Results for 'hē'
he - a, some; in the category of
ia - he, she, him, her
hē - wrong; error, mistake
Puku ana te rae! - He hit the roof!
Kāore e nama te kōrero. - He has an answer for everything.
Kei tua o Tāwauwau ia. - He is away with the fairies.
Tēnā te ringa parahia. - He does the jobs no one else wants to do.
Ko tēnei he tekau tana taraka.
This is a ten ton truck.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ko taku hiahia he pukapuka.
A book is what I want.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ehara tērā rākau i te tōtara, he rimu kē.
That is not a tōtara, it's actually a rimu.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...
Ehara tērā i te kārearea, he kāhu kē.
That is not a falcon, it is actually a hawk.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...
Ēhara i a Ponga te hē nei.
The fault is not Ponga's.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...
Kei te hē koe!
You are wrong!
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
Kei te hiakai au, engari, kore kau he kai!
I am starving, but, there is absolutely no food!
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
E kāia ana hoki he tino toa koe ki taua mahi.
It is also said that you were a real champion at that job.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E mōhio ana ia he porotaka te ao.
He knows that the earth is round.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E hē ana tāna.
What she/he said was incorrect.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I pakipaki te katoa me tō rātou kore e tino mārama ki tāua i kī ai.
Everyone applauded though they did not entirely understand what he had said.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I āwhina mai ia. He atawhai nōna.
She helped me, She is very kind.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I taku taenga atu ki te kāinga, kua maoa kē i a ia ngā kai.
When I got home, he had already cooked dinner.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I pou māua i ētahi rākau māori: he tōtara, he tarata, he kōwhai hoki.
We planted some native trees: tōtara, tarata and kōwhai.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I te mutunga o te hui, ka tū he arotakenga.
At the end of the hui, an evaluation was done.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Kua kite koe i taku pene? He mā whero te mea na.
Have you seen my pen? It's a pink one.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Me ruirui he paura ki runga i a koe.
Let's sprinkle some powder on you.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me aha ai?
What should he do?
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me hoatu he kapi ki a Hare.
You should give Hare a copy.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me kau hoki ki hea i te tawhiti ki waho o te moana nui?
Where could he swim to, from such a distance out in the ocean?
Sentences with i - i
I a ia e kai ana, ka kite ia i tōna hoa.
While he was eating, he saw his friend.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana
Kei roto i te kāpata te pukapuka e rapu ana ia.
The book he was looking for was in the cupboard.
Kia mahara ki te hē o Rona!
Let us remember the sin of Rona!
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia
Kia āta kōrero ki a Mia, kei pukuriri ia.
Talk carefully to Mia - he might get angry.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
Me hoki tātou ki te kāinga, kei hē au.
We should return home, lest I get into trouble.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
Mau pāhau ai ia? Kāo!
Does he always have a beard? No!
Habitual action - ai
Pēnei au he Pākehā ia, engari he Māori tonu.
I thought she was a Pākehā, but it turns out she's Māori.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...
Pēnei au he kurī tērā, engari he ngeru tonu.
I thought that was a dog, but it turns out it was a cat.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...
Pēnei au he keke panana, engari he kāroti tonu.
I thought it was a banana cake, but it turns out it was carrot.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...
Pēnei au he wharekura tērā, engari he wharepukapuka tonu.
I thought that was a school, but it turns out it was a library.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...
Pēnei au he kōtiro ia.
I thought he was a girl.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...
Pēnei au he māmā noa iho te oma ki tātahi.
I thought running to the beach would be a piece of cake.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...
Pēnei au he māmā noa iho te whatu kākahu.
I thought it would be easy as to knit clothes.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...
E hika! He rite tō haunga ki tō te kurī.
Heck! You smell like the dog.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
He rite a Rāwiri ki tōna māmā, he tangata kaha ki te mahi.
Rāwiri is like his mother, a man who is strong in work.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
Tō kōtiro, he rite ki a koe.
Your girl is like you.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
Kāti, he aha tā kōrua mahi i tēnei rā, e moko?
So, what are you two doing today, my grandchild?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?
E taku tau, he aha nei ngā mahi mā tāua kia haere atu ki tātahi?
My love, what tasks do we have to do so we can go to the beach to holiday?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?
Inanahi nei he aha te mahi a te ngeru?
What was the cat doing yesterday?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?
Tēnā mahia mai he tī māku.
Please make a cup of tea for me.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā mahia mai he tōhi māku.
Could you please make me some toast.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā mahia mai he rēwena mā tātou, e te tau?
Could you please make us some bread, dearest?
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā tīkina he tiakarete mā tātou.
Can you please grab us some chocolate.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā haria mai he āporo māku, e kō?
Can you bring me an apple please, dear?
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā tapahia he wahie?
Could you please chop some wood?
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā mahia mai he kapu tī māku?
Could you please make me a cup of tea.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā tīkina atu he kai mā kōrua.
Please, fetch some food for you two.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā tīkina he keke mā tātou.
Please fetch us some cake.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā mahia mai he kapu tī mā māua?
Can you please make us (2) a cup of tea?
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā, hōmai he pene. Kua ngaro tāku.
Give me a pen please. I have lost mine.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Tēnā mahia mai he tī māku.
Please make a tea for me.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Hei aha tāna kōrero.
Never mind what he is saying.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Hei aha a Niko, he hīanga tana mahi.
Never mind Niko, he's up to mischief.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Kia ahatia. He maha aku pene.
It's all good. Plenty more where he came from.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Kia ahatia. He rākau noa iho te papa, he māmā te horoi.
Never mind. It's a wooden floor. It's easy to clean.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Kia ahatia, he rā anō āpōpō.
It's all good, there's another day tomorrow.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Kia ahatia, he māmā noa iho muku i te papa.
Never mind, the floor's easy to wipe.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
E rata ana au ki a ia. He tangata pai.
I like him. He's a good fella.
To like - rata
Kāore au e rata ki tēnā kai - he kawa ki taku korokoro.
I don't like that food - I find it unpleasant.
To like - rata
Kāore au e rata ki te kai a te ngeru, he haunga.
I don't like cat food, it stinks.
To like - rata
Kāore au e rata ki te tahitahi papa, he hōhā.
I don't like sweeping the floor, it's annoying.
To like - rata
Nō tō tāua taenga, ka tūpono ia e mau kaka rerehua ana rāua.
