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Results for 'kitea'

kitea - seen (kite + passive suffix -a)

Kua kitea e koe? Ko te aha? Ko tāku waea pūkoro?
Have you seen it? What? My cell phone?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua kitea e koe?
Have you seen it?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua kitea e koe? Ko te aha? Ko tāku waea pūkoro?
Have you seen it? What? My cell phone?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kei ngā mārama, kei ngā rākaunui o te marama, e kitea atu ana a Rona.
On clear nights, on nights when the moon is full, Rona can be seen.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana

Nāu au i kitea mai ai ki konei.
It is because of you that I am seen here.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

te kimi ka kitea te roumamao.
Through searching the remote will be found.
Through (one thing/action), (a second thing) will be achieved. - Mā te... ka...; mā... e... ai

Kei te kitea te kōtiro e tōna māmā.
The girl is being seen by her mother.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka kimihia tētahi tikanga, e kitea ai he moni.
A plan will be sought whereby money will be found.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ki te kitea noatia e tētahi tangata mea...
If someone just sees something...
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka utaina te whakaahua ki a Pukamata, mea ake kua kitea e te mātinitini.
The photo was posted on Facebook, and suddenly all and sundry had seen it.
All of a sudden - Mea ake

Kāore te ngeru i kitea i te tamaiti.
The cat was not seen by the child.
Negating statives - kāore i... i ahau...

Ka kitea au.
I am seen.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka kitea kua puta i tētahi taha o te , kua haere whakatētahi taha o te .
They were seen emerging from one side of the pā, going towards the other side.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Kāore anō kia kitea te kōtiro iti.
The little girl has not yet been found.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...

Kāore anō kia kitea e ia tāna tamāhine.
He has not yet found his daughter.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...

Kāore te kōtiro i te kitea e tōna māmā.
The girl is not being seen by her mother.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...

Kāore anō kia kitea te kōtiro a ngā kaikimi.
The girl has not yet ben found by the searchers.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...

Ka kitea ia e Kauri i ngā toa.
Kauri saw him at the shops.
Using 'i' to mean 'in', 'by' or 'at' - i

Kua kitea te ngeru i te tamaiti.
The cat was seen by the child.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

I reira, ka kitea e ia tētahi pounamu i Arahura.
There, he saw a piece of greenstone at Arahura.

Kua kitea a Rangi?
Has Rangi been seen (by you)?

I kitea te kupu i te papakupu.
The word was seen in the dictionary.

taua wai i kawe i kitea ai te whakaaro a Ponga ki a au.
Because of that water that was fetched, Ponga's feelings towards me were discovered.

Kua kitea te pōhekaheka i raro i te whata.
Mould was discovered underneath the shelf.

Kua kitea tāku.
I have found mine.

I reira, ka kitea tētahi mahi ātaahua rawa.
From there a beautiful project was seen.

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