Results for 'hui'
hui - meeting; gathered
huia - a treasured bird, now extinct
Huitanguru - February
Hui-tanguru - February
kāhui - group; cluster; flock
kāhui ariki - those of the highest rank
ngutu huia - talkative person
rāhui - ban, place a ban; reserve
huirapa - flippers
Huitene - Sweden
Huiterangi - Switzerland
huihuinga - meeting
huihui - assembly, group, constellation
huinga - gathering, meeting
huihia - covered; cover! (pass. of huihi)
karawhuia - give it heaps!
Ngutu huia! - Know-it-all!
I haere au ki te toa hei hoko i ngā kai m1a te hui. - I went to the stop to buy food for the meeting.
I haere au ki te toa hoko ai i ngā kai m1a te hui. - I went to the stop to buy food for the meeting.
Ko Tōrere te marae e tū ai te hui.
Tōrere is the marae where the meeting will take place.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ko wai kei te haere ki te hui?
Who is going to the hui?
Asking who - Ko wai...?
Ko wai kei te whakahaere i te hui?
Who is running the meeting?
Asking who - Ko wai...?
Kei te hui a Rama rāua ko Pita ki te pātaka kōrero.
Rama and Pita are meeting in the library.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
Kei te haere tāua ki taua hui.
The two of us are going to that hui.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
E haere ana tātou ki te hui raranga.
We are going to the weaving meeting.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E hui ana a Rama rāua ko Pita ki te pātaka kōrero.
Rama and Pita are meeting in the library.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E waiata ana māua i te hui.
We (me and one other person) are singing at the gathering.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E hui ana te kōmihana o te Taura Whiri ia marama mō te rua rā.
The Māori Language Commission meets each month for two days.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E hui ana te kōmihana ia marama mō te rua rā.
The Commission meets for two days in each month.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I waiata rāua i te hui?
Kāore rāua i waiata i te hui?
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I taku whare te hui.
The meeting was at my place.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I mahi kai mātou i mua i te hui.
We prepared food before the meeting.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I te mutunga o te hui, ka tū he arotakenga.
At the end of the hui, an evaluation was done.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
I te tunu a Hana i te keke mō te hui.
Hana was baking the cake for the meeting.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Ka waiata te kapa haka i te hui.
The haka group will sing at the gathering.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Ka haere te iwi ki te hui kia kōrero ngā kaumātua.
The iwi will travel to the meeting so the elders can talk.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Kua mutu te hui.
The meeting has finished.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Me haere koutou ki te hui kei hinga te take.
You should go to the meeting, or the matter might be defeated.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me haere koe ki te hui.
You should go to the meeting.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me tino haere koe ki te hui.
You really must go to the meeting.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Kei te wharenui te iwi e kōrero ana mō te hui ā te mutunga wiki.
The people are in the wharenui talking about the meeting on the weekend.
Pēnei au kua timata kē te hui.
I thought the meeting had already started.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...
Taihoa e tīmata te hui.
Hold on, don't start the meeting just yet.
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e
Ā hea te hui?
When is the meeting?
When? (in the future) - Āwhea? Āhea?
Nōnahea te hui i tīmata ai?
When did the meeting begin?
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō te marama o Paenga-whāwhā i hui ai ngā tāngata whenua o te ao.
In April, indigenous people from round the world gathered.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nāku i whakarite te hui.
It was me who organized the meeting.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Mā te rangatira o te iwi te hui e tīmata ki te karakia.
The chief of the tribe will begin the meeting with the prayer.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mā te rangatira o te hapū te karakia e taki hei tīmata i te hui.
The chief of the subtribe will begin the meeting with the karakia.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mā te rangatira o te hapū te karakia e taki hei tīmata i te hui.
The chief of the subtribe will begin the meeting with the karakia.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Māu e tubnu tētahi keke ma t`1a t`1atou hui.
You will cook a cake for our meeting.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mā Amaru te hui e whakakapi.
Amaru will close the hui.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Whakarerea ngā tūru ki roto i te rūma hui.
Leave the chairs in the meeting room.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Whakatikahia ngā mahi i te whare mō te hui.
Prepare the work at the house for the meeting.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Kua ngaro tāku pene. He nui āu. Tēnā, hōmai tētahi.
I've lost my pen. You've got lots. Give me one please.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
Kaua e wareware tā tātou hui ā tēnei Rātapu.
Don't forget our meeting this Sunday.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
Kua tata mutu te hui.
The hui is almost over.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...
Kua tata wehe a Māmā i te hui.
Mum has almost left the meeting.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...
Ke rāhuitia ēnei tauranga ike mā Ngāti-Kahukoka.
These fishing grounds were set aside for Ngāti-Kahukoka.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka rāhuitia ēnei tauranga ika mā Ngāti-Kahukoka.