When they arrived, he realised that they were wearing fancy dress.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō muri i tana hinganga i te pōtitanga, ka rihaina ia.
After his defeat in the election, he resigned.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō mua tata atu i tōna matenga, ka puta tana ōhākī ki tana whānau.
Shortly before his passing, he made his dying speech to his whānau.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō muri, ka āmio haere ia i ngā moutere e rua nei.
Afterwards, he circumnavigated these two islands.
Belonging to the past - nō
Ko tēnei he reta nō Ingarangi mai.
This is a letter from England.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nā tana rōpā i whakanoi he kai māna.
His slave hung some food up for him.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Nā te moko o Ponga i pai ai.
It is because of Ponga's facial tattoo that he was attractive.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Nā te mea, he wera rawa!
Because it's too hot!
Conjuctions - because - nā te mea
He kawhe, he hanawiti, he keke hoki māku.
I want a coffee, a sandwich and cake.
Unrealised possession - mā, māku
Māku e kawe atu he wai māu.
I will bring you some water.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mā Rewi e tuhituhi he reta ki te Pirimia.
It will be Rewi who will write a letter to the Prime Minister.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Homai he wai arani māku.
Pass an orange juice for me.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Tāpirihia he huka.
Add some sugar.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Tīkina he pune.
Get a spoon.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Riringihia he wai ki roto.
Pour in some water.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Hōmai he parāoa māku.
Give me some bread.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Tīkina atu he huka.
Fetch some sugar.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Whakawāteahia he wāhi ki te kāuta.
Clear a space in the kitchen.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Tīkina he wai!
Fetch some water!
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Tīkina he tūru anō.
Fetch another chair.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
I te kōrero mai ia ānō nei he tamariki mātou.
He was talking to us as if we were kids.
It was as if - ānō nei
E hūrori haere ana ia ānō nei kua haurangi.
He was staggering along as if he was drunk
It was as if - ānō nei
I te kōrero mai ia ānō nei he tamaiti ahau.
He was talking to me as if I was a child.
It was as if - ānō nei
I titiro māi rātou ānō nei he kūare māua.
They were staring at us as if we were stupid.
It was as if - ānō nei
E kōrero pākiwaha mai ana ia ānō nei ko ia te toa o te kēmu.
He was boasting as if he won the game.
It was as if - ānō nei
I te kōrero mai a Māmā ānō nei he tamaiti au.
Mum was talking to me as if I was a kid.
It was as if - ānō nei
I te kōrero mai a Pāpā ānō nei he kūare māua.
Dad was talking to us as if we (2) are stupid.
It was as if - ānō nei
I te kōrero mai te kaiako ānō nei he taringa kōhatu mātou.
The teacher was talking to us as if we were deaf.
It was as if - ānō nei
I te tohutohu mai taku tamāhine ānō nei he matua kē ia.
My daughter was bossing me as if she was a parent
It was as if - ānō nei
E tū whakapakoko ana ia ānō nei kua kōhatutia.
He was standing like a statute as if he had become stone.
It was as if - ānō nei
Kei te hīkoi ia ānō nei he kau.
He is walking like a cow.
It was as if - ānō nei
Kei te oma ia anō nei he hōiho.
She is running like a horse.
It was as if - ānō nei
Kei te hīkoi ia ānō nei he ngeru.
He is walking like a cat.
It was as if - ānō nei
Kāore i roa ka mauru tōna riri, ka hoki ia ki rō whare ki te whakapāha ki ōna hoa.
Before long his anger subsided and he went back inside to apologise to his mates.
It won't be long before... - kāore e roa...; kāori i roa...
Hoatu he pereti ki a ia.
Give him a plate.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
He rahi rawa tēnei wiri, hōmai he mea iti iho.
This drill is too big, pass me a smaller one.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
Kua ngaro tāku pene. He nui āu. Tēnā, hōmai tētahi.
I've lost my pen. You've got lots. Give me one please.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
Me he manu ahau...
If I were a bird...
If... (using me) - me
Me i konei ia.
If only he were here.
If... (using me) - me
Me he mahi kei te haere, ka oma!
If there's work to be done, he runs!
If... (using me) - me
Me he manu rere ahau...
If I were a flying bird...
If... (using me) - me
Kei raro iho nei he tauira o te reremahi poto.
Below is an example of a short verbal sentence.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...
Kaua e pōhēhē he huarahi ngāwari noa iho te huarahi ki te mātauranga.
Don't kid yourself that the path to knowledge is an easy one.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
Kaua e tuhia he reta roa.
You shouldn't write a long letter.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...
Kaua e waiatahia he waiata ngahau.
You should not sing a joyful song.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...
Mā te noho mai ka puta he hua ki a koe.
By staying (you) will benefit.
Through (one thing/action), (a second thing) will be achieved. - Mā te... ka...; mā... e... ai
Kua tata waenganui pō ka hoki mai ia i te mahi.
It's nearly midnight when he returns from work.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...
Me hoko e tātou he koha mā Māmā, me te tākai anō kia ātaahua.
We should buy Mum a present, and wrap it nicely too.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō
I kohia he pipi māku, me te kohi anō i ētehi mā taku matua.
I gathered some pipi for me, as well as some for my dad.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō
E hīkoikoi ana a Koro me te whiowhio anō.
Koro was walking along whistling as he went.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō
Wehe atu ana a Manu me to amuamu anō.
Manu left complaining as he went.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō
I rukua he pāua, me te kohi anō i ētehi mā koutou ko tō whānau.
I went diving for pāua, and got some for your family too.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō
Ka mahia he waka mō tekau tāngata,.
A ten-man canoe was made.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I mahia e ia he taonga wheua mō te rau tāra.
He made a bone pendant worth one hundred dollars.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kei te kimihia he whare mō te kura.
A house is being sought for the school.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka kimihia tētahi tikanga, e kitea ai he moni.
A plan will be sought whereby money will be found.
Passive sentences - tikina...
E kimihia ana he tikanga.
A plan is/was being sought.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kua mahia e Ataahua he kapu tī mā rātou.
Ataahua has made them a cup of tea.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka mutu ngā karakia a Te Aotaki ka werohia e ia a Rangipopo.
Te Aotaki finished his incantations and then he invoked Rangipopo.
Passive sentences - tikina...
