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Results for 'nuinga'

nuinga - majority (nui + nominal suffix -nga)

I te nuinga o te .
Most of the time.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

He Pākehā te nuinga o ngā tauira i reira.
Most of the students there are Pākehā.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ko Ingarangi pea te kīnga tūturu o te nuinga o te iwi Pākehā.
The original home of most Pākehā people is probably England.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kātahi ka mahara te koroheke ki te nuinga o tōna pai.
Then then old man began to thing about his abundant good fortune.
And then... - kātahi ka...

Ko te nuinga ia i mea kia kāua e hoea ki te taua.
The majority, however, said that they should not paddle off to a hostile expedition.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia

I ēnei , te mīhini e mahi te nuinga o ngā mahi.
These days, machines do most of the work.

Ko te nuinga kei runga i ngā maunga.
The majority were on the mountains.

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