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Results for 'hīa'

hia - how many?

hīa - to be fished with a line (pass. of hi)

E hia te roa e noho ana koe i reira?
How long have you need living there?
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana

Kia hia ngā panana?
How many bananas do we need?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā tūru?
How many seats are needed?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā parāoa?
How much bread do we need?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā kuri?
How many dogs do we need?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā āporo?
How many apples do you need?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā karaka?
How many oranges do we need?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā putiputi i te whare karakia?
How many flowers do you need in the church?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā pēke pēnei?
How many bags of flour do we need?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā moni ki te hoko i te waka hōu?
How much money do you need to buy the new car?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā whare?
How many houses do we need?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā paukena?
How many pumpkins do we need?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā huka?
How many sugars would you like?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā oko?
How many bowls do we need?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kia hia ngā aihikirīmi māu?
How many ice creams for you?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

Kua hia ngā tau e tāria ana te whare tapere.
The community hall has been waited for for many years.
Be waited for - tāria

Kei te haere māua ki te hokomaha. Kei te hia haere mai kōrua?
We're going to the supermarket. Do you want to come?
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

He ātaahua te ingoa o whaea. E hia tana pakeke?
Your mum's name is beautiful. How old is she?
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea

Ka rawe hoki! E hia te pakeke o whaea?
Excellent! How old is your mum?
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea

E hia te pakeke o tuakana?
How old is your older brother?
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana

Ka hia koutou?
How many of you were there?
Numbering people - tokorua, tokotahi...

Ka hia kiromita ki Mōhaka?
How many kilometers to Mōhaka?
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?

E hia rānei ērā kāinga tawhito?
How many of those old settlements would there be?
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?

E hia ngā pune me ngā pāoka?
How many spoons and forks are there?
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?

E hia ngā rākau whero?
How many red sticks are there?
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?

E hia ō tau?
How old are you?

E hia te utu te hoko ?
How much does it cost to buy shoes?

Ki whakaaro, e hia ngā tau o Koa?
How old do you think Koa is?

E hia te utu ngā kākahu katoa?
How much did all the clothes cost?

E hia ngā iki?
How many fish?

E hia ngā ika a mau i a koe?
How many fish did you catch?

E hia tana pakeke?
How old is he?

E hia ngā tau o tana mokopuna?
How old is her grandchild?

E hia ō matimati?
How many fingers do you have?

E hia ō waewae?
How many feet do you have?

E hia mai nei ngā putiputi ātaahua i tēnei kōanga.
What a lot of beautiful flowers this spring.

E hia ngā ika kei roto i tōu kete?
How many fish are in your kete?

E hia ngā tau o tuahine?
How old's your sister?

E hia ngā tau o ō tuāhine?
How old are your sisters?

E hia mai nei ngā putiputi ātaahua i tēnei kōanga.
What a lot of beautiful flowers this spring.

E hia te moni e pīrangi ana koe?
How much money do you need?

E hia mai nei ngā kōura!
What a lot of crayfish!

E hia mai nei...
What a lot of...

E hia ngā marae o te rohe nei?
How many marae are there in this region?

E hia ngā tūru i te akomanga?
How many chairs are there in the classroom?

E hia ngā tamariki i te kura?
How many children are at the school?

E hia ngā whare i te tāone?
How many houses are in the town?

E hia ngā rākau i te ngahere?
How many trees are in the forest?

E hia ngā manu i te wao nui?
How many birds are in the wilderness?

E hia ngā whetu i te rangi?
How many stars are in the sky?

E hia ngā ika i te moana?
How many fish are in the sea?

E hia ngā motokā i te huarahi?
How many cars are on the road?

E hia ngā whakaahua i te wharetaonga?
How many pictures are in the museum?

E hia ngā pene i te pouaka?
How many pens are in the box?

E hia ngā rīwai i te māra?
How many potatoes are in the garden?

E hia pakeke?
How old are you?

E hia ngā wharekura o te tāone nei?
How many schools are in this town?

E hia ngā tau o Taika?
How old is Taika?

E hia ngā whare o te kāinga nei?
How many houses are in this village?

E hia ngā tamariki o te whānau nei?
How many children are in this family?

E hia ngā pukapuka o te wharepukapuka nei?
How many books are in this library?

E hia ngā rākau o te ngahere nei?
How many trees are in this forest?

E hia ngā kaiako o te kura nei?
How many teachers are in this school?

E hia ngā tauira o te whare wānanga nei?
How many students are in this university?

E hia ngā tūru kei te tēpu?
How many chairs are at the table?

E hia ngā pene? Kia hia ngā huka? Tokohia ngā tangata?
How many pens? How many sugars would you like? How many people?

E hia āu pene e hoa?
How many pens have you got mate?

E hia tōna pakeke?
How old is she?

He ngenge pea nōu, ka kore e hia kai?
Maybe you are tired, will you not eat?

E hia ngā āporo?
How many apples?

E hia ngā panana?
How many bananas?

Hei tino tauira hei tāna, "i roto i te Kowheori i ngā marama e ono, e hia nei ngā kupu te mate Kowheori i te tīmatanga ."
A prime example "is when Covid-19 first hit, in the first six months there were so many different Māori names used for the word Covid".

E hia ngā paukena?
How many pumpkin?

E hia ngā motokā?
How many cars?

E hia ngā pune?
How many spoons?

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