E kimihia ana he tikanga e ngā āpiha.
A plan is being sought by the officials.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I tīkina te māripi e ia, kātahi ka tapahi ia i te pāua.
He fetched the knife, then he chopped the pāua.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I runga i te paruone ka mahia e ia he raina mai i te kēti ki te whare ki tana rākau.
He drew a line in the dirt from the gate to the house with his stick.
Passive sentences - tikina...
E ai ki ngā kaimātai pūtaiao, ehara te wēra i te ika, he whakangote kē.
According to the scientists, whales are not fish, they are mammals.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā
E ai ki taku koroua, he whare miraka kau e tū ana i korā i ngā rā o mua.
According to my koroua, there was a milking shed over there in the old days.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā
E ai ki a Mira, he pai te rimurimu hei whakamōmona i te whenua.
According to Mira, seaweed is good for enriching the soil.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā
E ai ki ngā kōrero, e ono kē ngā matimati i tētahi o ngā ringaringa.
According to what is said, he had six fingers on one of his hands.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā
Ki tā te kuia rā, he mea hanga taua whare ki te mauku.
According to that kuia, that house was built out of mauku (a type of fern).
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā
E ai ki te hea o Te Mana Hauora hoki, he māramatanga kei roto i te reo Māori.
According to Te Mana Hauora chair, there was understanding in Māori language use.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā
E whakatō kūmera ana a Pou rāua ko Hema, e tākaro ana he rōpu tamariki i roto i te māra.
Pou and Hema were planting kūmera, and a group of children were playing in the garden.
Gerund phrases (fence building, bread baking, dishes washing...) - tunu parāoa...
Kei te kuia haere taku waka, engari he waka pai tonu.
My car is growing old, but she's still a good car.
It is becoming... - E... haere ana
Nō hea i uia te pono o ngā kōrero i tana CV.
The truth of what he put in his CV was never questioned.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea
Ka kimihia he puna wai, nō whea e kitea.
They looked for a spring, but had no luck whatsoever finding one.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea
Ka kimihihia he rūma mōtēra e wātea ana, nō whea e kitea.
They looked for a vacant motel room, but had no luck whatsoever finding one.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea
Āe, he keke pea hei whakanui i te taenga mai o Tawa.
Yes, perhaps a cake to celebrate the arrival of Tawa.
For the purpose of - hei
Anei he pukapuka hei āwhina i a koe.
Here's a book to help you.
For the purpose of - hei
Kainga i waho, ke whakaritea he tohunga hei whāngai mō Tū-whakairi-ora.
They ate out of doors, and a tohunga was appointed to feed Tū-whakairi-ora.
For the purpose of - hei
Ehara māku e taki te karakia, nā te mea he iti taku kete pāpaku taku kete karakia.
I will not be the one to recite the prayer because my kete is shallow.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kei te ako ahau, engari he pōturi.
I'm learning but I'm slow.
Conjunctions - but - engari
He pai ki ahau te mahita, nā te mea, he humarie ia.
I like the teacher, because he's handsome.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kāore e pai ki ahau te mahita, na te mea, he haunga ia.
I don't like the teacher because he smells.
Conjunctions - but - engari
He makariri, engari he rawe te hararei.
It was cold, but it was a great holiday.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kei te hōhā ahau i te mea he uaua tēnei mahi.
I am bored because this work is too hard.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kei te oherere ahau i te mea he māmā rawa tēnei mahi.
I am surprised because this work is too easy.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kāore aku tamariki, engari he tokomaha āku irāmutu, tekau mā rima rātou.
I don't have any kids, but I have many nieces and nephews, there are fifteen of them.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Nō whea hoki ia e tae mai ai?
There's no way he will get here?
Direction -
Koirā i tae tūreiti mai ai.
That's why he arrived late.
Direction -
He wahine pai a Ataahua. He kakama, he pukumahi, ka mutu he ngākau māhaki.
Ataahua is a good woman. She's clever, hardworking, and also/moreover she is gentle-hearted.
...and also, moreover - ...ka mutu
I puta he hua ki te iwi Māori i ērā kaupapa? Kāore kau.
Did Māori benefit from those measures? Not at all.
there wasn't any... absolutely no... - Kāore kau...
Kāore kau he rorohiko i ērā wā.
There were no computers whatsoever in those days.
there wasn't any... absolutely no... - Kāore kau...
Kāore kau he tiakarete i te pouaka - kua pau kē.
There are absolutely no chocolates in the box - they have all been eaten.
there wasn't any... absolutely no... - Kāore kau...
Horekau mātou e hiahia kia tū he whare petipeti ki konei.
We categorically don't want a casino to be built here.
there wasn't any... absolutely no... - Kāore kau...
I a Kuikui e tamariki ana, kāore kau he hiko.
When Gran was young, there wasn't any electricity.
When I was young - I a e tamariki ana
He rawe te kaitono tuatahi. He pai tōna āhua. Heoi anō, he pai ake te reo Māori o te kaitono tuarua.
The first applicant was great. He had a really nice way about him. On the other hand, the second applicant had better Māori language skills.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō
He ruarua noa ngā ika i mau i a au i tēnei ata. Heoi anō, he pai ake te iti i te kore.
I only caught a few fish this morning. Still, a few is better than none.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō
Heoi anō, he pai te rahi.
However, this size is good.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō
E ai ki ngā rongo kua taumaha a ia, mea ake ka hemo.
They say he's very ill, and it won't be long at all before he dies.
All of a sudden - Mea ake
Ka tū atu he kaikōrero i tēnei taha, ka noho, ka tū mai he kaikōrero i tērā taha, ka noho. Ka pēnei tonu te haere o ngā kōrero, heoi anō, mā te iwi kāinga e whakakapi.
A speaker stands on this side, then sits, a speaker on the other side stands, then sits. The speeches carry on in this fashion. However, the homeside closes.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...
Ka tata tatū te take, kātahi ka puta ake he māharahara anō. I pēnei tonu te āhua ā pō noa.
The matter would just about be resolved, then someone would raise another concern. It carried on like this into the night.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...
Homai ana e Mahuika he ahi, whakawetohia ana e Māui. Pēneitia tonutia ā pau noa ngā maikuku katoa, atu i tētehi mea kotahi.
Mahuika gave him fire, Māui doused it. This carried on until all of her fingernails were used up except one.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...
