Results for 'anake'
anake - only, just, alone
Nā te wahine anake tērā mahi.
That task is done by woman alone.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Kia kamakama e hoa, ko tāu kupu anake te mea e tāria nei.
Can you hurry things up a bit - your opinion is the only one still being waited on.
Be waited for - tāria
Heoi anō, te mea pai o te koni ahi, ehara ko te mahana anake te hua ki te tangata. Ko te mea tino pai, ko te pārekareka o ngā kōrero.
Still / However, the good thing about sitting round the fire was that it didn't just keep us warm. The really good thing was the enjoyable conversation.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō
Kotahi anake te urunga.
There is only one pillow.
Numbering things - e rua, e toru...
Kotahi anake te pukapuka.
There is only one book.
Counting over ten -
Nō te karahipi mō te kotahi tau anake i haere ai rātou ki Amerika.
A scholarship for a year has taken them to America.
Kāti, ko au anake e haere.
Enough! I alone will go.
He taitamāhine anake ēnei i kau atu nei ki uta.
Those who swam to shore were exclusively young women.
Ko Hata anake kua kai.
Only Hata has eaten.
Koirā anake te mahi e pahawa i a koe!
That's all you're good for!
Mō te kotahi tau anake te karahipi.
The scholarship is for just one year.