Results for 'kīa'
kia - may you be; may we be; let it be that; | Various uses, meanings. Often not translatable by an English word.
kīa - (pass) be said; be filled
E tatari ana au ki te rārangi kia hoko ai i ōku hū.
I am waiting in the queue to pay for my shoes.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E tika ana kia mihi au ki a koe me tō whānau i tēnei wā pōuri.
It is appropriate for me to greet you and your family at this sad time.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E tono ana ia kia haere ia ki te whakatā.
He is requesting to go for a break.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I tono ahau kia mutu te tetū.
I ordered that the rowdy behaviour should stop.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
Ka haere te iwi ki te hui kia kōrero ng257; kaum257;tua.
The iwi will travel to the meeting so the elders can talk.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Kua haere mai rātou kia whakaakona ai ki te reo Māori.
They have come in order to be taught Māori.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kāore anō au kia kai, ernmgari kei te matekei au.
I have not yet eaten, but I am starving.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Me ako whakataukī kia mōhio ai koe ki ngā whakaaro o ōu tīpuna.
Learn proverbs so you know the thoughts of your ancestors.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Kātahi ka tuku i a au kia tū ana, i a rātou e whakatā ana.
Then they left me standing while they had a rest.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana
Nō reira, kia whā atu anō.
So we need four more.
Let there be... - kia...
Kia āta haere, kia raru tō waka.
Go carefully, in case your car breaks down.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
Kia āta horoi i te motokā, kia pāita ai.
Wash the car properly so that it's shiny.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
E kō, kia āta haere me te kapu tī, kei maringi.
Be careful, go slowly with the cup of tea, lest it spill.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
E taku tau, he aha nei ngā mahi mā tāua kia haere atu ki tātahi?
My love, what tasks do we have to do so we can go to the beach to holiday?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?
Taihoa e hīanga kia oti te mahi kāinga.
No mischief until the homework is finished.
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e
Taihoa e mātakitaki pouaka whakaata kia mutu te horoi rīhi.
Hold off watching television until the dishes are done.
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e
Taihoa tātou e īnoi kia horahia ngā kai katoa.
Hold off on karakia until all of the food is laid out.
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e
Taihoa e whakarere i te ngeru kia mau i a ia te kiore.
Don't shoo the cat until it has caught the mouse.
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e
Taihoa e kai panakeke kia pania ki te miere maple i te tuatahi.
Don't eat pancakes, spread it with maple syrup first.
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e
Taihoa e horoi i ngā kākahu kia kī te ipu kākahu.
Don't wash the clothes until the clothes basket is full.
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e
Nō te taenga mai hoki o ngā tauhou ki konei, ka arahina rātou e mātou ki te toka nei kia kite.
And when outsiders come to our district we lead them to this rock so they can see it themselves.
Belonging to the past - nō
He panakeke pea māku, kia rua.
Perhaps I'll have two pancakes.
Unrealised possession - mā, māku
Kia kotahi māku, kia rua mā Ari.
One for me, two for Ari.
Unrealised possession - mā, māku
Tīkina kia whā ngā hēki.
Get four eggs
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Tapahia kia ono ngā topenga.
Cut it up into six slices.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Kātia te kuaha kia kaua e uru mai te hau.
Close the door to prevent the wind from coming in.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Āwhinatia te ngeru kia piki ki runga i te tūru.
Help the cat climb onto the chair.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Tapahia kia ono ngā topenga.
Cut it up into six slices.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Kāore e roa. Kia manawanui.
I wont be long. Be patient.
It won't be long before... - kāore e roa...; kāori i roa...
Hoatu te āporo kia a Kauri.
Give the apple to Kauri.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!
Ka rongo a Mia, ka hihiri kia hoe atu ia mā runga i te waka.
Mia heard, and wanted to paddle there by canoe.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kaua e pukuriri - kia tau.
Don't be angry. Chill out.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
Ka whakaarotia, kia kaua e whakamatea mā te patu.
