He ātaahua te ingoa o tō whaea. E hia tana pakeke?Your mum's name is beautiful. How old is she?Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
Ka rawe hoki! E hia te pakeke o tō whaea?Excellent! How old is your mum?Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
Ki tō whakaaro, e hia ngā tau o Aroha?How old do you think Aroha is?
He ngenge pea nōu, ka kore e hia kai?Maybe you are tired, will you not eat?
Hei tino tauira hei tāna, "i roto i te Kowheori i ngā marama e ono, e hia kē nei ngā kupu mō te mate Kowheori i te tīmatanga rā."A prime example "is when Covid-19 first hit, in the first six months there were so many different Māori names used for the word Covid".