Results for 'hone'
hone - to plunder, acquire wrongfully (v); ocean swell (n)
Ko Hone rāua ko Rāhera ōku hungawai.
Hone and Rāhera are my parents-in-law.
Identity sentences - ko...
Kei te kai a Hōne i te āporo.
Hōne is eating the apple.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
He rite a Hone ki tōna pāpā.
Hone is just like his father.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
Nā Hōne i hanga te pouaka.
It was Hōne who built the box.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Mā Hōne ngā pukapuka e whakahoki.
Hōne will return the books.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Kāore a Hōne i te kai i te āporo.
Hōne is not eating the apple.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
I a Hōne ngā kī inapō.
Hōne had the keys last night.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
He tangata aroha nui a Hone ki tana mokopuna a Riripeti.
Hone is a man who greatly loves his granddaughter Riripeti.
Kāore ō Hōne motokā.
Hōne doesn’t have any cars.
I have no... - Kāore aku...
Ko Rāhera rāua ko Hone ōku tūpuna.
Rāhera and Hone are my ancestors.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Ko Hone rāua ko Rāhera ōku mātua.
Hone and Rāhera are my parents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Arā, ko au te tama a Hone rāua ko Rāhera.
That is, I am the child of Hone and Rāhera.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Ko Hone rāua ko Rāhera ōku mātua
Hone and Rāhera are my parents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Ehara mā Hōne ngā pukapuka e whakahoki.
Hōne won’t return the books.
Negating the future agent emphatic - ehara mā..
He pai ki a Hōne ngā hōiho.
Hōne likes horses.
I like... - He pai ki a au...
Ehara i a Hōne te pouaka i hanga.
Hōne didn’t build the box.
Negating the past agent emphatic - ehara i...
Ko Hone te tohunga kutikuti pātītī.
Hone is the expert at mowing the lawns.
Ko te Hone e kōrero nei, kāhore e roa.
The John I'm talking about isn't tall.
Ko Hēmi tōku matua.
Hēmi is my father.
Ko Hone te mātāmua.
Hone is the eldest sibling.
E kore a Hōne e haere.
Hōne will not go.
Ko Hone tōku hoa tāne.
Hone is my husband.
Ko Hone tōku ingoa.
My name is Hone.
Ko Hone tōku pāpā, ko Rāhera tōku māmā.
Hone is my father, Rāhera is my mother.