On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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ka - will happen | Verbal particle with a range of meanings; not directly translated with an English word

a - [a name follows] | Not translatable into an English word; nominal particle, used before names and pronouns: a Mere, a kōrua, a ia.

ko - is, are (Various uses; not usually translatable with an English word), [equals], [topic marker]

kia - may you be; may we be; let it be that; | Various uses, meanings. Often not translatable by an English word.

ai - Not translatable into an English word; verbal particle; used in various subordinate structures, for example relative clauses, adverbials, ...ai

koro - term of address for an elderly man, grandfather (E koro)

kui - Term of address for an elderly woman (eg 'E kui'.)

hinga - to fall from an upright position; to fall (and not be able to get up again)

wheua - bone (usually of an animal)

haupapa - an ambush

takunga - an excuse

tārai - to shape or fashion timber with an adze

tāraia - (pass) be shaped with an adze

whakatangi - to play an instrument

whakataunga - an iwi referendum, decision

whiore - tail of an animal

huatahi - an only child

whakatauira - to give an example, illustrate

Te tokorima a Māui - “The five of Māui” – a reference to one’s fingers. If po is made for the lack of cutlery, one might say “Hei aha rā. Hai te tokorima a Māui” It does not matter. Leave it to the five of Māui.

He ihumanea. - An intelligent person.

Kaikainga ngā taringa! - Got an earful!

Kāore e nama te kōrero. - He has an answer for everything.

ihupuku - an inexperienced person

ihuhūpē - an inexperienced person

ihu oneone - an experienced person

Te mahi a te... - There is an abundance of...

pūmotomoto - the fontanelle of an infant

Ehara tōku whaea i te kuia.
My mother is not an elder.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara a Mere i te kaiako nui.
Mere is not an important teacher.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara hoa i te tangata anuhea.
Your friend isn't an ugly person.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Kei te kai ahau i te āporo.
I am eating an apple.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

I pīrangi a Tau ki te haere hei mema pāremata.
Tau wanted to become an MP.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I te mutunga o te hui, ka he arotakenga.
At the end of the hui, an evaluation was done.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

Me kimi kaiwhakaako mātau ki te ako, matatau ki te reo Māori.
Find an experienced teacher and knowledgeable friend in te reo.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Kua pau te hāora e maremare ana.
He has been coughing for an hour.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana

Kia karakia tātou
Let us do an incantation.
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia

Tēnā haria mai he āporo māku, e ?
Can you bring me an apple please, dear?
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.

te tau 1987, ka whakaturetia te reo Māori hei reo mana.
In 1987, Māori was made an official language by statute.
Belonging to the past - nō

Homai he wai arani māku.
Pass an orange juice for me.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Kei raro iho nei he tauira o te reremahi poto.
Below is an example of a short verbal sentence.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kaua e pōhēhē he huarahi ngāwari noa iho te huarahi ki te mātauranga.
Don't kid yourself that the path to knowledge is an easy one.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

whea e toa te poroheahea i te pōtitanga?
How could a nutter possibly win an election?
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea

He tino kaha a Ari, ahakoa kua koroua.
Ari's as strong as an ox, even though he's become old.
Conjunctions - although - ahakoa

He tangata pai tonu ia ki a au, ahakoa āna mahi i ētahi .
I think he's an okay guy, in spite of the fact that he stuffs up sometimes.
Conjunctions - although - ahakoa

Ki te hinga te kāwanatanga, me whakahaere he pōti.
If the government falls, there has to be an election.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

He kuia tōku whaea.
My mother is an elder.
Categorizing sentences - he

He kaiako nui a Mere.
Mere is an important teacher.
Categorizing sentences - he

Kāore ō tuākana?
Do you not have an older sibling?
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana

He tuakana tōu?
Do you have an older sibling?
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana

Āe, he tuakana tōku, ko Manu tōna ingoa.
Yes, I do have an older sibling, his name is Manu.
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana

He whakaaro tōu?
Do you have an idea?
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He toki tāu.
You have an axe.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He paki te , he pai te kai, he pai te kōrero. He rawe tērā mutunga wiki i tērā tau.
It was a sunny day, good food, good conversation. That was an excellent weekend last year.
Last week, last month, last year - tērā

Kāore ahau i te kai i te āporo.
I am not eating an apple.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i te...

