momo - type, kind
E toru ngā momo tūmahi i te reo, otirā e pā ana ki te reremahi.There are three types of verbs in the language, related to verbal sentences.Conjunctions - however - otirā
He pai ki taku māmā tēnei momo hū.My mum likes this type of shoe.Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
He aha tēnei momo kai?What type of food is this?What? - He aha?
He momo ika.A species of fish.
He momo mangō te ururoa.An ururoa is a type of shark.
Koia kei a ia, he momo tērā nō tō koutou whānau.He's onto it. That's an attribute from your family.
E tā Manu, he pai ake tēnei momo paihikara.According to Manu, this type of bike is better.
I runga ngā momo kai katoa i te tēpu.All kinds of food were on the table.
He koretake tēnei momo pēke.This type of bag is useless.