Results for 'hōmai'
homai - give (to the speaker)
Tēnā, hōmai he pene. Kua ngaro tāku.
Give me a pen please. I have lost mine.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Hei aha te kapu tī, homai te wai rēmana.
Never mind the cuppa tea, give me a lemon drink.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
He rahi rawa tēnei wiri, hōmai he mea iti iho.
This drill is too big, pass me a smaller one.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
E rua āu āporo. Homai tētahi!
You've got two apples. Give me one!
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
Tēnā homai te huka.
Can you pass me the sugar.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
Kua ngaro tāku pene. He nui āu. Tēnā, hōmai tētahi.
I've lost my pen. You've got lots. Give me one please.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
Kaua e homai te pata.
Don't pass me the butter.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
Kaua e homai ngā whakautu.
Don't give me the answers.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
Kaua e homai te mea nā.
Don't pass me that thing.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
I homai te koroua i te moni ki a māua.
The old man gave the money to us (two, but not to you the listener).
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
Tōna tikanga, me hōmai ngā tuhinga roa āpōpō, engari, taku aroha ki a koutou, e pai ana kia hōmai ā tērā wiki.
Strictly speaking, you should hand in your essays tomorrow, but out of the kindness of my heart, I'll let you do it next week.