It was decided not to kill him with a club.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
Engari ka whakaarotia kia kaua e whakamatea mā te patu.
But it was decided that [he] would not be killed with a weapon.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...
Kaua e kīa te pātaka i ngā kai.
The pantry shouldn't be filled with food.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...
Me hoko e tātou he koha mā Māmā, me te tākai anō kia ātaahua.
We should buy Mum a present, and wrap it nicely too.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō
Ka mea atu ia ki a Mea kia meatia ngā mea katoa ki mea wāhi.
She told so-and-so to put all the things in such-and-such a place.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kāore anō tēnei pānui kia pānuitia e au.
I have not yet read this notice.
Passive sentences - tikina...
He marama pai a Hōngongoi kia kokotia ngā rōhi.
July is a good month to prune the roses.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Haria ngā kākahu ki waho kia whitia ai e te rā.
Take the clothes outside so that they can be shone on by the sun
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kaua tātou e tatari kia pari haere te tai, ka haere ai. Me haere ināianei.
Let's not wait until the tide starts coming in and then go. We should go now.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...
Kaua e waiho kia pau rawa te haurehu, kātahi ka amuamu ai.
Don't leave it until the gas is all used up, then complain.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...
I haere mātou ki Te Whanaganui a Tara kia mātakitaki ngā tamariki i te kēmu.
We went to Wellington so that the children can watch the game.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia
Haria ngā kākahu ki waho kia whitia ai e te rā.
Take the clothes outside so that they can be shone on by the sun.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia
Kia moata te haere ki te moe a tēnei pō, kia mauria ai kōrua ki te ngahere a te ata.
Go to bed early tonight, so that you can be taken to the forest in the morning.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia
Kei te hīkoi te kura ki te awa kia kaukau ngā tamariki.
The school is walking to the river so the kids can swim.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia
I haere te whānau ki te pāka kia tākaro ngā tamariki.
The family went to the park so the kids could play.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia
Ka whakairia te tapu kia wātea ai te ara.
Restrictions are moved aside so that the pathway is clear.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia
E hoki ki tōu maunga kia pūrea ai koe e ngā hau a Tāwhirimātea.
Return to your mountain so that you may be refreshed by the winds of Tāwhirimātea.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia
I hīkoi au ki te marae kia kōrero te iwi mō te kaupapa.
I went to the marae so the iwi can discuss the initiative.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia
Kia wātea, kia māmā, te ngākau, te tinana, te wairua i te ara takatā.
To clear, to free the heart, the body and the spirit of humanity.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia
E whakaae ana ētahi, engari kāore anō ētahi atu kia whakaae.
Some agree, but others have not yet agreed.
Conjunctions - but - engari
Kua utaina ngā matau me te aho e ia ki runga i te waka kia hī ika ai.
The fish hooks and fishing line were loaded by him onto the waka in order to fish.
The reason for an action -
Nāna i here te rā, kia āta haere ai.
He was the one who tied the sun, so that it would travel slowly.
The reason for an action -
Kāore anō ngā wāhine kia pōwhiri atu ki ngā manuhiri.
The women have not yet welcomed the guests.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō au kia piki i te maunga o Tongariro.
I haven't yet climbed the mountain Tongariro.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō ngā wāhine kia kōrero.
The women have not yet spoken.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō ngā mihimihi kia tīmata.
The speeches of welcome have not begun yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō a Hēmi kia hīkoi ki te kura.
Hēmi has not yet walked to school.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te tama kia whana i te pōro.
The boy has not yet kicked the ball.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō ngā wāhine kia pōwhiri atu ki ngā manuhiri.
The women have not yet welcomed the guests.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō au kia mutu.
I haven't finished yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
I tēnei wā, kāore anō kia huaina tēnei wāhi ko Whangaparāoa.
At this time, this place was not yet names Whangaparāoa.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō rāua kia tae mai.
They haven't yet arrived.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō a Amaru mā kia kai.
