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Results for 'karaka'

karaka - orange (colour)

Ka wehe tātou ā te 2 karaka ā tēnei ahiahi.
We (3 + incl) will leave at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Oho ai au i te wari karaka i te ata.
I usually wake up at eight o'clock in the morning.
Habitual action - ai

te whā karaka i te ahiahi rātou i tīmata ai.
It was four o'clock in the afternoon when they started.
Belonging to the past - nō

te iwa karaka rawa, ka tīmata te purei kāri.
Finally, at nine o'clock, the card games started.
Belonging to the past - nō

I te whā karaka i te atu ai i wehe atu ai ki Taranaki.
I left for Taranaki at 4 in the morning.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

I te whitu karaka i te ahiahi, ka mate ia.
At seven o'clock in the evening, he died.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

I te tekau tahi karaka i te ata te karakia.
The service was at 11 am.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

I te haurua mai i te ono karaka i te ata.
6:30am (past).
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

He karaka māua hunaonga.
Our daughter-in-law is a clerk.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Toru karaka te .
The time is 2 o'clock.
Telling time - kara

Ko te whitu karaka i te ata.
7 o'clock in the morning.
Telling time - kara

Ko te rima karaka i te ahiahi.
5 o'clock in the afternoon.
Telling time - kara

Ā te tekau karaka tīmata ai te karakia.
The service starts at ten o'clock.
Telling time - kara

A te waru karaka ka haere tātou ki te marae.
We will go the marae at 8 o'clock.
Telling time - kara

Ko to ono karaka te e tīmata ai te hui.
The meeting starts (specifically) at 6 o'clock.
Specifically - ai

He karaka ōna!
He has some orange shoes!

Ko te haurua mai i te toru karaka te ,
The time is 3.30pm

He karaka te waka.
The car is orange.

He karaka ōna!
He has some orange shoes!

Whitu karaka te tāima tīmata o te purei kāri.
7pm is the time the card games will start.

Ā te haurua mai i te ono karaka ā te nei.
6:30pm this evening (future).

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