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Results for 'arā'

arā - over there, away from us both; that is, namely

ara - to rise (v); path (n)

Ehara tēnei i te ara kino.
This is not a bad road.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara ēnei i te ara kikino.
These are not bad roads.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ka haere i te ara i runga i te rangitoto, ke ahu ki Onehunga.
[They] went along the path over the scoria and headed to Onehunga.
Sentences with i - i

E apu kai ana ānō nei kāore e ara te āpōpō.
He was stuffing food into his mouth like there was no tomorrow.
It was as if - ānō nei

Kua haerea te ara ra.
That pathway has been travelled.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kia ara te , ka haere ai.
When the sun comes up, then we will go.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...

Kia wātea, kia māmā, te ngākau, te tinana, te wairua i te ara takatā.
To clear, to free the heart, the body and the spirit of humanity.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia

I runga i te ara te motokā.
The car was on the road.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I te ara haere atu i Waiuku ki Te Maioro.
On the path from Waiuku to Te Maioro.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

Ka haere i te ara i runga i te rangitoto.
They went along the path over the coria.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka kite mātou i te Wind Wand, ā, ka hīkoi i te ara moana.
We saw the Wind Wand, and walked on the beach walkway.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

I ahu te ara ki te rerenga mai o te .
The path pointed towards the rising sun.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

He whāiti, he kōtiti ngā ara ki tōna takiwā.
The roads to her district are narrow and winding.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ka mihi ahau ki tōku kara, arā te kara hui o te Kuini.
I greet my flag, the great flag of the Queen.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ko ia te tuakana o taku pāpā, arā taku matua kēkē.
He's my dad's older brother, that is my uncle.
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana

He ara kino tērā?
Is that a bad road?
That (over there) - tērā

Kei te heke iho ngā tāngata i te ara piki.
People are coming down the path.
Down - iho

I ngā ata katoa e ara ana is i te ono karaka.
He gets up at six o'clock every morning.
Telling time - kara

He mea hanga i roto i ngā roto i te ara haere atu i Waiuku ki Te Maioro.
[Some] were built in the lakes on the path going from Waiuku to Te Maioro.
The pseudo-passive - he mea...

Ka ara a ia.
He got up.

Mate atu he tētēkura, ara mai he tētēkura.
When one plant does, another rises up to replace it.

Māna e whakapiko te ara o te ika ki tāna wāhi e hiahia ai.
He could make a fish go wherever he wanted.

Kia tino horo tōku ara a te ata.
I have to get up early in the morning.

He tino mōhio ia ki te mahi kai i te moana, arā ki te ruku mātaitai me te ika.
He is very knowledgeable about gathering seafood, that is diving for shellfish and fishing.

Kīhai a ia i āta mōhio ki te ara ki te puna wai.
He didn't really know the path to the spring.

E kore a ia e hoki mai i a Ponga.
She will never return to us from Ponga.

Kei runga koe i te ara tika.
You're on the right path.

katoa te ara i ngā wai.
The road is covered in water.

He ara kino tēnei.
This is a bad road.

He ara kikino ēnei.
These are bad roads.

Ko te reo Māori he ara ki te hauora me te oranga
Making te reo Māori a means of health and wellbeing

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