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Results for 'mihi'

mihi - to greet; thank; acknowledge

mīhini - machine

kimihia - sought; look for! (kimi + passive suffix -hia)

kaiaka-mīhini - mechanic

mihi - chemist

mihimihi - greetings and introductions

mihinare - missionary; Anglican

mīhini hoko - vending machine

mīhini keri - digger

whakamihi - grateful

Kei te mihi te koroua ki ngā manuhiri.
The elderly man is acknowledging the visitors.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

E tika ana me tū ki te mihi atu ki a koe.
It is appropriate to stand and acknowledge you..
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E tika ana kia mihi au ki a koe me tō whānau i tēnei wā pōuri.
It is appropriate for me to greet you and your family at this sad time.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

I noho rātou ki te kāinga o Manu.
They stayed at Manu's home.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

Kua tīmata ngā mihimihi.
The speeches have begun.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Me mihi ka tika ki a koe.
It is entirely appropriate I acknowledge you.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me mihi ka tika ki a kōrua.
It is entirely appropriate I acknowledge you both.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me mihi ka tika ki a koutou.
It is entirely appropriate I acknowledge you people.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Mā ngā kaikōrero e mihi ngā manuhiri.
It will be the speakers who will greet the visitors.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Mā te mīhini e mahi ngā mea katoa.
The machine will do everything.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Kei raro i te motokā te kurī e kimihia ana e koe.
The dog which you are looking for is under the car.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kua kimihia tāna waea pūkoro i ngā wāhi katoa.
His cell phone has been searched for everywhere.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I utaina e au ngā kākahu ki roto i te mīhini horoi.
The clothes were loaded into the washing machine by me.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I mihia ahau.
I was acknowledged.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I mihia e ahau.
They were acknowledged by me.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I utaina e au ngā kākahu ki roto i te mīhini horoi.
The clothes were loaded into the washing machine by me.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kei te kimihia he whare mō te kura.
A house is being sought for the school.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka kimihia tētahi tikanga, e kitea ai he moni.
A plan will be sought whereby money will be found.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E kimihia ana he tikanga.
A plan is/was being sought.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Nō muri tata mai ka whakamihia ia mō āna mahi.
Shortly afterwards she was acknowledged for what she'd done.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka mihia mātou e te tangata whenua.
We were greeted by the home people.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E kimihia ana te kiore e te ngeru.
The cat is searching for the rat.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E kimihia ana he tikanga e ngā āpiha.
A plan is being sought by the officials.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua kimihia e ia āna kī i ngā wāhi katoa.
He has searched everywhere for his keys. (Literally, his keys have been searched for everywhere.).
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka kimihia he puna wai, nō whea e kitea.
They looked for a spring, but had no luck whatsoever finding one.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea

Ka kimihihia he rūma mōtēra e wātea ana, nō whea e kitea.
They looked for a vacant motel room, but had no luck whatsoever finding one.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea

Kāore anō ngā mihimihi kia tīmata.
The speeches of welcome have not begun yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Ka mīharo rātou, me te tino whakamihi.
They were all full of admiration, and very grateful.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka tū mai te tumuaki ki te mihi ki a rātou.
The headmaster stood up to greet them.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ngā mihi manahau ki a kōrua.
Delighted greetings to you both.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

Nei rā te mihi ki a kōrua.
Here indeed is my acknowledgement to you both.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

Ka nui te mihi ki a tātou.
Greetings to us all.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

Ngā mihi me te aroha ki a koe.
Best wishes and love to you.

Ka nui āku mihi ki a koutou.
I greet your warmly.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Ngā mihi ki a koutou mo ā koutou toa ki te hī ika!
Compliments to you on your fishing skills!
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Haere mai ki te mihi ki tōku whanau!
Come and meet my family!
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ka mihi ahau ki tōku kara, arā te kara hui o te Kuini.
I greet my flag, the great flag of the Queen.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kāore ia i te kimihia e ōna hoa.
His friends aren't looking for him.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...

