Results for 'kei reira'
kei reira - that's the one! right on!
Kawea tētehi puka iti ki ngā wāhi kei reira te reo Māori e kōrerohia ana, tuhia ngā kupu me ngā kīanga ka rangona.
Bring a small book with you to the places where the Māori language is spoken, write down the words and phrases that are heard.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Titiro ki muri i te whare, kei reira tō paihikara.
Look behind the house, your bike is there.
Kia haere tāua ki Kai Reka, kei reira taku hoa, a Manu, e mahi ana.
Let's go to Kai Reka, my friend, Manu, works there.