Amaru and the others have not yet eaten.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kua kuia mārika au, engari kāore anō kia hauā!
I am indeed old, but not yet disabled!
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō. Kāore anō au kia kai.
Not yet. I have not eaten yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō au kia mau.
I've not yet been caught.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāo, kāore anō au kia tae atu ki reira.
No, I haven't yet been there.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō au kia haere ki Rakiura.
I haven't been to Takiura.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō a Ataahua kia haere ki te kura.
Ataahua hasn't gone to school yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te marae kia pōwhiri i ngā manuwhiri.
The marae hasn't welcomed the guests yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō a Niko kia kōrero ki a au.
Niko hasn't spoken to me yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō kia huaina tēnei wāhi ko Waimaramara.
This place had not yet been named Waimaramara.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō a Tawa kia hiakai.
Tawa is not hungry yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō ngā manuhiri kia tae mai.
The visitors have not arrived yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Nāore anō ia kia hoki mai.
He has not returned yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāhore anō māua kia kai.
We have not eaten yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāre anō te rā kia tō.
The sun has not set yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te kēmu kia timata.
The game hasn't started yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō tēnei kia tū.
This one has not yet stood.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō au kia kai.
I have not eaten yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te hui kia mutu.
The meeting has not finished yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō a Hemi kia tae mai.
Hemi has not arrived yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō ngā tamariki kia haere ki te kura.
The children have not gone to school yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō rāua kia hoki mai i te toa.
They have not returned from the shop yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te waka kia kī.
The car is not full yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō a Rangi kia mārama i te kaupapa.
Rangi has not understood the topic yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō tā māua mahi kia oti.
Our work is not done yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te rīpoata kia tae ki te kaiako.
The report has not been given to the teacher yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te kēmu kia tīmata.
The game has not started yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō a Mere kia tiki i te kai.
Mere has not fetched the food yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō koe kia rongo i te waiata hou?
Haven't you heard the new song yet?
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō ngā rīhi kia whakapai.
The dishes have not been cleaned yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te ngeru kia piki ki runga i te tūru.
The cat has not climbed onto the chair yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō ngā tamariki kia oma i te papa tākaro.
The children have not run in the playground yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō au kia kite i a koe.
I have not seen you yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō rāua kia tākaro i te whutupaoro.
They have not played rugby yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō a Hine kia tū hei kaiārahi.
Hine has not stood as a leader yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te kai kia reri.
The food is not ready yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō te waka kia hoki ki te kāinga.
The car has not returned home yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō au ki kia kai i te kānga wai.
I haven't tried rotten corn yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāo, kāore anō au kia kai i te tītī.
No, I haven't yet eaten mutton bird.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore anō au kia kai i te pūhā.
I have not yet eaten pūhā.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Horekau mātou e hiahia kia tū he whare petipeti ki konei.
We categorically don't want a casino to be built here.
there wasn't any... absolutely no... - Kāore kau...
I a au e taiohi ana, i tukua aku makawe kia tupu. I āhua roa tonu.
When I was a teenager, I let my hair grow. It got quite long.
When I was young - I a e tamariki ana
Kia hoki mai ahau, kua mutu tēnei mahi.
When I return, you are to have finished this job.
When - Kia
Kāore ano te miraka kia pau.
The milk has not yet been consumed.
Negating statives - kāore i... i ahau...
Kāore te wini kia pakaru.
The window has not been broken.
Negating statives - kāore i... i ahau...
Ka mau ana te ururoa ka kaha whawhai ia kia ora ake anō.
Whenever a shark was caught it put up a terrific fight to survive and personifies the epitome of striving.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka nui taku hiahia kia kite i a koe!
I greatly desire to see you.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka waiho he wāhi kia tuwhera ana i waenganui i ngā taiepa kōhatu nei.
A place was left open between the stone walls.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka kīa e te taitamariki he mea mahi ki te mākutu.
The young people said it was done with black magic.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka kīa e te tatamariki he mea mahi ki te mākutu.
