Results for 'kākā'
kaka - hair; fibre; ridge; dress
kākā - parrot
Nō tō tāua taenga, ka tūpono ia e mau kaka rerehua ana rāua.
When they arrived, he realised that they were wearing fancy dress.
Belonging to the past - nō
Kāhore kau he kākā kura o tērā pōkai.
That flock didn't have any red kākā.
That (over there) - tērā
He poto rawa atu tōu kaka i tōku.
Your dress is much shorter than mine.
Kāhore he kākā kura o ētahi pōkai.
Some flocks didn't have a red kākā.
He kaka tino pai tēnā.
That's a really nice dress.