Ka haere tonu a Tainui, ā, ka pahemo i tētahi moutere.
Tainui went on and passed an island.
Conjunctions - and - ā

Kātahi te reo reka ki te waiata!
What an awesome singing voice!
What a... - kātahi te...

He makariri noa atu tērā.
It was an extremely cold night.

He kaiāwhina ahau te kaiwhakahaere.
I am an assistant to the Director.

He mihi tēnei ki a koe.
This is an acknowledgement to you.

He mihi tēnei ki a kōrua.
This is an acknowledgement to you two.

He mihi tēnei ki a koutou.
This is an acknowledgement to you people (3+).

Ka rawe te nei e Koa, ka nui ngā mihi ki a koe!
This was an excellent night Koa, many thanks to you!

He toki a Tūmanako ki te tākaro poitūkohu.
Tūmanako is an expert at playing basketball.

He weriweri tērā āhuatanga.
That's an ugly situation.

He tangata atamai pāpā.
Your dad is an intelligent person.

He whakaaro tōku.
I've got an idea.

He kuia kaha ki te kōrero i ngā mahi o tana tamarikitanga.
She is an elderly woman who is good at talking about her childhood.

Ka tuku īmera au ki a koe ā te nei.
I'll send an email to you tonight.

Tukuna mai he īmēra.
Send me an email.

He pakeke ia.
He's an adult.

He pūrākau Rangi e kōrero ana.
Rangi is talking about an ancient narrative.

Kei te mau ia i tētahi mau taringa.
She is wearing an earring.

He mātanga hoki a Raimona ki te mahi kai, he kaha ki te kai!
Raimona is also an expert at cooking, he loves to eat!

He tangata pono koe.
You are an honest person.

He tangata whakatika waka i te , ā, he pene whakangahau tōna ngā huihuinga whakahirahira.
He is a person who fixes cars during the day, and he has an entertaining song for important gatherings.

He tohunga a Kupe.
Kupe was an expert.

Kei whea mai te pai o te mahi nei.
What an excellent job.

E kare!
Address to an intimate friend.

E kui!
Address to an elderly woman.

E koro!
Address to an elderly man.

He kōtiro mōhio ia.
She's an intelligent girl.

He tangata weriweri ia.
He is an ugly person.

He hoahoa ahau Puhihuia.
I am an attendant of Puhihuia.

He kaiāwhina ā te kaiwhakahaere ahau.
I am an assistant to the director.

He kaumātua ia.
He is an elder.

Koia kei a ia, he momo tērā koutou whānau.
He's onto it. That's an attribute from your family.

He āporo tēnei.
This is an apple.

He whaea ahau, he kaiwhakahaere hoki.
I am a mother and also an administrative assistant.

I te mutunga o te akoranga, ka te arotakenga.
At the end of the lesson an evaluation was done.

He whare mātoro i tētahi pito, ki te pito ki te marangai o taua marae.
There was an entertainment house in one corner, the corner to the east of that marae.

He koti tino pai rawa atu tēnā.
That's an extremely nice coat there.

He aihikirīmi māu?
Do you want an ice cream?

Kia rua hoki he hokohoko?
Should an exchange take place twice?

Ehara! He tangata pono ia.
On the contrary! He's actually an honest fulla.

Kei konei! Ka rawe koe hei karu mōku.
Here it is! You're an excellent set of eyes for me.

Kua koroua koe.
You have become an old man.

te kuia tēnā ka tika.
That would be fine for an old lady.

He tuatahi i te ao tēnei āheinga a te kiritaki o Countdown ki te tīpako i te reo Māori i ngā paeutu kaihoko, he mihi, he poroāki hoki ka rangona.
It's a world-first for Countdown customers to be able to have te reo Māori as a language option at self-service checkouts, with an audio greeting and farewell already established.

Ko te reo Māori, he waka eke noa.
Māori language is an accessible vessel for everyone.

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