kimi - to look for, seek
E kimi ana a Manu i tāna waea pūkoro.Manu is searching for his cell phone.Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E kimi ana te ngeru ki te kiore.The cat is searching for the mouse.Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I haere a Hori ki te kanikani ki te kimi hoa wahine.Hori went to the dance to look for a girlfriend.Simple sentences: past tense - i
Me kimi hoa ako.Find a friend to learn with.Simple sentences: you should - me
Me kimi kaiwhakaako mātau ki te ako, matatau ki te reo Māori.Find an experienced teacher and knowledgeable friend in te reo.Simple sentences: you should - me
Mā te kimi ka kitea te roumamao.Through searching the remote will be found.Through (one thing/action), (a second thing) will be achieved. - Mā te... ka...; mā... e... ai
Kei te kimi te whare wānanga i tētahi tangata e hāngai nei ngā tohu mātauranga hei whakaako.The university is looking for a suitably qualified person to teach.
E kimi ana ia ki te aha?What's he searching for?
Kei te kimi whare ia mōna.He is looking for a house for himself.
Ko te rāngai hauora Māori e kimi āwhina atu ana i te rāngai pāpāho Māori me ngā mātanga reo Māori ki te whakakaha ake i te whakamahinga o te reo Māori i te ao hauora.The Māori health sector, Māori media and Māori language experts want to increase the use of the Māori language in health.