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Results for 'noa'

noa - free from tapu; only, just, merely

I mahi poka noa au ki te keri i te whenua, ka kohete mai ia, 'E tama e! Me taki karakia i te tuatahi'.
I heedlessly started digging and she growled at me, 'Boy! You should do karakia first!'
Simple sentences: past tense - i

Kua kite noa atu ahau ka ngaro te reo Māori.
I saw long ago that the Māori language will disappear.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Pēnei au he māmā noa iho te oma ki tātahi.
I thought running to the beach would be a piece of cake.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...

Pēnei au he māmā noa iho te whatu kākahu.
I thought it would be easy as to knit clothes.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...

Kia ahatia. He rākau noa iho te papa, he māmā te horoi.
Never mind. It's a wooden floor. It's easy to clean.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@

Kia ahatia, he māmā noa iho muku i te papa.
Never mind, the floor's easy to wipe.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@

mua noa atu te walkman i te ipod.
The Walkman came long before the ipod.
Belonging to the past - nō

muri noa mai ka whānau mai ngā tamariki a Amaru rāua ko Ani.
The children of Amaru and Ani were born much later.
Belonging to the past - nō

Kaua e pōhēhē he huarahi ngāwari noa iho te huarahi ki te mātauranga.
Don't kid yourself that the path to knowledge is an easy one.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kua hōha noa ia ki ngā harihari kōrero me te amuamu anō a ngā kiritata.
He was annoyed at the gossip and also the complaining from his neighbours.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō

Hei te whare noa atu au noho mai ai.
I will stay at another house far away from yours.
Direction - ...ai

I a mātou e tamariki ana, e rua noa ngā hongere i te pouaka whakaata.
When we were young, there were only two television channels.
When I was young - I a e tamariki ana

He ruarua noa ngā ika i mau i a au i tēnei ata. Heoi anō, he pai ake te iti i te kore.
I only caught a few fish this morning. Still, a few is better than none.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō

Ka tau ngā karoro, ka oma atu te kurī, ka rere. Ka tau anō, ka oma anō te kurī ki te hopū, ka taki rere anō ngā manu. Pēnei tonu ā pau noa te hau o te kurī.
The seagulls would land and the dog take off after them, whereupon they'd take flight. Then they'd land again, the dog would run off again to try to catch them, and they'd all take to the air again. It carried on like this until the dog finally ran out of puff.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...

Homai ana e Mahuika he ahi, whakawetohia ana e Māui. Pēneitia tonutia ā pau noa ngā maikuku katoa, atu i tētehi mea kotahi.
Mahuika gave him fire, Māui doused it. This carried on until all of her fingernails were used up except one.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...

Kua mate noa atu ia.
He has passed away.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Ka haere noa atu te iwi whenua ki ō rātou kāinga.
The local tribe went to their home.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Mate noa ake rātou katoa i te aroha ki taua kōtiro.
They were all overcome with love for that girl.

Ka roa noa atu tōku rerenga i roto i tōku rererangi.
I can go for miles in my airplane.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

He roa noa atu te kōrero a te iwi nei i taua .
The tribe's discussion that night lasted for a long time.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

He makariri noa atu tērā.
It was an extremely cold night.

He pai noa tēnei wai.
This water is just right.

Kei konei ia tae noa ki te Mane,.
She's here till Monday.

He māmā noa iho! Pēhea hoki koe?
Easy as! How about you?

He hangarau noa e , he hangarau noa!
I'm only pretending, Ma, just pretending!

Ka mutu noa i konei.
That's the end.

Ko tētahi āhuatanga whakaohorere ki te ākonga reo Māori, ko te akoranga nei, ehara noa te wātū i te "ka".
A common confusion for Māori language learners is that the verb "ka" is not only used for future tense.

He poto noa aho.
Time is short.

E iti noa ana te aroha.
A small thing given with love.

Kei runga noa atu koe.
You're the best.

Kei runga noa atu koe!
You're on to it!

tētahi tangata nui noa atu taua hāte.
That shirt belonged to a bigger man.

muri noa nei i karamgatoa ai ko Tikirau.
Since then, [it] has been called Tikirau.

muri noa mai.
Much later.

mua noa atu.
A long time before.

Kei te pai noa iho taku mahi.
My work is easy peasy.

Kīano i moe noa i te tāne.
[She] had not yet married a man.

Ka rūpeke noa rātou ki waenga o te marae e nohoia e te manuhiri.
They all gathered together in the middle of the marae where the visitors were sitting.

He kāinga iti noa iho a Ōtautahi!
Christchurch is just a little village!

Kotahi noa iho.
Only one.

Pai noa iho e .
Easy, sweet as, bro.

Pai noa iho e hine.
Easy, sweet as, girl.

Pai noa iho te .
The tea is just fine.

He noa iho e Aria.
Just tea, Aria.

E rua haora noa-atu-, i konei ahau.
I was here two hours ago.

I noho noa iho au ki te kāinga.
I just stayed home.

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