The young people said it was done with black magic.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
He mea pai ake kia āta kōrero.
It would be better if it was spoken slowly.
Categorizing sentences - he
Tōna tikanga, me hōmai ngā tuhinga roa āpōpō, engari, taku aroha ki a koutou, e pai ana kia hōmai ā tērā wiki.
Strictly speaking, you should hand in your essays tomorrow, but out of the kindness of my heart, I'll let you do it next week.
Me waea mai mēnā e pīrangi ana koe kia tīkina atu.
Call me if you need a ride.
Conjunctions - if - mēnā
Kāore anō tā rātou kurī kia hoki mai i te pāmu.
Their dog has not yet returned from the farm.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Kāore anō ngā tamariki tāne kia paraihe i ō rātou makawe.
The boys have not brushed their hear yet.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Kāore anō te pātītī kia tapahia e au.
The grass has not been cut by me.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
Kāore anō te reta kia tuhia e Hine.
The letter has not been written by Hine.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
Kāore anō ngā rīhi kia horoia e ngā tamariki.
The dishes have not been washed by the children.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
Kāore anō aua nanakia kia whiua.
Those rascals have not yet been punished.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
Kāore tēnei e tukua kia haere e ia.
She won't let this one go.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
Kāore anō kia kitea te kōtiro iti.
The little girl has not yet been found.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
Kāore anō kia kitea e ia tāna tamāhine.
He has not yet found his daughter.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
Kāore anō kia kitea te kōtiro a ngā kaikimi.
The girl has not yet ben found by the searchers.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
He tāne au kia mau i tēnā patu?
Am I a man, that I should take that weapon?
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kei te hiahia au kia whakarongo mai koe!
I want you to listen!
Towards - mai
He pai rawa atu kia a au taua pōwhiri.
I really enjoyed that pōwhiri.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua
Kaua e kātia te kuaha kia kaua e uru mai te hau.
Don't close the door to prevent the wind from coming in.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...
Kaua e āwhinatia te ngeru kia piki ki runga i te tūru.
Don't help the cat climb onto the chair.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...
Mahia kia pēnei.
Do it like this.
Like this, like that - pēnei, pēna, pēra
Homai koa kia toru ngā ika.
Please give me three fish.
A certain amount - kia
Kaitoa ia kia mahue i te pahi!
Serves him right for missing the bus!
Serves you right! - kaitoa
Kaitoa koutou kia kōhetetia!
Serves you all right for getting a growling!
Serves you right! - kaitoa
I kōrero ahau kia whakapono ai te rōpū ki ahau.
I kōrero ahau kia kore ai te rōpū e whakapono ki ahau.
In order to... - kia... ai...
Haere mai koe ki konei kia kōrero ai tāua.
Come over here so we can talk.
In order to... - kia... ai...
Kia kaha ki te kōrero, kia rongo ai mātau.
Speak loudly so we can hear you.
In order to... - kia... ai...
Kia āta titiro ki te whakaahua, kia kite ai koe.
Look carefully at the picture so you can see.
In order to... - kia... ai...
Haere atu ki korā tū ai, kia pai ai tō titiro.
Go over there to stand so you can have a good look.
In order to... - kia... ai...
I haere au ki te tāone kia hoko ai i ngā hū hou.
I went to town in order to buy new shoes.
In order to... - kia... ai...
I whakaweto au i te pouaka whakaata kia moe ai au.
I turned off the TV in order to sleep.
In order to... - kia... ai...
I waiata au i tētahi waiata kia wareware ai aku raruraru.
I sang a song in order to forget my troubles.
In order to... - kia... ai...
I tuhi au i tētahi reta kia uru ai au ki roto i te raruraru.
I wrote a letter in order to get into trouble.
In order to... - kia... ai...
I taraiwa ia i te motokā kia haere ai ki tātahi.
He drove the car in order to go to the beach.
In order to... - kia... ai...
I haere mātou ki te kura kia kite ai i ngā hoa.
