu ahau.
I am thirsty.
I toa anō ahau meina i whēke ahau.
I could have won if I'd tried.
Kei te ngenge ahau.
I am tired.
Kei te hiamoe ahau.
I am sleepy.
Kei te mokemoke ahau.
I am lonely.
Kei te māuiui ahau.
I am sick.
E āwhina koe ahau i a Taika.
You are helping Taika.
Kāore e taea e ahau te hīkoi nā raro.
I'm not able to work.
E rua haora noa-atu-rā, i konei ahau.
I was here two hours ago.
Kei te māharahara ahau.
I am anxious.
Kei te pukumahi ahau.
I am busy.
Māmā, e hiahia ana ahau ki te haere ki te kaukau.
Mum, I want to go for a swim.
Kei te whakatā ahau.
I am relaxed.
Ka whakatā ahau mō te kōtahi wiki.
I'll take a holiday for a week.
Kei te harikoa ahau.
I am happy.
Kei te riri ahau.
I am angry.