Tērā pea ka puta he kōrero mō te māra.
Perhaps a discussion about the garden will emerge.
Perhaps - Tērā pea
Tērā pea he Hāmoa tana hoa. Ki a au nei he Hāmoa te āhua.
Maybe her mate's Samoan. He looks Samoan to me.
Perhaps - Tērā pea
Tērā tonu pea nā Tawa te papawīra rā. I mea mai ia he papawīra hou tāna.
That skateboard might well belong to Tawa. He said he had a new skateboard.
Perhaps - Tērā pea
Ahakoa e mahana ana ināianei, me kawe tonu he koti, kei makariri.
Although it's warm at the moment, you should still take a coat, in case it turns cold.
Conjunctions - although - ahakoa
Ahakoa te anuanu o te āhua o tēnā kai, he reka tonu.
Although that food looks disgusting, it actually tastes nice.
Conjunctions - although - ahakoa
He tangata pai tonu ia ki a au, ahakoa āna mahi hē i ētahi wā.
I think he's an okay guy, in spite of the fact that he stuffs up sometimes.
Conjunctions - although - ahakoa
Kia whiwhi te tamaiti tāne ki te moni, ka hoko mai ia i te koha mā te kōtiro.
When they boy got the money, he bought a present for the girl.
When - Kia
Kāore au i te mōhio he aha he whakaaro māku.
I don't know what to think.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Kāore au i te mōhio he aha he pātai māku.
I don't know what to ask.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Kāore au e pai ki te takurua, he makariri rawa.
I don't like winter, it's too cold.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Kāore au i te mōhio he aha he waiata māku.
I don't know what to sing.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Kāore au i te mōhio he aha he kai māku.
I don't know what to eat.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
I te waka rā, he tāne kau.
In the canoe, there was just a man (or: "there were just men").
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
I a ia āku pukapuka?
Did he have my books?
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
I te marae, he aha te mahi a ngā koroua?
At the marae, what is the work of the elders?
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
I te mutunga o te hui, ka tū he konohete.
At the end of the hui, a concert was held.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te
I te whitu karaka i te ahiahi, ka mate ia.
At seven o'clock in the evening, he died.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te
Kāore ngā kōtiro i whakaaro he hangarau, engari i kata he tama.
None of the girls thought it was funny, but a boy laughed.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i...
Kāore he tamaiti i whānau.
No child is born.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i...
Ki te hinga te kāwanatanga, me whakahaere he pōti.
If the government falls, there has to be an election.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...
Kāore he tangata i kō atu i tōku koroua ki ahau.
There's no one better than my grandad in my opinion.
There's no one better than... - Kāore i...
Ka tū atu anō he wahine.
Another woman stood up.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka noho ia i tētahi rākau e noho rā he tāngata i raro.
[He] came to rest in a tree under which some people sat.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka roa, ka haere atu ia.
After a while, he left.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka mutu te kai, ka kī ia...
When the meal was over, he said...
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka mutu ōna tohu, ka noho ki raro.
When his instructions were ended, he sat down.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka waiho he wāhi kia tuwhera ana i waenganui i ngā taiepa kōhatu nei.
A place was left open between the stone walls.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka kīa e te taitamariki he mea mahi ki te mākutu.
The young people said it was done with black magic.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka kīa e te tatamariki he mea mahi ki te mākutu.
The young people said it was done with black magic.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka kite mai a Rangi-uru-hinga, he taniwha tēnei kei Moana-ariki e noho ana, i te kino o te mahi a Kupe ki a Hotu.
Rangi-uru-hinga, who was a taniwha living in Moana-ariki, saw the wickedness of Kupu's treatment of Hotu.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
He whare kōhatu, he mea hōu.
A new, stone house.
Categorizing sentences - he
He haere ki te awa, he haere rānei ki te tāone Nan.
We will go to the river or go to town, Nan.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
Inanahi ke haere atu ia mai i Rotorua ki Pōneke.
Yesterday, he went from Rotorua to Wellington.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
Tīkina he wai i te awa!
Get some water from the river!
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i
He whānau pai tō Aria, he nui tō rātou aroha ki a rātou anō.
Aria has a good family. They love each other very much.
Otirā ko ngā kai a te manuwhiri rā, he mea kai whakangaio.
But the visitors just pretended to eat their food.
Conjunctions - however - otirā
He kino tāna kōrero.
What he says is bad.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Kei hea ngā uri o Te Rangihiroa? Kāore ōna uri.
Where are the descendants of Te Rangihiroa? He had none.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
He whāiti, he kōtiti ngā ara ki tōna takiwā.
The roads to her district are narrow and winding.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
He mea ui e ia ki tana whaea te mahi e mahia au aua tū mea nei.
The method by which these kind of things were made was something he asked his mother.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
Āe, he tuakana tōku, ko Rangi tōna ingoa.
Yes, I do have an older sibling, his name is Rangi.
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana
Āe, he tuākana ōku, ko Koa, ko Tame ō rāua ingoa.
Yes, I do have older siblings, their names are Koa and Tame.
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana
Āe, he tuākana ōku, ko Pāora, ko Taika, ko Nikau ō rātou ingoa.
Yes, I do have older siblings, their names are Pāora, Taika and Nikau.
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana
Āe, he tēina tōku, ko Hēmi tōna ingoa.
Yes, I do have a younger sibling, his name is Hēmi.
Family relationships - younger sibling of the same sex - teina
Āe, he tēina ōku, ko Tame, ko Aroha ō rāua ingoa.
Yes, I do have younger siblings, their names are Tame and Aroha.
Family relationships - younger sibling of the same sex - teina
Āe, he tēina ōku, ko Kauri, ko Aria, ko Rangi ō rātou ingoa.
Yes, I have younger siblings, their names are Kauri, Aria and Rangi.
Family relationships - younger sibling of the same sex - teina
Kāore ā ngā tauira he pātai.
The students don’t have any questions.
I have no... - Kāore aku...
Kāore ā rāua he ngeru.
They don’t have any cats.
I have no... - Kāore aku...
Kāore ōku tungāne, he wāhine katoa mātou ngā tamariki.
I don't have any brothers, all of the children are female.
I have no... - Kāore aku...
He aha kei roto i ana ringaringa? He kiore?
What's that in his hands? A rat?
What? - He aha?