These fishing grounds were set aside for Ngāti-Kahukoka.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka taea e koe te haere ki te hui?
Are you able to come to the meeting?
I am able... - Ka taea e...
Ka taea a Hemi te whakahaere i te hui.
Hemi is able to run the meeting.
I am able... - Ka taea e...
Kei te haere au ki Rakiura hei hui ki te marae.
I'm going to Stewart Island to meet up at the marae.
For the purpose of - hei
Hei aha te hui?
What is the purpose of the meeting.
For the purpose of - hei
Ka hui rātou āpōpō kōrero ai mō te wharenui.
They will meet tomorrow to discuss the wharenui.
The reason for an action -
Me haere tātau ki te marae hui ai.
Let's go to the marae in order to have a meeting.
The reason for an action -
I te āhua whakamā au. Kāore au i hari kai atu, i te mea kāore au i tino mōhio ka roa te hui. Ka mutu, ko āku tamariki ngā mea tino kaha ki te kai.
I was a bit embarrassed. I didn't take a plate, because I didn't know it was going to be a long hui. And worse still, it was my kids who polished off most of the food.
...and also, moreover - ...ka mutu
Kāore anō te hui kia mutu.
The meeting has not finished yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Homai ana e Mahuika he ahi, whakawetohia ana e Māui. Pēneitia tonutia ā pau noa ngā maikuku katoa, atu i tētehi mea kotahi.
Mahuika gave him fire, Māui doused it. This carried on until all of her fingernails were used up except one.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...
Ka āhei tātau ki te haere ki te hui?
Are we allowed to go to the meeting?
Allowed to do something - āhei
Kei te āmaimai ahau i te hui.
I'm nervous about the meeting.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te hui rātou.
They are at the meeting.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te
I te mutunga o te hui, ka tū he konohete.
At the end of the hui, a concert was held.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te
I te ata o te Rātū te hui.
The meeting was on Tuesday morning.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te
Ka mahue a Puhihuia i te taha o te tangata i a ia rā te patu pounamu.
Puhihuia was left beside the man who had the greenstone weapon.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...
Ka kite o reira taitamariki rangatira i taua kōtiro nei, i a Puhihuia,.
The young chiefs from there was this girl, Puhihuia.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka puta a Pihihuia me te wai.
Puhihuia appeared with the water.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Kāore te kapa haka e waiata i te hui.
The haka group will not sing at the gathering.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...
Kāore māua e waiata ana i te hui.
We are not singing at the gathering.
Negations of e... ana... sentences - kāore... e... ana...
He hui āku ki Kirikiriroa, nō reira me haere au i nāianei.
I have a meeting in Hamilton, so I have to go now.
Conjugations - therefore - nā reira, nō reira
Ka kite mātou i tāna kāhui kuihi.
We saw his flock of geese.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Ko ēnei ngā mahi o te hui.
These things are the work of the meeting.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ko ngā iwi katoa o te ao kua huihui mai i tēnei rā.
All the peoples of the world have gathered here today.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Kāore tō tāua matua i haere ki tāna hui.
Our father did not go to his meeting.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ka mihi ahau ki tōku kara, arā te kara hui o te Kuini.
I greet my flag, the great flag of the Queen.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
He hui tāku ā te Rātapu.
I have a hui on Sunday.
Do you have any...? - He... ?
Tēnā tātou kua huihui mai nei i tēnei pō.
Thanks for coming tonight.
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...
Te hui a te Whiringa-ā-nuku ko te mea mutunga mō tēnei tau.
The meeting in October will be the last for the year.
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...
Ā tērā wiki ka hui tātou ki Papaioea.
Next week we will meet in Palmerston.
Last week, last month, last year - tērā
Ā tērā marama tātou hui ai.
We are meeting next month.
Last week, last month, last year - tērā
Kāore a Hana i te tunu i te keke mō te hui.
Hana was not baking the cake for the meeting.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i te...
Kei te hui a Tawa rāua ko Ari ki te pātaka kōrero.
Tawa and Ari are meeting in the library.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
He tino pai te hui, ā, he tino pai anō hoki te kai.
The meeting was very good, and the food was also very good.
Conjunctions - and - ā
Tēnā koutou kua hui mai nei i tēnei rā!
Greetings to you who are gathered here on this day!
Towards - mai
Ka mutu te hui, ka haere atu ngā manuhiri ki te whare kai.
When the meeting ended, the visitors went to the eating house.
Away - atu
Hei te papa tuatoru te hui ā te ahiahi nei.
The meeting will be held on the third floor this afternoon.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...
Hei te papa tuatoru te hui ā te ahiahi nei.
The meeting will be held on the third floor this afternoon.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...
Te hui a te rua karaka, hei te whare wānanga.
