Results for 'nāku'
nāku - mine, realised possession,
it was done by me (ā category)
Nāu i horoi, nāku i tāora.
You washed, I dried.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Ehara nāku tēnei.
That is not mine.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...
Ehara nāku te karakia i taki.
I was not the one who recited the prayer.
Ehara nāku te karakia i taki, nā Pāora kē.
I was not the one who recited the prayer, it was Pāora.
Ehara nāku i whakapai te māra.
I did not fix the garden.
Pāpā, nāku kē i raka te whare, nā Nikau i whakaweto te hikohiko. Kua pai tātou.
Pāpā, I locked the house. Nikau turned the power off. We are fine.