He aha tō hiahia? He pāreti māu, he panakeke rānei e moko?
What do you want? Porridge or pancakes, grandchild?
What? - He aha?
He aha te hē o tō tama?
What's wrong with your son?
What? - He aha?
Aua, he kupu hou tēnā ki a au.
I don't know, that's a new word to me.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kei te hē tēnā!
That is wrong!
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Eo! Kāore he hē o tēnā!
Ow! There's no harm in that!
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
E tangi he pū i ngā pō katoa, ko ahau tēnā, hoe mai.
A flute sounds every night: it's me! Paddle to me!
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Pū, e hoa, he aha tēnā?
Phew, mate, what is that?
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kāore. He haunga rawa atu tēnā kai.
No. That is the smelliest food.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kāhore kau he kākā kura o tērā pōkai.
That flock didn't have any red kākā.
That (over there) - tērā
Āe Nan, he tino reka te parakuihi i tēnei ata.
Yes Nan, the breakfast was really delicious this morning.
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...
He paki te rā, he pai te kai, he pai te kōrero. He rawe tērā mutunga wiki i tērā tau.
It was a sunny day, good food, good conversation. That was an excellent weekend last year.
Last week, last month, last year - tērā
He mātau ia, ā, he kōtiro pākiki hoki.
She is smart, and also a stubborn girl.
Conjunctions - and - ā
He tino pai te hui, ā, he tino pai anō hoki te kai.
The meeting was very good, and the food was also very good.
Conjunctions - and - ā
Hei tā Michale Naera, heamana o Te Mana Hauora, he uaua ki ētahi tūroro Māori te mārama ki ngā rerenga kōrero hauora reo pākeha, ā, ka māmā ake me he Māori te reo.
Te Mana Hauora chair Michael Naera said Māori patients struggled with English medical terms and would find it easier if they were in Māori.
Conjunctions - and - ā
Te taunga rawatanga atu o Paki i te waka, ka tīmata ia ki te kaukau.
As soon as Paki jumped out of the boat, he began swimming.
Away - atu
Tīkina atu he miraka, he paraoa hoki.
Get some milk and some bread too.
Away - atu
E tama, mauria atu he tūru māna.
Hey boy, take a chair for her.
Away - atu
Kia tīkina atu he whakataukī e hāngai ana kī tēnei kaupapa...
Let me grab a proverb...
Away - atu
Kei raro nei he kōrero mō ētahi tamariki tokotoru.
The following is a simple story about three children.
Numbering people - tokorua, tokotahi...
Me Ponga i hoki mai anō mā te tatau ōna i puta atu ai.
And Ponga came back in by the same door he had left by.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...
Tae rawa atu, kātahi tonu ia ka haere.
When we arrived, he had just left.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...
Hei konei he kāinga mo mātou.
Here will be a home for us.
Future locative - hei
Ko te wai o taua pā he puna kei te taha ki te hauraro.
The pā's water source was a spring on the north side.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua
Haere ake i aua ope nei he tamariki kau.
Only young people went in those groups.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua
Kāore he manu o roto.
There's no bird inside.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...
He pai ki a au ngā rangi pēnei, he ātaahua.
I like days like this - beautiful!
Like this, like that - pēnei, pēna, pēra
He pērā te āhua o Pita, he ngākau māhaki tōna.
Pita's nature is like that, he has a kind heart.
Like this, like that - pēnei, pēna, pēra
Mehemea ka kite he kurī i tētahi tangata, ke auau.
If a dog sees someone, it barks.
If (using mehemea) - mehemea, mehe, mēnā
Tuhia he kōrero mō tō whānau.
Write a story about your family.
About someone - mōku, mōu, mōna...
Ki te tae mai he ope, me pōhiri.
If a group arrives, they must be welcomed.
If using ki - ki
Engari, he pai ki ahau te tae.
But I like the colour.
I like... - He pai ki a au...
Tēnā, he aha te kai pai ki a koe?
Okay then, what food do you like?
I like... - He pai ki a au...
Kātahi anō ia ka kite he rākau kē.
It was then that he saw it was just a stick.
Has just... - kātahi anō...
Ka hoki mai ia, ka kai tātou.
When he gets back, we will eat.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka
Ka mutu tāt tāau mahi, ka whakatā tātou.
When our work is finished, we will relax.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka
Me waea atu ki a ia kia mōhio ai he aha to aha.
You should call him to know what's happening.
In order to... - kia... ai...
Ko te māhunga he mea tia ki te hou.
Their heads were adorned with feathers.
The pseudo-passive - he mea...
Ā tēnei ata ia kōrerotia ai.
This morning he will be spoken about.
Using "ai" instead of ka - ai
Ko taku hiahia kia mauria mai e koe he kūano tori.
I wish you would bring me a kitten.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia
Heoi anō tā tātou, he noho, he whakarongo.
All we have to do it sit and listen.
All we have to do... - heoi anō tā tātou... he...
Mō te whakararu i te tangata kāore he painga i a koe.
It's easy for you to piss people off.
No sweat to you... - Mō te... he painga i a koe...
Kei te tika, kei te hē rānei ēnei kōrero.
These statements are true or false.
Or... - ...rānei
He reka, he kawa rānei?
Is it sweet or sour?
Or... - ...rānei
He pango, he parauri rānei ngā makawe o tō tama?
Is you son's hair black or brown?
Or... - ...rānei
He reka rānei, he kawa rānei?
Is it sweet or sour?
Or... - ...rānei
He wītipiki, he kāngarere, he pāreti rānei?
Weetbix, cornflakes or porridge?
Or... - ...rānei
Kāore āu he heihei?
Do you not have any chickens?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...
Kāore tāu he pukapuka?
Do you not have a book?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...
Kāore tōu he waka?
Do you not have a car?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...
Kāore ā rāua he kuri?
Do they not have a dog?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...
Kāore ā Hine he tamariki?
Does Hine not have any children?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...
Kāore tāna he kī?
Does he/she not have a key?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...
Kāore ā koutou he mōkai?
Do you (all) not have any pets?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...
Kāore ā te tauira he pātai?
Does the student not have a question?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...
Kāore ā koe he hū hou?
Do you not have new shoes?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...
Roa-noa, ka titiro ki te waka rā.
For a long time, he looed at that canoe.
I rongo koe i tana kōrero?
Have you heard what he said.