The 2 o'clock meeting will be at the university.
Telling time - kara
I ngā huihuinga ka noho mai ia tika tonu mai i ahau.
He sits opposite me in meetings.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...
Hei Te Whanganui-a-Tara te hui a Oketopa.
The meeting in October will be at Wellington.
Future locative - hei
Kei te mahara au ki taua hui?
Do you remember that hui?
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua
Kei te mōhio koe ko wai te kaiwhakahaere o taua hui?
Do you know who the organiser of the hui is?
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua
Ko Puhihuia te noho mai rā i roto o taua iwi te titiro mai rā ki a Ponga.
Puhihuia was sitting amongst those people watching Ponga.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua
Tokoiwa ngā tāngata i taua hui.
There were nine people at that (aforementioned) meeting.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua
Kaue e kōrero i te hui.
Don't speak at the meeting.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...
Kaua e whakarerea ngā tūru ki roto i te rūma hui.
Don't leave the chairs in the meeting room.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...
Kaua e whakatikahia ngā mahi i te whare mō te hui.
Don't prepare the work at the house for the meeting.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...
Kāore rātou i te hui.
They are not at the meeting.
Negation of locatives - kāore...
Kāore tō tātou huihuinga ki reira.
Our meeting will not be there.
Negation of locatives - kāore...
Kei te papa tuatoru te hui ā te ahiahi nei.
The meeting will be held on the third floor this afternoon.
Future locatives - kei te
Kei reira tō tātou hihuinga a te marama ka heke mai nei.
That's where our meeting will be next month.
Future locatives - kei te
Nōnanahi te hui i tīmaia i tīmata ai.
The meeting began yesterday.
The day before yesterday, etc - inatahīrā, inaoake...
Kāore a Hemi e taea te whakahaere i te hui.
Hemi is unable to run the meeting.
To be unable - Kāore... taea...
Ehara i a au te hui i whakarite.
I didn’t organize the meeting.
Negating the past agent emphatic - ehara i...
Ehara i Aria te hui i whakarite.
Aria didn't organise the hui.
Negating the past agent emphatic - ehara i...
Kātahi anō ka mutu te hui.
The meeting has just finished.
Has just... - kātahi anō...
Mā wai tēnei hui e whakahaere?
Who will run this meeting?
Who will? - mā wai?
Ā hea te hui tīmata ai?
When will the meeting begin?
Asking "when" with ai - ā hea... ai?
Āpōpō te hui tīmata ai.
The meeting will begin tomorrow.
Asking "when" with ai - ā hea... ai?
Ā hea tātou hui ai?
When are we meeting?
Asking "when" with ai - ā hea... ai?
Nōnhea te hui?
When was the meeting?
Asking 'when was?' When did something happen? - Nōnahea, inahea
Inahea te hui?
When was the meeting?
Asking 'when was?' When did something happen? - Nōnahea, inahea
Inahea te hui i tīmata ai?
When did the meeting begin?
Asking 'when was?' When did something happen? - Nōnahea, inahea
I mātua hui te iwi ki te marae, kātahi ka haere ki te urupā.
First the tribe met at the marae, and then set off to the cemetry.
And then... - kātahi ka...
Ka mutu te hui, ka haere māua ki te tāone.
When the meeting is over, we will go to town.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka
Kia wātea mai koe, ka hui tāua.
When you are free, we will catch up.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka
Kia mutu taku hui, ka waea atu ia ki a koe.
When I finish my meeting, I will call you.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka
Ko to ono karaka te wā e tīmata ai te hui.
The meeting starts (specifically) at 6 o'clock.
Specifically - ai
He aha a Koa i kore ai e tae mai ki te hui?
Why didn't Koa come to the hui?
Why didn't? - he aha i kore ai e?
Whakapāngia mai te pānui ki tēnei taha o te matapihi.
Stick the notice on this side of the window.
Ka mutu ana te hui, ka hoki atu tāua ki te kāinga.
When the hui finishes, then we will come home. (Or when the hui finished, then we went home.)
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...
Ka haere tātou, ka mutu ana te hui.
We will go when the hui finishes.
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...
He aha koe e haere ai ki te hui?
Why will you go to the hui?
Why... now? - He aha... e... nei?
Ko wai kāore i te whakahaere i te hui?
Who isn’t running the meeting?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...
Hei whakawhiti whakaaro te kaupapa o te hui.
Exhanging idea was the purpose of the meeting.
Kei te hōro te hui.
The meeting is in the hall.
Kei te haere au ki Tāmaki-makau-rau mō te hui.
I'm going to Auckland for the meeting.
Ka hui tātou ki te marae.
We will meet at the marae.
Ka riro pea a Puhihuia i te tangata kē anō o rātou.
Perhaps Puhuihuia would be taken by another one of them.