We went to school in order to see our friends.
In order to... - kia... ai...
I kōrero ia kia āwhina ai i te rōpū.
He spoke in order to help the group.
In order to... - kia... ai...
I hīkoi au ki te kāinga kia kite ai i tōku whānau.
I walked home in order to see my family.
In order to... - kia... ai...
I hīkoi au ki te kāinga kia kore ai au e kite i tōku whānau.
I walked home in order to not see my family.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
Haere mai koe ki konei kia kore ai koe e mākū.
Come over here so that you don't get wet.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
Kuhu mai ki roto kia kore ai koe e makariri.
Come inside so that you don't get cold.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
Me wehe tātau ināianei, kia kore ai tātau.
We had better leave now so we are not late.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
Me hoki mai koe ināianei, kia kore ai tō māmā e pukuriri.
You had better come back now so your mum doesn't get angry.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
I whakakā au i te pouaka whakaata kia kore ai au e moe.
I turned on the TV in order to not sleep.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
I waiata au i tētahi waiata kia kore ai au e wareware i aku raruraru.
I sang a song in order to not forget my troubles.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
I tuhi au i tētahi reta kia kore ai au e uru ki roto i te raruraru.
I wrote a letter in order to not get into trouble.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
I taraiwa ia i te motokā kia kore ai ia e haere ki tātahi.
He drove the car in order to not go to the beach.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
I haere mātou ki te kura kia kore ai mātou e kite i ngā hoa.
We went to school in order to not see our friends.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
I kōrero ia kia kore ai ia e āwhina i te rōpū.
He spoke in order to not help the group.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai
Rurea, taitea, kia tū ko taikaka anake.
If you strip away the exterior, reveal the treasure inside.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia
Ko taku hiahia kia mauria mai e koe he kūano tori.
I wish you would bring me a kitten.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia
Tukua te wairua kia rere ki ngā taumata.
Allow one's spirit to exercise its potential.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia
Ko taku tino hiahia kia haere ki Kanata, ki Amerika, ki Mehiko hoki.
I really want to go to Canada, America and Mexico.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia
Ko te nuinga ia i mea kia kāua e hoea ki te taua.
The majority, however, said that they should not paddle off to a hostile expedition.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia
Kāore e taea te taraiwa kia tika me te pātuhi anō.
You can't drive properly whilst at the same time texting.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia
Kāhore i āhei te tangata kia haere i te tahatika o te one.
People were not allowed to go to the shore.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia
He pai ake pea kia haere atu ki tētahi atu kura kaua ko tēnei.
Perhaps its better if she goes to a different school, not this one.
Another, a different - tētahi atu
Kāore ia e kia i te kai.
He will not cook food.
Kei te tuhi au i taku reta kia a ia.
I am writing my letter to him.
Ki a ia, kāore e tika kia whakatūria he whare moni ki Whakatipua.
In his opinion, a casino should not be established in Queenstown.
Kāore ano te mahi kia oti i āku tamariki.
My children have not yet completed the work.
Koia nei te wairua o te kōrero kia tino whakapau kaha koe i ngā wā katoa.
This is the essence of this proverb to expend all of your ability all the time.
Kāore anō kia pau te miraka.
The milk has not yet been consumed.
Āe rā, kia haere tāua ki hea?
Yes! Where shall we go?
Tātou ka mahi i te tawa kia rua rau putu te roa.
Let us make a tower 200 feet high.
Kei te hiahia au kia haere koe!
I want you to go!
Āe, kia ora. Mā te wā!
Yeah, thanks. See you later.
Kei te hiahia au kia koe i ō huawhenua!
I want you to eat your vegetables.
Kia mau kia ita.
Take hold and preserve it.
Kia tūturu, ka whakamaua kia tīna! Tīna!
Permanently fixed, established and understood!
Kia tau kia tātou katoa.
May peace, love, and safety.
E hine, kia ora.
Hi there girl.
I tono ahau kia mutu te tutū
I ordered that the rowdy behaviour should stop.