He tio, he huka, he hau hū.
A touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day.
Ehara i te mea he aha, heoi anō.
It's no big deal.
He mea tino tauhou ki te kite i te tamariki kāhore he ringa paru.
It is very strange to see a child without dirty henads.
Kei te hangaia e rātou he whare mō ō rātou mātua.
A house is being by them for their parents.
Kāore he raru!
No problem!
Anei he waka mōu.
Here is a car for you.
Kāhore he rangimarie i tō rāua tūtatakitanga.
He greeted her without warmth.
Kāore he pātai.
There aren't any questions.
Kāore he waka.
There isn't a car.
Kāore he kai.
There isn't any food.
Kua mahi he tamaiti i te pahi.
A child was left behind by the bus.
Kua hoatu he kai ki te manuhiri.
Some food has been given to the visitor.
I reira, ka kitea e ia tētahi pounamu i Arahura.
There, he saw a piece of greenstone at Arahura.
Mō taku hē e hoa.
My bad mate.
E pōhēhē a Hoani ke toromi ia, engari ka kauhoe mai he kauhauora.
John mistakenly thought he was going to drown, but a lifeguard swam up.
I tūkino he tangata i tēnei tamaiti.
A man abused this child.
Ki a ia, kāore e tika kia whakatūria he whare moni ki Whakatipua.
In his opinion, a casino should not be established in Queenstown.
Ka kōrero mai a Hotunui ki te kino o tōna iwi e noho nei ia.
Hotunui spoke about how bad the people were that he was living among.
I hē te whakahaere a Rua-tatanoa i tētahi wāhi o te karakia.
Rua-tataone made a mistake at one place in the incantation.
Tangata takahi manuhiri, he maraer puehu.
If you mistreat your guests your marae will be dusty (because no one will come anymore).
Ke hoki ia ki Hawaiki, ka mauria e ia ētahi pounamu.
When he returned to Hawaiki, he took some pieces of greenstone with him.
Ahakoa he iti he pounamu.
Although it is small, it is valuable.
Mate atu he tētēkura, ara mai he tētēkura.
When one plant does, another rises up to replace it.
Anei he rau pepa māu.
Here's a piece of paper for you.
Kia ora Pāora, he pēhea ō whakaaro ki te whakamātautau?
Hey Pāora, what did you think of the exam?
Ko te wai o taua pā he puna kei te taha ki te hauaro.
The water source for that pā was a spring on the north side.
He rā tino pai tēnei, he rā hararei!
This is a very good day - a holiday!
Ā, he uaua te whakamātautau.
Um, the exam was hard.
Mei noho atu ia i te pā, e roa te kawenga.
If he had remained in the pā, we would have had a long job.
He hangarau noa e Mā, he hangarau noa!
I'm only pretending, Ma, just pretending!
Māna e whakapiko te ara o te ika ki tāna wāhi e hiahia ai.
He could make a fish go wherever he wanted.
He hono tangata e kore e motu; ka pa he taura waka e motu.
Unlike a canoe rope, a human bond cannot be severed.
Ahakoa he iti kete, he iti nā te aroha.
It is the thought that counts.
Kāore he tangata i tua atu i a ia.
There's no one apart from him.
Engari he tūpuhi ia ināianei.
But, she's skinny now.
He kaha ia ki te whakangahau, he kaha hoki ia ki te whakatoi.
He's always entertaining others, and always being cheeky.
Ā, he kai parakuihi pea, he hēki, he pēkana, he tōtiti, he tōhi hoki.
Um, maybe breakfast food, eggs, bacon, sausages, toast.
Auē, te āhua nei e pīrangi ana ia ki te moe.
Gosh, he looks like he needs to sleep.
Engari, kei te mahi tonu. Koia kei a ia ki te mahi!
But he is still working, what a champ!
Āe, he tamariki āku.
Yes, I have children.
nstructions He Reo Tohutohu.
Atu i te āhua o ngā kupu, kāore he tino rerekētanga o ēnei pū tohu wā e rua nei.
In terms of the meaning of the words, there is no significant difference between these two expressions.
I te reo Māori, e ono ngā pū-tohu-wa matua, e whitu me ka whakaarohia te "kātahi āno... ka", engari he mono tūkē te "kātahi anō".
In the Māori language, there are six main time markers, seven if we include "kātahi anō... ka", but "kātahi anō" is considered a standalone.
Āna, i haere ia inapō, nē rā?
Yeah, he went yesterday, eh?
Tukuna mai he īmēra.
Send me an email.
Ko tāu, e kui, he okioki.
Your role, elder, is to rest.
I tēnei wā he pahu karihi.
These days there are nuclear bombs.
He tangata tāroaroa, he tūai, he kaha ia!
He is a tall person, skinny and strong!
Ko tāu mahi, he hono i te rerenga ki tana whakamārama tika (tuhinga reo Ingarihi).
Your task is to connect the sentence to its correct translation (English language text).
He mātanga hoki a Raimona ki te mahi kai, he kaha ki te kai!
Raimona is also an expert at cooking, he loves to eat!
He ringa rehe a Moana ki te mahi māra, ki te purei rakuraku hiko, ka mutu, he rōreka ki te waiata.
Moana is a dab hand at gardening, playing electric guitar, and she loves to sing.
E kimi ana ia ki te aha?
What's he searching for?
He kākariki, he pangi hoki tōna pōtai.
Her hat is green and black.
He tangata whakatika waka i te rā, ā, he pene whakangahau tōna mō ngā huihuinga whakahirahira.
He is a person who fixes cars during the day, and he has an entertaining song for important gatherings.
He whero, he mā hoki tōna tīhate.
Her t-shirt is red and white.
He tangata māhaki, he tangata marae hoki.
He is a humble person, and a person of the marae.
He pango, he kikorangi hoki ōna tōkena.
Her socks are black and blue.
Ka haere ia ki hea?
To where is he going?
He pāpura, he kōwhai hoki tōna tarau.
Her trousers and brown and yellow.
He kamakama te hinengaro, he koi hoki te arero.
She is quick-witted, and also sharp-tongued.
He roa, he koromikomiko hoki ōna makawe.
Her hair is long and curly.
Kāore he mahi kāinga i tēnei rā.
There's no homework today.
I aha koe i te mutunga wiki? He pai tō āhua!
What did you do in the weekend? You look great!
