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Results for 'koretake'

koretake - useless

He koretake taua pikitia.
That movie was useless.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

He koretake au ki te waiata.
I'm useless at singing.

He koretake a Tīwana ki te tunu keke.
Tīwana is useless at baking cakes.

He koretake ēnā.
Those are useless.

He koretake ia.
He is useless.

Nōna te waka. He koretake taua mea.
The car is his. It's a useless one.

He koretake tāku Hone.
My John is useless.

He koretake a Rangi ki te keri i te hāngi.
Rangi is useless at digging the hāngī.

He koretake ia ki te kauhoe!
He's hopeless at swimming.

He koretake au ki te mahi pangarau.
I'm useless at maths.

He koretake kōrua ko Mere!
You are Mere are useless!

He koretake tēnei momo pēke.
This type of bag is useless.

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