On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'inā'

inā - if, when

ina - if, when

Ka pai whakamaumahara i a au ina tata atu ki te ?
Could you remind me a little closer to the day?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Ka pai kōrua whakahoki mai i taku tama ina mutu te whakawai?
Would you mind dropping my son off here after practice?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Hoatu kōrua, ka whai atu au ina mutu taku mahi.
You two go, I'll follow once I've finished my job.
You go on ahead - hoatu koe

Me whakapā atu ki a Taika ina ka taea.
Contact M1 if and when you can.
If (using mehemea) - mehemea, mehe, mēnā

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