Kia ora e Mere. He ātaahua tō whare.
Thanks, Mere. Your house is beautiful.
I tēnei rā, he maha ngā pūhera i hokona e au.
Today I bought many parcels.
I tautohe ia i hē ō mātou hoariri.
He contended that our opposition was wrong.
I te kainga o ngā pāua, ka pāterotero ia i te katoa o te pō.
On eating the pāua, he farted all night.
He hē ia.
She is incorrect.
Ko tēnei he mea nō roto i te waea.
This is something from the inside of your phone.
He tangata nui, pakari te tipu, he ātaahua.
He was a big, strongly built, handsome man.
Nōna te waka. He koretake taua mea.
The car is his. It's a useless one.
Ā, he tika! Kia ora kia ora!
Huh, you're right! Good on ya!
Ka whānau he tamaiti.
A child is born.
Kāore he tamaiti e whānau.
No child will be born.
Ka puta he kurī, ka auau.
A dog appeared and barked.
Ko te tūmahi poro, te tūmahi whiti-kore, he tūmahi ka tū me tana kotahi.
Intransitive verbs, intransitive verbs, verbs...
Ki a au nei, he pai ake te hēki i te panana.
In my opinion, eggs and better than bananas.
He tino pai a Koa ki te kōrero, he tino mōhio ki te karakia.
Koa was good at speaking, and also knowledgeable on karakia.
Nā te moeroa.
Because he slept in.
Kia meatia he karakia mā tātou.
Let's say a karakia for us.
Kei taku nei whakaaro, he tāone ātaahua a Rotorua.
In my thinking, Rotorua is a beautiful town.
Ki taku nei whakaaro, he tāone pai a Tūrangi.
In my thinking, Tūrangi is a good town.
I mea atu rā hoki ahau ki a koe kua whakapuaretia e ia te kēti ki a tātou.
I told you he would open the gate for us.
E kāo! He rūkahu tēnā!
No way! That's rubbish (an exaggeration).
I whakamā ia i tana kaha pōrangi.
He was ashamed that he had been so stupid.
Mau pāhau ai ia? Kāo!
Does he have a beard? No!
Nā tana kaha whai i tana hiakai, ka ea.
Because he pursued his goal so intently, he was successful.
He whero ētahi, he pango ētahi.
Some are red, some are black.
Āe, kua kōrero ia i tēnei pukapuka.
Yes, he has read this book.
Ki a au, he reka atu te kai moana i te kai mīti.
I reckon, seafood is better than meat.
Kāō, kua mate.
No, he has died.
Anei tētahi rākau nui. He tōtara tēnei.
Here's a mighty tree. It's a tōtara.
He pāika tōku. He 'Morrison 'tāua pāika.
I've got a bike. It's a 'Morrison'.
Kua mōhio ahau i hē ia.
I know he is wrong.
Mōhio rawa ake ahau kua hē a ia.
I just realised she was wrong.
Kia tūpato, he koi tēnā oka.
Be careful, that knife's sharp.
Kāore he aha ki a au.
It doesn't matter to me.
Ko te tikanga tēnei o tana hakiraratanga i a ia.
This is the way he insulted her.
He tiamu, he miere maple, he huka me te wai rēmana rānei?
Butter, maple syrup, or sugar and lemon juice?
E hoa, he tino pai taku mutunga wiki!
Mate, my weekend was great.
I mua rā, ko tana mahi hoki he puhipuhi pūkeko.
He used to shoot pūkeko.
Āe, koia te rangatira o te kamupene, he tokomaha ana kaimahi.
Yup, he is the boss of the company. He has a lot of workers.
Koia kei a ia, he momo tērā nō tō koutou whānau.
He's onto it. That's an attribute from your family.
Kia ora, kia ora! He kamupene hāpai i te reo Māori me ōna tikanga.
Thank you, thank you! It is a company that elevates the language and its customs.
Ehara i te mea he mōrerarea.
It's not as if it is dangerous.
Ko te āhua nei, tērā e hokihoki anō ana ia ki Taranaki.
It appears that he used to go back to Taranaki fequently.
Ka wani kē! He mīharo! Kātahi rā te ingoa pai ko tērā.
Wicked! Amazing! That is a good name.
He miraka? He huka?
Milk? Sugar?
He paki te rā, he pai te kai, he pai te kōrero.
It was a sunny day, good food, good conversation.
Tērā tētahi pukepuke rarauhe, he nehenehe i tētahi pito i tua tata mai o te pā.
There was a fern hill with a patch of bush at one end on the near side of the fort.
He tangata ngoikore ia?
Is he a weak person?
Kāhore he kākā kura o ētahi pōkai.
Some flocks didn't have a red kākā.
Tana mea pai he kōura.
She likes crayfish.
He whaea ahau, he kaiwhakahaere hoki.
I am a mother and also an administrative assistant.
He tangata i pai, he tangata i kino ki te mahi a Ponga.
Some said Ponga's action was good, and some said it was bad.
Kāhore kau he kupu a rāua ki a rāua.
They did not say a single word to each other.
Ko te tamāhine o te tino tangata i Maungawhau, he kōtiro pai, he wahine ātaahua.
A daughter of the high chief of Maungawhau was a good girl and a beautiful woman.
Āe, he tuahine tōku, ko Ani tōna ingoa.
I do have a sister, her name is Ani.
Āe, he tuāhine ōku, ko Aroha, ko Rina ō rāua ingoa.
Yes,I do have sisters, their names are Aroha and Rina.
I te whakatakariri o Ari, ka tangi ia.
Because Ari was so angry, he cried.
I ōna wā he iwi manene; i ngā hōtoke kei ngā raorao, kei ngā mānia, ā, i ngā raumati Kei ngā maunga.
In those days they were a nomadic tribe; in the winter, [they] were in the foothills and on the plains, and in the summer [they] were on the mountains.
Āe, he tuāhine ōku, ko Mia, ko Kauri, ko Moana ō rātou ingoa.
Yes, I do have a sister, their names are Mia, Kauri and Moana.
E kore te whare kōrero, e puta he kupu mā tētahi tangata i muri i te kupu a te tino ariki.
It was not allowable according to the rules of debate for any person to say anything after the high chief had spoken.
Āe, he tungāne tōku, ko Amaru tōna ingoa.
I do have a brother, his name is Amaru.
He pukapuka kākāriki tāku. He whero āna.