Ngā mihi nui mō te Rā o te Whaea.
Happy Mother's day.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea

He mihi tērā ki te whānau whānui.
That is a greeting to the extended family.
That (over there) - tērā

I hea a Retitia rāua ko Mihinui?
Where were Retitia and Mihinui?
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Mihi mai ki a mātou.
Greet us.
Towards - mai

I te ono karaka, kua tae atu rātou ki Ōmihi.
By six o'clock they had got to Ōmihi.
Away - atu

Mihi atu ki ōu kaumātua.
Greet your elders.
Away - atu

Mihi atu ki ōu kaumātua.
Greet your elders.
Away - atu

Tuatahi me mihi ki te hunga mate. Tuarua me mihi ki te hunga ora.
Firstly you should acknowledge the dead (group of dead people). Secondly you should acknowledge the living (group of living people)
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...

Ko Ponga te mea i mihi puku ki a ia.
Ponga admired her silently.

Me mihi mātou ki a koutou ka tika.
It is appropriate we greet you.

He mihi tēnei ki a koe.
This is an acknowledgement to you.

He mihi tēnei ki a kōrua.
This is an acknowledgement to you two.

He mihi tēnei ki a koutou.
This is an acknowledgement to you people (3+).

Ngā mihi manahau ki a koe.
Delighted greetings to you.

Ngā mihi manahau ki a koutou.
Delighted greetings to you people (3+).

Nei rā te mihi ki a koe.
Here indeed is my acknowledgement to you.

Nei rā te mihi ki a koutou.
Here indeed is my acknowledgement to you people.

Ka rawe te pō nei e Koa, ka nui ngā mihi ki a koe!
This was an excellent night Koa, many thanks to you!

Ngā mihi matakuikui ki a koe.
Joyful greetings to you.

Ngā mihi matakuikui ki a kōrua.
joyful greetings to you both.

Ngā mihi matakuikui ki a koutou.
joyful greetings to you three or more.

I ēnei rā, mā te mīhini e mahi te nuinga o ngā mahi.
These days, machines do most of the work.

Ahakoa haere koe ki hea, me mihi ki te mana whenua.
No matter where yo go, you must acknowledge the people of the place.

Nei rā te reo mihi ki te mana whenua.
Here is my greeting to the people.

Nei te mihi matakuikui ki te hau kāinga.
Joyful greetings to the home crowd.

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koe.
Warm greetings to you.

Mihia tō kuia.
Greet your grandmother.

Ngā mihi rā i tō rā whānau.
Wishing you a happy birthday.

Ngā mihi nui mō te Rā o te Pāpā.
Happy Father's day.

Ngā mihi rā ki a kōrua.
Congratulations to you both.

Kimihia te kupu ki te papakupu.
Look for the word in the dictionary.

E tū ki te mihi.
Stand up to greet.

Ngā mihi.

Ngā mihi o te wā.
Seasons greetings.

Ko te nama kei te taha raro o te mīhini.
The number is on the underside of the machine.

I mihi a Rangi ki a ia.
Rangi greeted him.

He mihi nui ki a koutou.
A big greeting to you all.

He mihi tēnei ki te whānau whānui.
This is a greeting to the extended (wider) family.

Tau kē kōrua, ka nui ngā mihi.
You two are great. Thank you!

Ngā mihi o te ata; kei te pēhea koutou?
Morning greetings, how are you (three +)?

Ngā mihi o te ahiahi; kei te pēhea tātou?
Afternoon greetings, how are we?

Ngā mihi o te pō; kei te pēhea koutou katoa?
Evening greetings, how are you all?

Ngā mihi o te wā; kei te pēhea koutou?
Season greetings, how are you (three +)?

Tēnā koe i tō mihi mai.
Thanks for acknowledging me.

He tuatahi i te ao tēnei āheinga a te kiritaki o Countdown ki te tīpako i te reo Māori i ngā paeutu kaihoko, he mihi, he poroāki hoki ka rangona.
It's a world-first for Countdown customers to be able to have te reo Māori as a language option at self-service checkouts, with an audio greeting and farewell already established.

He hopunga kōrero reo Māori anō ka tāpirihia atu ki ngā mīhini hei ngā marama tata ake nei.
More audio in te reo Māori will be added to the system in the next few months.

Mokori anō kia rere a mihi.
It is right to acknowledge you (for this kai).

Ko te tohu tērā i tika atu ai ia ki Waikimihia.
This was the sign that led her straight to Waikimihia.

He mihi tērā ki te whānau whānui.
That was a greeting to the extended family.

E tū ki te mihi.
Stand up to greet.

Kei te mihi te koroua ki ngā manuhiri.
The elderly man is greeting the visitors.

He pai tā te koroua mihi.
The elderly man's greeting was excellent.

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