koha - gift
Me hoko e tātou he koha mā Māmā, me te tākai anō kia ātaahua.We should buy Mum a present, and wrap it nicely too.While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō
Ka tuhi pikitia au hei koha ki a ia.I will draw a picture as a present for her.For the purpose of - hei
Kia whiwhi te tamaiti tāne ki te moni, ka hoko mai ia i te koha mā te kōtiro.When they boy got the money, he bought a present for the girl.When - Kia
Nāku ngā koha i hanga i tēnei Kirihimete.I made the presents for Christmas this year.This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...
I hoatu koe i te koha ki a wai?To whom did you give the koha?
Kua tākaia te koha ki te pepa ātaahua nei.The present has been wrapped in this beautiful paper.
Tēnā tō patu, hei koha māu ki ō tātou ariki i Āwhitu.Here is young weapon, for you [to give] as a gift for our leaders in Āwhitu.
Ko te kōha tēnei a Wairangi ki tana wahine.This was Wairangi's gift to his wife.