e mea ana - you bet!
E mea ana! - You bet ya!
Ko te hapu e noho ana i Maungawhau e mea ana nā rātou taua moana.The sub-tribe living at Maungawhau said that that sea was theirs.Sentences with a subclause - e... ana
Ko Ngāti-Kahukoka e mea ana nā rātou taua wāhi moana.Ngāti-Kahukoka said that part of the sea belonged to them.That aforementioned thing - taua, aua
Kāti, e mea ana koe ko Ponga hei ariki mōu?Then are you saying Ponga is to be your lord?
E mea ana ētahi he mahi kino te whawhe ira kararehe, hua rānei, ko ētahi e mea ana he pai.Some say that genetic engineering of animals and food plants is a bad thing, others that it is good.