kāwhe - calf
kawhe - coffee
Inu ai au i te kawhe ia ata, ia ata.I always drink coffee every morning.Habitual action - ai
Nā wai tō kawhe i whakarite i tēnei rā?Who was the one who made your coffee today?Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
He kawhe māu e hoa?Would you like a coffee mate?Unrealised possession - mā, māku
Mā wai te kawhe nei?Who is this coffee for?Future agent emphatic - māku
He kawhe māu?Do you want a coffee?
He kapu kāwhe tāku e pīrangi ana.I want a cup of coffee.
He tēpu kāwhe kei waenganui i te rūma noho.There's a coffee table in the middle of the lounge.