mamae - hurt, sore, pain
Kua mamae tōku kakī.My neck is sore.Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kei hea koe e mamae ana?Where's your sore? -
I oti i a au, engari kua mamae taku ringa i te tuhituhi.I completed it but my hand is sore from all the writing.Conjunctions - but - engari
Kei te mamae tō taringa?Have you got a sore ear?When - Kia
Ka mamae aku turi, ngā wāhi katoa ōku, engari kāore e heke taku taumaha.They hurt my knees, and every other part of me, yet I don't seem to lose any weight.Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Kei te tino mamae tana tinana.His body is very sore.
Kei te kōrero ia: "He mate kei taku waewae. Kei te toto! E mamae ana taku turi!".He says: "My leg is sore! There's blood! My knee hurts!".
Kei te mamae tō korokoro?Have you got a sore throat?
Kei te mamae taku tuarā.My back is sore.
Kua mamae taku poho.My chest is sore.
He mamae tōku ringa.My hand hurts.
He rarangatanga nāna i ngā rourou, ka tino mamae ana matikara.She wove the food baskets, and her fingers were very sore.
Kua mamae taku taringa.My ear is sore.