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Results for 'hokomaha'

hokomaha - supermarket

Kei te haere ia ki te hokomaha hoko kai ai.
He's going to the supermarket to buy food.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Ka haere au ki te hokomaha ākuanei.
I will be going to the supermarket soon.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka haere māua ko Niko ki te hokomaha tiki ai.
Niko and I are going to the supermarket to shop.
The reason for an action - ...ai.

Kāore tātou e haere ki te hokomaha ki te hoko i ngā hēki.
We are not going to the supermarket to buy eggs.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...

Kei te haere ia ki te hokomaha ki te hoko i ngā kai.
He's going to the supermarket to buy food.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

Ka haere tātou ki te hokomaha ki te hoko i ngā hēki.
We are going to the supermarket to buy the eggs.

Kei te haere ahau ki to hokomaha hoko ai i te kai.
I am going to the supermarket to buy food.

Kei te haere ahau ki te hokomaha hoko ai i te kai ōku mātua.
I am going to the supermarket to buy food for my parents.

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