Results for 'here'
nei - here, by speaker
konei - here, by speaker
anei - here, by me
here - to tie, to bind (v0: dog lead (n)
Haere mai! - Welcome! Come here!
here - to tie up, fasten, bind with cord
I konei rāua i nanahi.
They were here yesterday.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
Kua tae mai rātou i Rotorua.
They have arrived here from Rototua.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Ka pai tā kōrua whakahoki mai i taku tama ina mutu te whakawai?
Would you mind dropping my son off here after practice?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?
Noho mai i te kūaha!
Sit down here by the door!
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
He tūranga motuhake tō te reo Māori i waenganui i ngā reo e kōrerotia ana i Aotearoa nei.
Māori has a special position amongst the languages spoken here in Aotearoa.
Passive sentences - tikina...
He aha te pukapuka pai hei pānui mā ngā tamariki hei konei hei āpōpō?
What is a good book for the children to read here tomorrow?
For the purpose of - hei
Hei aha tēnā tuaina? Hei here i aku pīni.
What's that twine for? For tying my beans up.
For the purpose of - hei
Kei konei koe hei āwhina.
You're here to help.
For the purpose of - hei
Haere mai ki konei noho ai.
Come over here to sit down.
The reason for an action -
Nāna i here te rā, kia āta haere ai.
He was the one who tied the sun, so that it would travel slowly.
The reason for an action -
Ka tōmuri a Ria, ki tō mōhio? Tērā tonu pea. E rongonui ana tōna tōmuri.
Do you think Ria might get here late? Quite possibly. Her tardiness is well-known.
Perhaps - Tērā pea
Ka rongo tētahi tangata i ngā kōrero a taua tangata nei.
A man heard what this man here said.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Haere mai ki tō Koro, e Pāora!
Come here to your Grandad, Pāora!
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
I haere mai ia i waho tonu o Taupō.
He came here from just outside Taupō.
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i
Ko ngā iwi katoa o te ao kua huihui mai i tēnei rā.
All the peoples of the world have gathered here today.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
I haere mai au ki te inu,.
I came here to drink.
Towards - mai
Ka tae mai rāua ki Ōtautahi.
They arrived here in Christchurch.
Towards - mai
Haere mai, tamariki mā!
Come here children!
Towards - mai
Tēnā koutou kua hui mai nei i tēnei rā!
Greetings to you who are gathered here on this day!
Towards - mai
Ka haere mai ia āpōpō.
She is coming here tomorrow.
Towards - mai
Kua here iho te utu.
The price has come down.
Down - iho
Hei konei ahau ā te ata.
I will be here in the morning.
Future locative - hei
Haere mai koe ki konei kia kōrero ai tāua.
Come over here so we can talk.
In order to... - kia... ai...
Haere mai koe ki konei kia kore ai koe e mākū.
Come over here so that you don't get wet.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
Nō konei rānei koe?
Are you from here or not?
Or... - ...rānei
Kāore au hei konei ā te ata.
I will not be here in the morning.
Negating future locatives - Kāore... hei...
Ki konei
towards here (by the speaker).
Kei te haere ngā tamariki ki konei.
The children are coming here (by the speaker).
Kei te haere mai rātou ki konei.
They (3 or more people) are coming here (by the speaker).
Kei konei ia tae noa ki te Mane,.
She's here till Monday.
Āe, hara mai e Peti.
Yes, come here Peti.
Haere mai e tama, rukuhia ngā pāua a Tangaroa nei.
Come here son, dive for the pāua belonging to Tangaroa.
Whakarongo mai, e te tau!
Listen, here my darling!
Tēnā koutou kua hui mai nei i tēnei wā.
Greetings to you who are gathered here at this time.
Haere mai e hoa.
Come here friend.
Ka here te ua.
The rain will fall.
E rua haora noa-atu-rā, i konei ahau.
I was here two hours ago.