anō - again, also (Various meanings, eg again; also, too; self [reflexive] as in: ki a ia anō)
ki a ia - in his opinion
Kua whakahokia ki a ia te tamaiti i mauria e ngā pirihimana i te marama o Oktopa.The child who was taken by the police in October has been returned to her.Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
He pai ki a ia ngā kai moana.He likes seafood.I like... - He pai ki a au...
He pai ki a ia te kōrua.She likes crayfish.I like... - He pai ki a au...
He pai ki a ia te hāte kahurangi me te pōtae.He likes the blue shirt and the black hat.I like... - He pai ki a au...
Me waea atu ki a ia kia mōhio ai he aha to aha.You should call him to know what's happening.In order to... - kia... ai...
I haere au i a ia. I haere au ki a ia.I went with her. I went to her.
I kōrero au i a ia. I kōrero au ki a ia.I spoke with her. I spoke to her.
I tākaro au i a ia. I tākaro au ki a ia.I played with her. I played against her.