Mine is a green book. His or her ones are red.
Āe, he tungāne ōku, ko Manu, ko Niko ō rāua ingoa.
Yes, I do have brothers, their names are Manu and Niko.
Āe, he tungāne ōku, ko Tawa, ko Rangi, ko Koa ō rātou ingoa.
Yes, I do have brothers, their names are Tawa, Rangi and Koa.
Āe, he tika tāu, ka haere i nāianei.
Yes, you are right, I'll go now.
He tōtara wāhi rua, he kai nā te ahi.
A tÅtara split in two is food for tire.
Āe, he tamāhine tāku, ko Ataahua tōna ingoa.
Yes, I do have a daughter, her name is Ataahua.
E tama, he paru tō tīhāte.
Hey boy, your tee-shitrt's dirty.
Āe, he tamāhine āku, ko Aria, ko Ani ō rāua ingoa.
Yes, I have daughters, their names are Aria and Ani.
Kia rua hoki he hokohoko?
Should an exchange take place twice?
He kokonga whare ka kitea, he kokonga ngākau e kore e kitea.
You can see the corners of a house, but you cannot see into the recesses of the heart.
Āe, he tamāhine āku, ko Aroha, ko Rina, ko Mia ō rātou ingoa.
Yes, I have daughters, their names are Aroha, Rina and Mia.
Āe, he tamatāne tāku, ko Tame tōna ingoa.
Yes, I do have a son, his name is Tame.
Āe ana mai, haere ana, noho ana ia, tunu manu ana nāna.
She agreed and went off, he stayed and cooked birds for himself.
Āe, he tamatāne āku, ko Pāora, ko Taika ō rāua ingoa.
Yes, I have sons, their names are Pāora and Taika.
Āe, he tamatāne āku, ko Nikau, ko Hēmi, ko Ari ō rātou ingoa.
Yes, I have sons, their names are Nikau, Hēmi and Ari.
Ka mate he toa, ka whānau anō he toa.
A champion dies, another champion is born.
Kāore he raru.
No problem.
Ehara! He tangata pono kē ia.
On the contrary! He's actually an honest fulla.
Kei te hē rawa atu tāna kōrero.
What he says is completely mistaken.
Hei te ahiahi ka m,āminga e koe he mate wai tōu.
In the evening, you will pretend you are thirsty.
Inanahi, ka haere atu ia i runga i te huarahi.
Yesterday, he walked along the road.
Nā, he ātaahua koe.
You look beautiful.
Ko taku hiahia kia mauria mai e koe he kūao tori.
I wish you would bring me a kitten.
Engari ko te painga, he mōhio ia ki te tiaki i te pakeke, i tōna kuia.
But on the good side, he's very good at looking after his elders.
Kei te kai te kurī i te mīti kau. Kei te koa ia.
The dog is eating beef. He is happy.
E mea ana ētahi he mahi kino te whawhe ira kararehe, hua rānei, ko ētahi e mea ana he pai.
Some say that genetic engineering of animals and food plants is a bad thing, others that it is good.
Ki a ia, he moumou taima tēnei.
To him/her this is a waste of time.
I patua e ia kāhore he māripi.
He killed it without a knife.
Hei te ahiahi ka māmingā e koe he mate wai tōu.
In the evening, you will pretend to be thirsty.
He porotaka, he whero, he piata te paoro kirikiti.
Cricket balls are round, red and shiny.
Ko ngā poupou o te whare he kōhurihuri kahikatea.
The side posts supporting the rafters were composed of the solid trunks of white pine.
E tā Honi, he pai ake tēnei momo paihikara.
According to Honi, this type of bike is better.
Oho rawa ake ia i te ata, ka tirotiro haere, kua ngaro kē `na hoa.
When he finally woke up in the morning, [he] looked all around, but his friends had disappeared.
E hoa, he tika tō kupu.
Friend, your words are true.
Ko te pai o ngā hui raumati, he moata te tākiritanga mai o te ata.
The good thing about summer meetings is that the mornings start early.
Ko Pānia he papa kōhati ināianei.
As for Pānia, she's a flat rock now.
He tuatahi i te ao tēnei āheinga a te kiritaki o Countdown ki te tīpako i te reo Māori i ngā paeutu kaihoko, he mihi, he poroāki hoki ka rangona.
It's a world-first for Countdown customers to be able to have te reo Māori as a language option at self-service checkouts, with an audio greeting and farewell already established.
Kua hangā he whare.
A house has been built.
Ka pēwhea he panakeke?
Would you like a pancake?
Kāore au e pai ki te rēmana, he kawa!
I don't like lemons, they're sour.
Ko tā Hannifin anō, he tuku whakamoemiti ki Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori i tā rātou tautoko kia whai oranga ai tēnei kaupapa
Hannifin says Countdown is grateful to Te Taura Whiri for their tautoko in bringing the project to life.
I ngā Tūrei me ngā Tāite,, he pikitia te mahi.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, there are movies.
Ko te reo Māori he ara ki te hauora me te oranga
Making te reo Māori a means of health and wellbeing
E tangi he pū i ngā pō katoa.
A flute can be heard every night.
Ko au te mōkai a Kui. Ko Tahu tōku koroua. Kua mate ia.
I am Kui's pet. Tahu is my grandfather. He has passed away.
He kūtai, he pūhā tēnei toroī.
This fermented food is mussels and pūhā.
Engari hei tāna, "i roto i ngā tau ka huri ake ki muri, kaare anō kia āta whakaritea mai tētahi rautaki e ngātahi atu ai te pounga waihoe o te reo Māori ki roto i te ao hauora".
But he said over the past few years, there has been a lack of preparation and plan for te reo Maōri use in the health sector.
Ko te reo Māori, he waka eke noa.
Māori language is an accessible vessel for everyone.
Ko Kauri taku taokete, he tino pai ia. Koia kei te āwhina mai i ōku mātua i ia rangi, i ia rangi.
Kauri is my sister in law, she is great. She helps my parents everyday.
Pēhea hoki koe? He tamariki āu?
How about you? Do you have any children?
E hoa, he Mane!
Mate, it's Monday!
He tēpu, he tūru hoki.
A table and a chair too.
Nā, me whakamau he kope mā.
Let's put on a clean nappy.
Ā! He tika.
Ah! True.
Homai he wai mōku.
Bring some water for me.