Kia kaha, kia māia.
Be strong, be brave.
Ā, he tika! Kia ora kia ora!
Huh, you're right! Good on ya!
Ka waiho au i te raiti kia kā.
I'll leave the light on.
Kāore anō tēnei pānui kia pānuitia e au.
This notice has not yet been read by me.
Kia ora e hoa, ko wai koe?
Hi friend, who are you?
Kia tau, kia tau!
Just chill out!
Te tikanga, me kōrero kia tika.
Supposedly, one should talk correctly.
Kia kaha, kia ū.
Be strong, be devoted.
Ko ngā paru kei raro i ō hū kia tino rahi.
Let the bottoms of your hoses get really muddy.
Kia ora, kia ora! He kamupene hāpai i te reo Māori me ōna tikanga.
Thank you, thank you! It is a company that elevates the language and its customs.
Kei te whāwhai atu rāua ki waho kia tīkina ngā kākahu horoi.
They are rushing outside to fetch the washing.
E pīrangi ana a Nikau kia mutu te patu tohorā.
Nikau wants the killing of whales to stop.
Kia tika a muri, kia tika a mua.
If things out the back are going well, things out the front will go well.
Haere tonu kia mutu rawa te mahi.
Keep going till the work is completed.
Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui.
Be strong, be brave...
E kō, haere ki te wharepaku. Kia tere!
Girl, go to the toilet. Hurry up!
E Hera, Tangiwai, kia ora kōrua. Kei te pēhea kōrua?
Hi Hera and Tangiwai. How are you two?
Āe, māu tonu, kia titiro au ki te rārangi o ngā kai hei hoko.
Yep, you drive, and I'll study the shopping list.
Me pai ō kōrua kākahu. Kia kamakama!
Your clothes need to look tidy. Quick!
Ka tohe ia ki a Pou kia kaua e haere mai.
He urged Pou not to come.
E hokona ana e au kia whā.
I am buying four.
E tūmanako ana mātou kia whakaāe mai te Kawanatanga ki tā mātou pitihana.
We are hoping the Government will agree to our petition.
E tūmanako ana au kia hoki mai taku tau ākuanei.
I am hoping my darling will return home soon.
Ko taku hiahia kia mauria mai e koe he kūao tori.
I wish you would bring me a kitten.
Ka karanga a Rāpata ki a au kia tū.
Rapata called to me to stand.
E hia ngā pene? Kia hia ngā huka? Tokohia ngā tangata?
How many pens? How many sugars would you like? How many people?
Taihoa. Me tatari kia tū mārika te waka.
Hold on. You need to wait until the car has come to a complete stop.
"Katoa tō mātou kapa e tino manawanui nei i te āheinga a te hunga reo Māori ki te whakamutu i ā rātou mahi hoko kai i roto i te reo, i te āheinga hoki mā te whānui me te whāroa o ā mātou toronga, ka āwhina kia whakarauora i te reo, ā, kia whakamahia e ngā whakatipuranga kei te pihi ake."
"Our entire team is incredibly proud that not only can te reo Māori speakers now complete their shopping in their own language, but that we can use our scale and reach to help ensure te reo Māori is revitalised and used for generations to come."
Mokori anō kia rere a mihi.
It is right to acknowledge you (for this kai).
Ko tā Hannifin anō, he tuku whakamoemiti ki Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori i tā rātou tautoko kia whai oranga ai tēnei kaupapa
Hannifin says Countdown is grateful to Te Taura Whiri for their tautoko in bringing the project to life.
Engari hei tāna, "i roto i ngā tau ka huri ake ki muri, kaare anō kia āta whakaritea mai tētahi rautaki e ngātahi atu ai te pounga waihoe o te reo Māori ki roto i te ao hauora".
But he said over the past few years, there has been a lack of preparation and plan for te reo Maōri use in the health sector.
Ko te reo kia tika, ko te reo kia rere, ko te reo kia Māori.
Let the language be correct, let it flow, let it be inherently Māori.