Kāore a Nikau mā i haere mai ki te hui.
Nikau and the others didn't come to the meeting.
Ko Puhihuia i noho i te whakarei o te waka.
Puhihuia sat in the stern of the canoe.
I runga anō i te kaupapa o te hui.
In accordance with the theme of the meeting.
Kei te haere tātou ki te hui raranga.
We (3+ exclusive) are going to the weaving meeting.
Āpōpō ka hui tātou ki Papaiea ki te ako i te reo Māori.
Tomorrow we will meet in Palmerston North to learn the Māori language.
Haumi e, Hui e! Tāiki e!
Join together, unite, the group is ready to progress for the purpose of coming together.
He tino ngahau tēnei hui
This meeting is very entertaining
He tino hōhā tēnei hui
This meeting is very boring
Kei te haere tātou ki te hui raranga.
We (3+ inclusive) are going to the weaving meeting.
He hui tā Honi.
Honi has a meeting.
Ka tapa au i tana ingoa ko Huia.
I name this child Huia.
Kia tina! TINA! Hui e! TĀIKI E!
Draw together! Affirm!
Hui ā-whānau.
Meet as a family.
Hui e, Tāiki e!
Forward together!
Tae ā-tinana.
Arrive in body hui ā-tau meet annually.
He tangata whakatika waka i te rā, ā, he pene whakangahau tōna mō ngā huihuinga whakahirahira.
He is a person who fixes cars during the day, and he has an entertaining song for important gatherings.
Ka mutu te hui.
The meeting ended.
Āwhea te hui tū ai?
When will the hui take place?
Ahakoa ka mutu te hui, ka noho ngā manuhiri i roto i te whare nui.
Although the meeting ended, the visitors remained in the meeting house.
Āwhea tū ai te hui?
When will the hui take place?
Katoa ngā ākonga o te whare wānanga i tae atu ki te hui.
All the students of the university attended the meeting.
Ko te kaupapa o te hui, ko te whakakotahi i te whānau.
The theme of our meeting is family unity.
Nā te aha a Mia i kore ai e tae mai ki te hui?
What is the reason why Mia did not come to the meeting?
He hoahoa ahau nō Puhihuia.
I am an attendant of Puhihuia.
Nā Huia te reta kē i muri o te karaka.
The letter behind the clock is Huia's.
Āhua rua tekau ngā tāngata i tae mai ki te hui.
About 20 people came to the meeting.
Kei te haere mātou ki te hui.
We are going to a meeting.
A te Mane te hui.
The gathering is on Monday.
Āpōpō te hui.
The gathering is tomorrow.
I pēhea te hui?
What was the meeting like?
I muri i te hui, i kōrero au ki a Manu.
After the meeting, I spoke with Manu.
Ka nui te hui.
The gathering is big.
Kua mutu te hui.
The meeting is over.
Tēnā koutou kua hui mai nei i tēnei wā.
Greetings to you who are gathered here at this time.
I muri i te hui, i kōrero au ki a Pāora.
After the meeting, I spoke with Pāora.
Tēnā tātou kua huihui mai nei i tēnei rā.
Thanks for coming today.
Tēnā tātou kua huihui mai nei i tēnei ahiahi.
Thanks for coming this afternoon.
Kia pai tō hui.
Have a good meeting.
Hiki ana te hui, hokihoki ana ngā tāngata ki ō rātou kāinga.
When the meeting closed, everyone went home.
Te aroha o Puhihuia.
Puhihuia's love.
Kei Otaki rātou e hui ana.
They are meeting at Otaki.
Ka tīmata te kura ā te Huitanguru.
School starts in February.
Mō Puhihuia rāpea tō kupu?
Are your words actually about Puhihuia?
I pēhea tō hui?
How was your meeting?
Kei te haere ia ki te marae ki te tunu i ngā kai mō te hui.
He is going to the marae to cook food for the meeting.
Ā te tau e heke mai nei, ka tū te hui nui.
In the year ahead, the big meeting will be held.
E toru miriona tāra te hui o te pūtea.
3 million dollars is the size of the fund.
Ka tū te hui ki tēhea marae?
Which marae is the hui at?
Ko tēnei te hui tuaiwa ki konei.
This is the ninth meeting here.
Ko te pai o ngā hui raumati, he moata te tākiritanga mai o te ata.
The good thing about summer meetings is that the mornings start early.
Hui ē! Tāiki ē!
Bind us all together!
I aua huihuinga, ka kite a Hinemoa i a Tūtānekai.
At those meetings, Hinemoa would see Tūtānekai.
Ka tīmata ngā hui ki te karakia.
Meetings begin with a prayer.
Ko te hui a te rua haora.
The meeting is in two hours.
Mā Niko e whakakapi te hui.
Niko will close the hui.