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Results for 'makawe'

makawe - hair of the head (human, used in plural: ngā makawe)

hopi makawe - shampoo

kaikuti makawe - hairdresser

tapahinga makawe - haircut

Kua whakatika ia i ōna makawe.
He's straightened his hair.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Me heru ō makawe.
You should comb your hair.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me paraihe koe i ō makawe.
You should brush your hair.
Simple sentences: you should - me

He makawe whero te wahine e waiata ana.
The woman singing has red hair.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana

He makawe pākākā ō te wahine e waiata ana.
The woman singing has brown hair.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana

He rite te makawe o Mia ki ō tōna whaea.
Mia's hair is just like her mother's.
This is just like that - he rite tonu

I herua ōku makawe.
My hair was combed.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I herua ōku makawe e tōku hoa.
My hair was combed by my friend.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I a au e taiohi ana, i tukua aku makawe kia tupu. I āhua roa tonu.
When I was a teenager, I let my hair grow. It got quite long.
When I was young - I a e tamariki ana

He poto ōna makawe.
His hair is short.
Categorizing sentences - he

Kāore anō ngā tamariki tāne kia paraihe i ō rātou makawe.
The boys have not brushed their hear yet.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

He pango, he parauri rānei ngā makawe o tō tama?
Is you son's hair black or brown?
Or... - ...rānei

Ka horoi au i tō upoko me ō makawe.
I'll wash your head and your hair.

He roa ōna makawe.
Her hair is long.

He roa, he koromikomiko hoki ōna makawe.
Her hair is long and curly.

He mingimingi ōna makawe.
Her hair is curly.

He māwhai ōna makawe.
His hair is wavy.

He tokokaka ōna makawe.
Her hair is straight.

He taratara ōna makawe.
His hair is spiky.

He kōrinorino ōna makawe.
She has dreadlocks.

He hewa ōna makawe.
He is bald.

He parauri ana makawe.
She has brown hair.

He urukehu ōna makawe.
Her hair is blonde.

He kōura ōna makawe.
Her hair is gold.

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