Results for 'kohi'
kohi - to collect, gather together
kohikohi - to collect, gather together
Kohitātea - January
pokohiwi - shoulder
tokohia? - how many [people]?
kohia - (pass) be collected; be gathered
kohikohinga - collection
kōhine - girl
kohinga - collection
kōhinu - petrol
tautokohia - support (v) pass
kōhimuhimu - whisper
tokohia - how many people?
kohikohia - collect! collected (pass. of kohikohi)
I Kohitātea ka whakatā tonu mātou.
We always take our holidays in January.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
Ka kohi pipi au.
I will go pipi gathering.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka kohi au i te kaimoana.
I will collect sea food.
Sentences with i - i
Kohimutia mai ki taku taringa.
Whisper it in my ear.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Kaua e kohi i te pāua iti!
Don't gather small pāua.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
I kohia he pipi māku, me te kohi anō i ētehi mā taku matua.
I gathered some pipi for me, as well as some for my dad.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō
I rukua he pāua, me te kohi anō i ētehi mā koutou ko tō whānau.
I went diving for pāua, and got some for your family too.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō
I kohia ngā pipi e au.
I gathered the pipi.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kua kohia e ia ētahi waiata tawhito.
Some ancient songs have been collected by him.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I kohia ngā pipi e au.
I gathered the pipi.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Tokohia ngā tāngata i tae atu ki reira?
How many people arrived there?
Passive sentences - tikina...
Me kohikohi ngā karaihe, ka horoi ai.
We should collect up the glasses, and then wash them.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...
Ke kohi i te hua o te miro, hei hinu whakakakara.
They gathered miro berries to make scented oil.
For the purpose of - hei
I kohikohi ia i te kawakawa hei rongoā mō te māuiui o tāna tama.
He collected kawakawa as a cure for his son's illness.
For the purpose of - hei
I tērā Rāhoroi, i haere rātou ki tātahi kohi pipi a.
On Saturday, they went to the beach to gather pipi.
The reason for an action -
Engari i mua i te haere ki te marae, i hoki au ki te kāinga ki te kohikohi i aku taputapu.
But before going to the marae, I returned home to pack my gears.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
Kei te kohi au i ētehi pukapuka mai i te whare pukapuka.
I'm getting some books from the library.
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i
Tautokohia tō whaea.
Support your mother.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
Ko te Kohitātea tēnei marama.
This month is January.
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...
Tokohia kē mai nei ngā tāngata e tae mai ana mō te kai!
What a lot of people are arriving for the food!
Towards - mai
Tokohia ā koutou ākonga?
How many students do you have?
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?
Tokohia pea ā mātou ākonga.
We have about nine students.
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?
Tokohia ō rātou kaikōrero i tēnei rā?
How many speakers have they got today?
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?
Tokohia ngā tāmgata?
How many people are there?
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?
Tokohia kei roto i tō whānau?
How many in your family?
kohi pīpī.
gather pīpī.
Pēhea koe? Tokohia kei roto i tō whānau?
What about you? How many in your family?
Tokohia ngā tamariki a ō kaumātua?
How many children do your grandparents have?
Tokohia rātou kei te haere mai?
How many people are coming?
Tērā tētehi kōhine, ko Moana tōna ingoa.
There once was a young girl, Moana was her name.
Mirimiria ōku pokohiwi.
Massage my shoulders.
Tokohia ngā tāngata kei te haere mai?
How many people are coming.
Tokohia ngā tangata e haere mai?
How many people are coming?
Tokohia ngā tangata i reira?
How many people were there?
Kohia ngā parapara.
Collect up the rubbish.
Tokohia kē mai nei...
What a lot of people...
Pāpā, nāku kē i raka te whare, nā Hēmi i whakaweto te hikohiko. Kua pai tātou.
Pāpā, I locked the house. Hēmi turned the power off. We are fine.
Kātahi aua tini tamariki rā, te tāne, te wahine, ka kohi i te hua o te miro, hei hinu whakakakara.
Then those many young people, men and women, would gather miro berries for scented oil.
Tokohia ngā tāngata i tō whānau?
How many people in your family?
Tokohia ō kaimahi?
How many people do you work with?
Kei te hikohiko te uira
The lightning is flashing.
E hia ngā pene? Kia hia ngā huka? Tokohia ngā tangata?
How many pens? How many sugars would you like? How many people?
how many (people)?
Tokohia i tae mai ki te whakarongo ki te pirimia?
How many people are coming to hear the Prime Minister?
Kia ora Ataahua, tokohia kei tō whānau?
Hey Ataahua, how many in your family?
Ka tika hoki! Tokohia kei tō whānau?
That's right! How many in your family?