Results for 'hāngai'
hāngai - opposite, facing
Ka oti te hangai a te waka ā tēnei Paengawhāwhā.
The waka will be finished in April.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Kia tīkina atu he whakataukī e hāngai ana kī tēnei kaupapa...
Let me grab a proverb...
Away - atu
Kei te kimi te whare wānanga i tētahi tangata e hāngai nei ngā tohu mātauranga hei whakaako.
The university is looking for a suitably qualified person to teach.
Tōia te ingoa o te tangata ki te pouaka e hāngai ana ki te pātai.
Drag the name of the person to the box who fits the description.
Me ako kupu, kīanga anō hoki e hāngai ana.
Learn words, and also relevant phrases that are applicable.
Kāore i hāngai ki te kaupapa.
I wasn't related to the kaupapa.