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Results for 'ngenge'

ngenge - tired

I ngenge koe.
You were tired.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

Ka ngenge ahau.
I will be tired.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka tino ngenge koe.
You will be very tired.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka āhua ngenge a Hēmi.
Hēmi will be somewhat tired.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Kei te ngenge te kaimahi.
The worker is tired.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te ngenge koe.
You are tired.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te tino ngenge a Mere.
Mere is very tired.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te ngenge koe?
Are you tired?
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te āhua ngenge koe.
You are somewhat tired.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te tino ngenge ahau.
I am very tired.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te ngenge au.
I'm tired.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Ka ngenge ia.
He or she will be tired.

Kei te ngenge rawa atu au.
I'm extremely tired.

Kei te tino ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi is very tired.

I āhua ngenge ahau.
I was somewhat tired.

Ka āhua ngenge ahau.
I will be somewhat tired.

Kei te ngenge ia.
He or she is tired.

I tino ngenge a Mere.
Mere was very tired.

Ka tino ngenge a Mere.
Mere will be very tired.

Kei te tino ngenge a Hēmi.
Hēmi is very tired.

I ngenge ahau.
I was tired.

Kei te āhua ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat tired.

I āhua ngenge koe.
You were somewhat tired.

Ka āhua ngenge koe.
You will be somewhat tired.

I tino ngenge a Hēmi.
Hēmi was very tired.

Ka tino ngenge a Hēmi.
Hēmi will be very tired.

Kei te āhua ngenge a Mere.
Mere is somewhat tired.

Ka ngenge koe.
You will be tired.

Kei te ngenge koe, , Ataahua?
You're tired, aren't you, Ataahua?

Kei te āhua ngenge a Hēmi.
Hēmi is somewhat tired.

I āhua ngenge ia.
He or she was somewhat tired.

Ka āhua ngenge ia.
He or she will be somewhat tired.

Kei te ngenge tonu au.
I'm still tired.

I āhua ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat tired.

Ka āhua ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat tired.

I ngenge ia.
He or she was tired.

Kei te āhua ngenge ahau.
I am somewhat tired.

I tino ngenge ahau.
I was very tired.

Ka tino ngenge ahau.
I will be very tired.

I āhua ngenge a Mere.
Mere was somewhat tired.

Ka āhua ngenge a Mere.
Mere will be somewhat tired.

Kei te āhua ngenge ia.
He or she is somewhat tired.

I tino ngenge koe.
You were very tired.

I āhua ngenge a Hēmi.
Hēmi was somewhat tired.

Kei te tino ngenge koe.
You are very tired.

Kei te āhua ngenge au.
I'm somewhat tired.

He ngenge pea nōu, ka kore e hia kai?
Maybe you are tired, will you not eat?

Kei te tino ngenge ia.
He or she is very tired.

I tino ngenge ia.
He or she was very tired.

Ka tino ngenge ia.
He or she will be very tired.

Kei te tino ngenge au.
I'm very tired.

Kei te ngenge ahau.
I am tired.

I tino ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi was very tired.

Ka tino ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi will be very tired.

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