Results for 'mutunga'
mutunga - end (mutu + noun ending -nga)
I haere au ki te awa ki to hīkoi i te mutunga wiki.
I went to the river to go walking in the weekend.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I aha koe i te mutunga wiki?
What did you do in the weekend?
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I te mutunga wiki i haere au ki te awa,te kura, te toa hoki.
On the weekend I went to the river, to the school and also to the shop.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
I te mutunga o te hui, ka tū he arotakenga.
At the end of the hui, an evaluation was done.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
I te mutunga o te pōwhiri, ka tū te hākari.
At the end of the welcome, a feast was held.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
I aha koe i te mutunga wiki.
What did you do in the weekend?
Sentences with i - i
Kei te wharenui te iwi e kōrero ana mō te hui ā te mutunga wiki.
The people are in the wharenui talking about the meeting on the weekend.
Tū ai ngā whakamātautau i te mutunga o te tau.
The exams always take place at the end of the year.
Habitual action - ai
Nō te tau 1950 taku kitenga mutunga i a ia.
The last time I saw her was in 1950.
Belonging to the past - nō
I te mutunga iho, ka whakaaetia e te katoa.
In the end, it was agreed to unanimously.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I te mutunga o te hui, ka tū he konohete.
At the end of the hui, a concert was held.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te
I te mutunga o te wānanga ka ngana a Taika ki te whakawehe i ōna mātua.
At the conclusion of the wānanga Taika attempted to separate his parents.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te
He kēmu netipōro i tēnei mutunga wiki?
A netball game this weekend?
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...
Te hui a te Whiringa-ā-nuku ko te mea mutunga mō tēnei tau.
The meeting in October will be the last for the year.
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...
He paki te rā, he pai te kai, he pai te kōrero. He rawe tērā mutunga wiki i tērā tau.
It was a sunny day, good food, good conversation. That was an excellent weekend last year.
Last week, last month, last year - tērā
Ka aha koe ā te mutunga wiki nei?
What are you doing this weekend?
I aha koe i te mutunga wiki? He pai tō āhua!
What did you do in the weekend? You look great!
I oma, i kauhoe, i eke paihikara hoki au i te mutunga wiki.
I ran, I swam and I biked over the weekend.
Te mutunga kē mai o te pai.
Couldn't be better.
E hoa, he tino pai taku mutunga wiki!
Mate, my weekend was great.
Tika tāu e hoa. I aha koe i te mutunga wiki?
You are right! What did you do in the weekend?
He rawe te mutunga wiki.
An excellent weekend.
I te mutunga o te akoranga, ka tū te arotakenga.
At the end of the lesson an evaluation was done.