Results for 'konei'
I konei rāua i nanahi.
They were here yesterday.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
Nō konei au.
I am from here.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō konei au.
I am from here.
Belonging to a place - nō
Me i konei koe kua kite koe i a ia.
If you had been here, you would have seen him.
If... (using me) - me
Me i konei ia.
If only he were here.
If... (using me) - me
Kei konei ngā tamariki.
The children are here.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu
I konei ngā tamariki.
The children were here.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu
He aha te pukapuka pai hei pānui mā ngā tamariki hei konei hei āpōpō?
What is a good book for the children to read here tomorrow?
For the purpose of - hei
Kei konei koe hei āwhina.
You're here to help.
For the purpose of - hei
Kei konei au, engari kei te moe tonu ngā karu Nan.
I am here, but my eyes are still sleeping Nan.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Nō Waikanae, engari kei konei mātou ko tōku whānau e noho ana.
From Waikanae, but my family and I are staying here.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Haere mai ki konei noho ai.
Come over here to sit down.
The reason for an action -
Mehemea nō konei koe, e āhei ana koe te tono karahipi i te Poari.
If you're from here, you can or are eligible to apply for a scholarship from the Board.
Allowed to do something - āhei
Kei te harikoa ahau i te mea kei konei koutou.
I am happy because you are all here.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
I konei tonu.
It was right here.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
I konei te toa.
The shop used to be here.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
I konei tonu.
It was right here.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
I konei te toa.
The shop used to be here.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
Kei konei koutou nō reira kei te pukuriri ahau.
You are here, therefore I am angry.
Conjugations - therefore - nā reira, nō reira
Kei konei ngā wāhine.
The women are over here.
The article - te, ngā, he
Hei konei ahau ā te ata.
I will be here in the morning.
Future locative - hei
Hei konei he kāinga mo mātou.
Here will be a home for us.
Future locative - hei
Hei konei ngā ngeru.
The cats will be here.
Future locative - hei
Kāore i konei tonu.
It wasn’t right here.
Negation of locatives - kāore...
Haere mai koe ki konei kia kōrero ai tāua.
Come over here so we can talk.
In order to... - kia... ai...
Haere mai koe ki konei kia kore ai koe e mākū.
Come over here so that you don't get wet.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
Nō konei rānei koe?
Are you from here or not?
Or... - ...rānei
Kāore au hei konei ā te ata.
I will not be here in the morning.
Negating future locatives - Kāore... hei...
Hei konei rā.
Kei konei ia tae noa ki te Mane,.
She's here till Monday.
Kei konei te hua rākau.
The fruit is here.
Kei konei tō tūru.
Your chair is here.
Kei konei katoa nei mātou.
We are all here.
E rua haora noa-atu-rā, i konei ahau.
I was here two hours ago.
Kei konei au.
I'm here.